Ban-a-palooza 2015! (someone had to do it)

BS ain't all that bad a guy. Watching him meltdown trying to defend his position kinda convinced me he's on the level. Who would go to that extreme of they weren't legit? The meltdown kinda reminded me of wreckshop, but that doesn't mean he IS wreckshop. I mean girls always tell me I remind them of George Clooney, doesn't mean I AM George Clooney. LOL!! (maybe, they were lying?) Nah...

Obviously its time to update the list!
We can't let our beloved friend Fancy go unrecognized. But before I add the Sexy Sassy Lassy, are there any other names to add.
I'm only going to do this once. PM or post any recent names you'd like to see on the list please.
Oralist's Avatar
Shows what I (don't) know. I thought Fancy was a staff member of sorts.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
How original, back to that one now.....
list to date
Crazy Marine
Anna Star
Would you people have a meeting and pick one?
Maybe I'm all of them? :tinfoil: Originally Posted by black sunshine
Well If I had to pick one from that list.

Where are you buying those gas station dick pills now anyways?
black sunshine's Avatar
Actually we all pass this handle around to keep the simple minded confused.
It's a multi city coalition to identify sub intellect on SHMB's.
Our joint efforts seem to be very successful.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Keep working that angle.
black sunshine's Avatar
And you keep working yours.
Pretty soon you'll be able to fuck around a corner.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Is that what those gas station dick pill so for you?
black sunshine's Avatar
Do you speak English?
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Sometimes but I always know an internet badass when I see one...

black sunshine's Avatar
Slow down and think about what you write.

Good edit actual English
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Yep but the picture was the important part of the post...the text not so much.
black sunshine's Avatar
A tough guy because I ask you write something that is actually readable?
Rikki, when are you going for the Perma ban?

I want to watch that.
black sunshine's Avatar
You haven't heard I'm wreckshop, I mean Anna,
I mean ........ oh fuck I don't remember.
The fact, that you answered it not addressed to your handle .... Party on man