Premium Access enables members to view "The Rest of the Story" content within reviews which is not available to guests to the site, registered members, or our female members. You will also be able to make and view "Private" posts in our public forums as well as have access to additional "Premium Access Only" forums...such as the Men's Lounge.
Premium Access can be obtained by choosing one of our affordable payment options, or by actively contributing to site content, such as a frequent poster or reviewer.*
10 day Sneak Preview | $10 (one time charge) |
1 month | $25 (one time charge) |
3 months | $50 (one time charge) |
6 months | $75 (one time charge) |
1 year | $125 (one time charge) |
* Free Premium Access is currently granted manually and is based on your contributions here as well as your history within the Escort/Client community. (ex. active member on one of the many national message/review boards) Soon, this process will be automated and based on your review contributions within the ECCIE community only.