FastGoon is FastGoon. There is no one more entertaining on here than him. He is at his funniest when he is trying to be serious. A more befuddled guy does not exist.
Sorry to hear that, Assup. But we could already tell you have no personality. But admitting it in public is a step in the right direction. Good for you, Assup!
Sorry to hear that, Assup. But we could already tell you have no personality. But admitting it in public is a step in the right direction. Good for you, Assup!
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Fuck that COCKSUCKER, he is an arrogant, condisending, lowlife piece of SHIT. He thinks he knows all, but he only blows all. His only friend on this board is the fake review writting little COCKSUCKER sarunga.
Holy shit. or some reason or another this seems to be a thread that has no p,ace in the Sandbox, at least according to posts by staff.
you want to attack someone witho at least introducing some conspiracy theory, right wing lies or bullshit from the planet Kolob, then you ought to take it elsewhere.