just one more time and only because youre so fucking stupid ..
Originally Posted by NiceGuy53
That's not a response to the bullshit you posted and then said you didn't write it.
What I wrote was that you didn't say those exact words (another WTF), but your implication was what Zimmerman said . ("smell the racism") and it was "racism" ... that one can "smell"..... !
With all due respect, this is not the first time you have shit and slipped in your own shit.
You are not alone. When people try to create things that don't exist out of nothing, ...
.. shit happens. Or as might be more appropriate .. "manure occurs" ... particularly when criminal charges are filed for political/social reasons as opposed to having a solid lawsuit with solid, direct evidence of the necessary elements of the claim/charge filed. And people want to believe the CHARGES.
The legal task of the criminal justice system is to bring all of the evidence to the table, that which shows guilt and that which shows innocence, and from that facts showing that the suspected perpetrator is guilty of a specific crime then charge that person with that specific crime based on the FACTS, provided the prosecution evaluates the case as one which the prosecution will be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt from ALL of the FACTS and not just those cherry picked from the pile on the table. The government is REQUIRED to produce ALL of the FACTS, that which shows guilt and that which shows innocence, to the Defendant the government has charged with the specific crime.
You brought up Marcia Clarke ... there was evidence she did not do the latter in Simpson. There is admission and evidence that documents have been manipulated and edited in Zimmerman to slant the evidence toward Zimmerman's guilt, if not, his attitude and motivation to fit the "focus" of the media in order to "make a story that will excite and sell" and turn the public opinion against him, which affects witness testimony and slants the direction of the trial.
Look at this thread ... none of us have heard the testimony other than snippets from what is released by the media in video/audio format .... YOU CANNOT determine the credibility of what a witness says from the written word quoted by some reporter AND most particularly what some reporter PARAPHRASED.
We get bullshit like that in thread after thread in this forum. Headlines that do not reflect reality, and cherry-picked quotes, not only of what some politician, etc., said, but what some poster said ... just the problem you are having now.
Here's an example: How many times have "we" heard Martin was "living" in the complex? Like Zimmerman should have known who he is ... well he had not been "LIVING" there he had been "STAYING" there for about a week ...
according to his family. But the facts are distorted when reported.
Words and their meanings are extremely important ... when someone's future is at stake. And it is. And I am not talking about petty typos that creep into people's posts when they don't take or have the time to proof read them and make the petty little corrections that small minded people attempt to use to discredit the poster ... particularly when the small minded people lack any substantive response to refute what is posted. The only time I have every jumped on someone's typos on Eccie (or ASPD) was when the poster had been doing just what I said to others, including me. If the typo can change the meaning of what is posted then I may raise a question just to make sure I understand, if it is important. That's all.
"The end."