Ban-a-palooza 2015! (someone had to do it)

SpiceItUp's Avatar
Oh I thought we were talking about permanent bans of actual separate and distinct people. My bad.

Yeah troll accounts/multiple handle accounts get permabanned all the time. I was referring to how we deal with the person who made the multiple handle account in the first place or other repeat offenders.

And yes, what DH said regarding temporarily permabanning an account until they contact staff is done as well. That's less of a disciplinary measure and more of a means to ensure we get their attention and address the issue before allowing them back.
SpiceItUp's Avatar
You were told to cut it out? Really? Originally Posted by boardman
Lol yeah who told you to cut it out? That's an unenforceable directive if true. You're entitled to wear that tin foil loud and proud. Feel free.
Was just kidding about admin.
Heh get a sense of humor...
I got an extra one for sale of you're looking...
Slightly used and severely bent.
SpiceItUp's Avatar
Hey man just asking. You never know, mods/admins are not immune from overreaching their authority and getting called on it.

...and my sense of humor is fully intact believe me. This place is endless amusing entertainment for a myriad of reasons.
chicagoboy's Avatar
Yeah troll accounts/multiple handle accounts get permabanned all the time. Originally Posted by SpiceItUp
Bring back BARebACK OBAMA! We never got to hear what kind of BBQ he prefers.
...and my sense of humor is fully intact believe me. Originally Posted by SpiceItUp
This much I'm aware of...
But I'm still stuck with this second personality i can't get rid of. Ya think pyramider could use another voice in his head?
dearhunter's Avatar
Banning you yet again is no great effort.
Interesting chain of events...
Wakeup's Avatar's really not...
dearhunter's Avatar
See yu...wouldn't wana be yu
This is a streamlined version of a supposed dual account that was reversed after a thorough investigation.. Perhaps more will follow when the other's BAN is lifted/reduced and they return as well.

I can't find the forum rules to copy/paste the precise language of the ban, but in short: Lifetime ban for violation of Rule #18: Multiple accounts...especially when being used by a provider to gain access to restricted information.

I'd been queried about whether or not I'd ever allowed a provider to log into my account shortly after I reviewed AlyssaXOXO - I hadn't, and panicked - presuming someone was trying to out me or maliciously do something, so I changed my password, started checking to see if there was anything I had done that could be linked back to me in real life...

Then I got banned as above for being a manhandle (I thought I was being hacked, not that I was under suspicion of being a manhandle). I started thinking about it - and before I had premium access, or even knew such a thing existed, during my first date (with Fancy) - I logged into ECCIE from her PC, and she gave me a tour of the community, explained acronyms - all the questions I'd been asking on the boards or in PMs. I'd only ever seen her once, and all subsequent logins of mine have been from my own personal computer - but I suppose it would be suspicious if a new account like mine logged in relatively soon after creation from a computer with a MAC address tied to a provider's account.

At the same time that I got banned, I read on here that she'd been banned for a year, or shortly before - or that when I got banned, her ban was extended to a year. I e-mailed the admins, and the site owners - I have a verified P411 account as well as contact with other...members and admin...outside of written word here on ECCIE, so it wasn't difficult to demonstrate that I was a unique individual that wasn't Fancy.

So to answer the question, "How do you avoid doing what I did to get banned" - I didn't violate any rules - but I wouldn't log into ECCIE from a provider's incall again just to be safe. Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman pissed off all of Modville. They started foaming at the mouth that you joined the team and started going through your shit with a flea comb. The mac address was too easy.

It's hilarious. I'm flying her flag and, for that alone, they won't let me in the SH (Shit Hole). Edit: they're in there now talking about you.

Hint: you and Fancy need to get mac address and i.p. spoofers. I mean .... really.

Edit: so let's understand this better. 2 days after posting an Axoxo review, you get a lifetime ban for an offense committed 2 months prior.

newTG reports. You decide. Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
TG's situation was handled at the admin level not the local moderator level, though we were of course kept in the loop as a courtesy.

People are completely free to discuss any details of their own rules violations that they wish to. Other people are completely free to make comments/speculate. It's just that mods don't discuss the details until someone else brings them up, that's all. There's no prohibition whatsoever on members talking about it or mods either once the information is brought to light by someone else.

Also, TG you can restate in your own words any private communications you may have had with anyone, member or staff, in order to tell your side of the story. As long as no direct quotes are made its not a problem. It's your prerogative.
Originally Posted by SpiceItUp
Some of the admins used to be local moderators if that's what you're getting at, but the entire admin team was involved in the process just like the entire local mod team is involved the deliberation and discussion regarding any locally handled ban. Originally Posted by SpiceItUp
Fancy's BAN was prior to nTG's (newTG) by a week maybe 2. I heard from the grapevine and the grape, but out of respect I won't repeat anything that isn't already in public forum. FYI TG, the term potty mouthed whore usually refers to one who plays fast and loose with someone's RW info.

Chain of events and possible causes.
Fancy was BANNED, TG posts the BAN was for a year. The only thing that comes to mind that brings a year BAN is potty mouth related. This is of atomic proportions and things need to be corralled quickly. Everyone that's been in contact with Fancy is now radioactive until cleared. Contain, Clean, Release. Seeing And reviewing Fancy put you on the radar, reviewing another radioactive whore put you in their sights and shot you down.
Like the hippo said, this was done at the admin level and I'm pretty sure it was done "by the books". Once your name was cleared you got the stamp of approval from the powers that be and you're back to chasing tail without missing a single session.

As an educational element, I'm also going to post this series of events in the Ban-a-Palooza thread.
Originally Posted by H.Hardhat
i'ma TG.......
Note in the last post:
nTG (newTG)
chicagoboy's Avatar
i'ma TG....... Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
Pre-op, or post-op?
Seen this happen all the time. Nobody takes the time to examine what their name would look like if abbreviated.
TG- TransGender
BM - obvious
HV - Herpes Virus
Bella Italiana - BI, that actually is not a had acronym fur a provider.
Others exist, feel free to add to the list