Jesus this is funny...

I have no idea if this is real, but it sure seems like it is. She is a great actress if it isn't.

I begins to get awesome around the 45-50 second mark.

Hey! This tastes too hot to be a cherry. Let me take ANOTHER bite... a BIG one!
joe bloe's Avatar
That was a habanero pepper. They are EXTREMELY HOT. You would have to be really stupid to take two bites.

Water/coke doesn't help, you need cream/yoghurt. Don't know why, chemically.
JCM800's Avatar
if she can't tell the difference between a cherry and a habanero maybe she shouldn't be the one doing the shopping
joe bloe's Avatar
if she can't tell the difference between a cherry and a habanero maybe she shouldn't be the one doing the shopping Originally Posted by JCM800

Or voting.
That was a habanero pepper. They are EXTREMELY HOT. You would have to be really stupid to take two bites. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Now that we know the reason Joe the Bloehard took two bites of the habanero, what next?

I was hoping that Joe would take another 30 day sabbatcial, following Chuck Hagel's confirmation.
Couldn't get past the first 30 seconds worth of yapping....
I seriously almost pissed myself. I really did. Tim, its worth braving the first 30 seconds.

Reminds me of an incident when I was in the Navy. This guy was passing around a jar of hot sauce his wife made. I have no idea what was in it, all I know is when he passed it very briefly under my nose, my eyes and nose started to run like a fire hydrant.

Along comes a guy with a cheeseburger, who when he asks what is in the jar pours a huge shot of the hot sauce on his burger. The other guy DID try to warn him, but of course, he doesn't listen. Then he takes a huge bite. His reaction was similar to this lady. His face started sweating, he turned beet red, he was chewing furiously and saying "its not bad, its not bad" even as his head started looking like it was going to explode. The rest of us just fell all over ourselves laughing.
She's got some nice titties though.

My coworker tells this story about a guy who they bet $20 that he couldn't eat a habanero. The guy couldn't even eat jalepenos on his nachos but was goaded into taking the bet. He took one bite, chewed, swallowed, puked and had to leave work early. The next day his wife calls the bettors to chastise them. She said they knew her husband had a sensitive digestive system and he spent the entire night upside down in the shower with the shower head off.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
I was seeing a VN girl and we would have lunch at VN restaurant she would put a bowl of habanero into her pho. After lunch she would kiss me good bye, then sometime latter I always wiped my mouth for some reason

Then I would go take a piss and ouch.......................... .....

has anybody tried that red savina?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I don't do peppers but when I was in Germany I ordered a plain old hotdog...with french fried onions....and mustard. I inhaled when I put that hotdog to my throat expanded several times, my sinuses drained, my eyes caught fire, and I stopped breathing for a minute. I hadn't even bit into the dog. Couldn't wait for the next bite.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Like Seedman55 says: "Once you go Thai, tell the others goodbye."
chefnerd's Avatar
She obviously has no clue about food and absolutely should have an assistant in the grocery store. [B]BUT[B], if you REALLY REALLY REALLY want a hot pepper, go for #1, the Bhut Jolokia. Weighs in at just a tad over 1,000,000 SHU's (Scoville Heat Units). This has been recorded by the Chile Institute at New Mexico State University (the #1 authority on chiles in the world) and the Guinness Book of Records.

Love habaneros in my chili and bbq sauce by the way.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-27-2013, 07:41 AM
I don't do peppers but when I was in Germany I ordered a plain old hotdog...with french fried onions....and mustard. I inhaled when I put that hotdog to my throat expanded several times, my sinuses drained, my eyes caught fire, and I stopped breathing for a minute. I hadn't even bit into the dog. Couldn't wait for the next bite. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JD, this is a thread about Peppers not Peters.