In the hands of the jury

malonely's Avatar
then proceeded to ignore what they told him to do.

He man went hunting a kid instead, and even with the extra years and weight and the gun he was getting his ass kicked, according to you. So when the guy he attacked started getting the better of hm in a fight he initiated and never would have happened if he had listened to 911 he pulled the gun and shot the kid. Your right a god damned hero!
malonely's Avatar
a racists statement,
how about, a 17 year old should be.................. if doing nothing wrong. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Because if it were a white 17 year old shot coming home from the convenience store the killer would be in jail. And Fox news would not have been hailing him as a hero for the last year. Especially if shooter was black.
Randall Creed's Avatar
If he wasn't guilty, then there wouldn't be a question of how 'safe' he is now.

He got off, but he's still not free.
BlackJedi's Avatar
a racists statement,
how about, a 17 year old should be.................. if doing nothing wrong. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
How is that a racist statement?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
your assuming Zimmerman started the fight, I the other. We do not know.

Fox news also hailed a black man for killing a 17 year old white kid.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
How is that a racist statement? Originally Posted by BlackJedi
you forgot to read the quote

your quoting my statement. Clearly the prosecution that I quoted is only worried about black kids. IMHO
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Florida can't be that red if Obama managed to win it twice. You can always count on libs fabricating racism whenever possible. If a black youth, or any black, is gunned down in this country it is far more likely done by another black. But you rarely hear the media or people like Al Sharpton or Jessie Jackson comment on black on black violence. But a white guy shoots a black, which is uncommon compared to blacks shooting blacks, and they're all over it. The circus surrounding this trial was pathetic. Had Zimmerman been black we would have heard nothing about this. Just another case of race baiting. But I guess that makes for better news. Originally Posted by cowboy8055
Doesn't Florida have a lot of repubs/conservatives snowbirds that are behaving like themselves in Florida but actually voting elsewhere?
malonely's Avatar
We do know that Zimmerman started the fight, he started it the second he got out of his vehicle especially when he was told not to by the 911 operator.

And if Fox backed a black man for shooting a 17 yo white kid then it had to been under the clearest of circumstances about what was going on. I am not aware of the specifics or when they did this and will assume at your statement that they did. At least at that time, I will also assume that with the pressure from the racist base they have back tracked and reversed themselves by now, like they always do.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
your assuming Zimmerman started the fight, I the other. We do not know. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Thus there cannot be a verdict beyond a reasonable doubt. For some reason, you're glad he's dead, I can't be sure I disagree but it seems like it might have been a perfect videogame/movie moment where simulaneously they both could have delivered fatal blows and saved us a shitload of money.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Doesn't Florida have a lot of repubs/conservatives snowbirds that are behaving like themselves in Florida but actually voting elsewhere? Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
also dem's/lib's
We do know that Zimmerman started the fight, he started it the second he got out of his vehicle especially when he was told not to by the 911 operator.

And if Fox backed a black man for shooting a 17 yo white kid then it had to been under the clearest of circumstances about what was going on. I am not aware of the specifics or when they did this and will assume at your statement that they did. At least at that time, I will also assume that with the pressure from the racist base they have back tracked and reversed themselves by now, like they always do. Originally Posted by malonely
How is getting out a car not legal or starting a fight. We do not know who started.

as the other news stations went with(forgive me DeD) " what is this black man thinking killing white kids "

as my democrat neighbors where sayin " who does this n(word) think he is killing white kids"
malonely's Avatar
Geting out of the car is not illegal. Him getting out of the car specifically to hunt down the "punk who isn't going to get away with it this time" is what initiated the incident that resulted in him killing an innocent black kid.

The more I think about your claim that Fox supported a black man killing a seven year old white kid my only conclusion can be that it was clear enough circumstances that they did it to be able to blunt the accusations of racism that they know would come their way from supporting a vigilante killing of an innocent kid by a guy with a record of assaulting police officers.
How is getting out a car not legal or starting a fight. We do not know who started. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
We DO KNOW the 911 operator told this Zimmerman 'vigilante killler', a wannabe cop, to STOP following, bothering, stalking Martin and just leave Martin alone!!!

Why do YOU continue to ignore these FACTS, in defending your vigilante killer hero???
I did not read the whole the thread. But this is how I feel.
I think GZ was wrong to continue to follow Trayvon after he was told not to, and now a teen who was doing nothing wrong to begin with is dead. And now GZ is free. Its a shame that people go to jail for killing dogs but not for killing unarmed teen after being told to leave him alone. I am so dissappointed in the US justice system. I hope that Trayvons death was not in vain and that the Trayvon Martin movement helps to make some changes to our country. My thoughts,prayers,love and respect go out to Trayvons family.

quiver4me's Avatar
OSD.... By definition, we are ALL racist, each and every one of us, the instant we look at a person and merely think "Asian" "Black" "White" "Native American" "Latino" or whatever... by defintion that's being racist. I think us WASPS often simply omit "white" when describing someone... and that doesn't make one any more or any less racist.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Geting out of the car is not illegal. Him getting out of the car specifically to hunt down the "punk who isn't going to get away with it this time" is what initiated the incident that resulted in him killing an innocent black kid.
we do not know who started the fight. The investigators and PD chief sided with Zimmerman after many talks with him.
The more I think about your claim that Fox supported a black man killing a seven year old white kid my only conclusion can be that it was clear enough circumstances that they did it to be able to blunt the accusations of racism that they know would come their way from supporting a vigilante killing of an innocent kid by a guy with a record of assaulting police officers. Originally Posted by malonely