This guy likes to go around threatening girls and spreading rumors to ruin their name when they do something he doesn't agree with and refuse to see him.

The truth behind the lies he spreads about me is that he had agreed to loan me $350 as a friend not on a provider client level. As in no services were to be exchanged. This is because I was attempting to settle down and was getting married in a month or 2. I got there and he had changed his mind and decided he wanted me to sleep with him. I think it should there for be considered my payment and no payback should be necessary. But that's neither here nor there. The fact is he's running around saying I took it out of his wallet when he had his back turned, which is not true at all.

I honestly dont even think this belongs on eccie but I need to set the story straight.

Providers who were commenting on the thread I started in our section please retell your stories here. Time to make this assshole pay ladies.
Hercules's Avatar
I got there and he had changed his mind and decided he wanted me to sleep with him. I think it should there for be considered my payment and no payback should be necessary. Originally Posted by MaddieMonroe
Could you please clarify? Was there $350 worth of services provided by you?
I am so glad I did not see him. I remember the emails. I hope the other ladies come forward and post what they know.

He does not realize all those girls he thinks that are not seeing AA are really taking his money and giving it to the PIMP. They are laughing at him and calling him a sucker. They are hustling him for every dime they can.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
This man is a disgrace to the community here and has been for years!
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Maddie, you write very well.....And isn't this the jerk off who sent fucked up emails to ladies who saw black dudes??

I hope you're not marrying a black guy because Licker is going to be pissed!

And good for you for NOT being a post "whore", and calling this clown out....
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Maddie, you write very well.....And isn't this the jerk off who sent fucked up emails to ladies who saw black dudes??

I hope you're not marrying a black guy because Licker is going to be pissed!

And good for you for NOT being a post "whore", and calling this clown out.... Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Yes it is the same guy
Nope, I had married a white man in the air force, getting a divorce now though.

I however only provided about $200 of services. The point I'm trying to get across to everyone is that I didnt rob him. Even as as escort I know you dont loan money to an escort unless you know them on a personal level.
He really cracks me up with his, "she's off the list" comments on various ladies reviews. I am more than sure, the majority of the ladies here, are very pleased to NOT be on his list.
NearHauteRed's Avatar
Even as as escort I know you dont loan money to an escort unless you know them on a personal level. Originally Posted by MaddieMonroe
Even then, you don't loan money UNLESS you can afford them not paying you back, this goes in the real world as well. As far as lending a provider money goes, I do not, I just take it in trade.
NearHauteRed's Avatar
He really cracks me up with his, "she's off the list" comments on various ladies reviews. I am more than sure, the majority of the ladies here, are very pleased to NOT be on his list. Originally Posted by Reese Foster
Very true.........the only ones that seem to be on his "list" are newbies to the hobby world who do not know any better and those girls would not see him again!
Simple thing here. If he loaned you money as a friend and not as a provider, then you would be under no obligation to pay him back with your servives. You would be obligated to what ever terms were agreed upon for the loan.

If you both decided to accept your provider services as part or full payment for the loan, then thats just fine. I would think if your rate for the session is $200, then you would still owe him $150 is cash or services.

However I do understand the real issue is him lying and not the repayment terms. He is s scum bag and an asshole but good luck getting him off here. The sad truth is, as long as he has money, women here and elsewhere will see him.
Most this of this boils down to the fact that once I came back he contacted me with his arrogant, shitty attitude and I refused to see him. That's when the threats started to roll in. The threats to ruin me on eccie and sell any and all pics and videos he had for money.

I'm sure anybody who has looked at my past reviews knows the controversy in the comments about my age. I started a little young because for some reason as soon as I found out about this industry I knew I wanted to do it and be a part of this community. He was one of my first few clients, and wanted to take pictures. He had made me sign a photo release, which he tried to throw in my face saying he had the right to sell my pics and such. Upon telling him I was underage he set all the slander on eccie into motion.

Before you even say it I know, I know shame on me. Shouldn't have been out here so young. But it's over and done, and the point is that Licker License has been not only harassing myself and other girls, but he's been doing it for some time now.
OldGrump's Avatar
Maddie, you stated your case very well. And thanks for the ladies who added credibility to her claims. I think the "he said" part of this story has gone down the drain. I vote to revoke his "old guy" membership. We are a kind and gentle sort.
Typically, yes you are. He's a rare breed. But when you spend 20+ years locked up it tends to changed your attitude and outlook on a lot of things.
Bluesplyr's Avatar
still curious who this a hole is.