The colonist seceded, fought the war, and won.
The Confederacy seceded, fought the war, and lost.
As I stated, the citizens of any a State can choose to secede, and form their own Country. But, they will have to fight the war that will surly come.
All I'm saying is, I will side with my Country, The United States of America.
Originally Posted by Jackie S
What you and others who feel the same way do not seem to understand is, you no longer have a country that loves you back. It is like you live in your house and pay the mortgage & bills, but another man fucks your wife, eats your food, let's your kids flunk at school, and will get the deed to the house when you pay it off, and then he will kick your ass out. You should be fighting the real enemy that deprives you of your God given rights, and not support and potentially die for the very government that deprives you of your rights.
Our current government is like the mafia - they take a large percentage of what you earn by force if needed, and tell you to fuck off if you question the manner in which they rule over you. They may well get violent if you oppose them.
This current version of America is well on the road to failure, and many people see it. They also see that the majority of the population is happy to ride on the backs of the productive right down the drain, and won't give up their freebies to save it. America has to change to a country that makes sense for the productive, or it will die.