200% Profit and it puts out fires !

normalguy21's Avatar
Listen up if you got a bunch of plastic bottles together and had them ready the first day of spring you could fill them with good old tap water and still call it genuine spring water bottled directly from the source .


change your name to reverse osmosis and you have Genuine spring water bottled directly from the source by reverse osmosis .

Who really thinks Glacier water really comes from a glacier ?

The water from the Saint Louis river Anheuser Bush uses in making there fine beer is more valuable and sell,s for more more after they have filtered it but have not turned it into beer yet .

Yep plain filtered water sells for more a quart than beer .

You just dont sit and drink 12 waters at once so add some stuff to it let it sit and WHAM your drinking 12 waters with with some spice in it ...

Shhhh ! That,s what i told the S.O and she just shrugged and went away .It work,s trust me !!!

Ground breaking studies by me expose this .

My arm hurts from Drinking and Fapping all night but it takes dedication most dont have

I,am really Captian Brainiack from the planet smartronass ...

And to think i,am labeled as Crazy

Also you could put out a fire with your ready reserve of your great product .

Get the info out there

Just dont water it down .............................. ................

In my next story i will explain why the earth is really flat and how hamburgers have no ham in them ......
Isnt the etymology of hamburger from Hamburg Germany?
So soon Slick? You got rid of the crawling bug? I miss it already
normalguy21's Avatar
So soon Slick? You got rid of the crawling bug? I miss it already Originally Posted by Jam3768

It's always fun to save the avatar and open it with word and look at the data isn't it ....

Fun fun fun till her daddy took her T Bird Away .........