After the initial sting wore off, it occurred to me that nearly every negative in life can be made into a positive. It's simply a matter of how you choose to look at it.
So, after much thought, I've decided to go ahead and finally get my mommy makeover! I'm scheduling with Suzanne Yee in west Little Rock on Monday, Arkansas' best. Thank you Uncle Zippy, because your criticism served as a great inspiration. And thank you also for your contribution. I'm ready to go!

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank my many regular clients who have made saving for this possible for me.
Even though I already have the money to pay for the surgery now, I will probably be offering very good incentives during the next couple of months prior to the surgery… After all, if I make the money, I won't need to take it out of my savings! Can't post any more details here, lest it be considered an "ad." Stay tuned in the appropriate forums.