Assholes's Speech

pussycat's Avatar
Uh no - the deal is - The Trump administration rewrote the new travel ban to pass the Supreme Court challenge. They knew that this would happen - so they took it up a notch.
It's all about the Supreme Court. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
The lower courts are making a big mistake in opposing orders that will surely be upheld by the Supreme Court. There is already a sense that certain lower courts are opposed to Trump for political reasons, and when their decisions are over-turned that sense will gain authority. If they were thinking they would waited and heard more arguments before deciding, but instead these particular Liberal Circuits in the far West just issued Injunctions based on any pleading which reached them first. Now they will be left with everyone to conclude that they were politically motivated (which they probably were). But this is not good for the credibility of the Federal courts, and therefore bad for everyone.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Okay, here's what I don't understand. The travel ban is for 90 days for those from 6 countries and 120 days for all refugees. I assume that the number of days in the ban is the same as the first travel ban. The purpose of the ban is to give the U.S. time to look at our vetting procedures. So what if anything has Trump's team done in the last 30 days between ban 1 and ban 2 to investigate the vetting procedures? No reason I can see that people should not be looking into improving the vetting procedures right now.

BTW. it is very obvious as to why the first travel ban was shot down by the courts and Trump decided not to challenge the rulings.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
So what if anything has Trump's team done in the last 30 days between ban 1 and ban 2 to investigate the vetting procedures? No reason I can see that people should not be looking into improving the vetting procedures right now.
. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Kinda like how Trump had a secret plan to wipe out ISIS in 30 days ��
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
Donald Trump has long assured us that he has a very real — and very good — plan to defeat the Islamic State. But he couldn't share the details of it.

He has been talking about this secret plan, in fact, for more than a year. He has said it was "foolproof" and "absolute" in its effectiveness. But he had his reasons not to talk about it.

"I don’t want the enemy to know what I’m doing," Trump told Fox News in May 2015, the month before launching his presidential campaign. "Unfortunately, I’ll probably have to tell at some point, but there is a method of defeating them quickly and effectively and having total victory.”

He added: “All I can tell you it is a foolproof way of winning, and I’m not talking about what some people would say, but it is a foolproof way of winning the war with ISIS."

Little Monster's Avatar
Almost two weeks since Asshole's asinine claim that Obama ordered a wire tap on Trump Tower and STILL not one lick of proof. Closest they have come is Bimbo Conway's "Microwave" theory

nuglet's Avatar
Does That Conway chick remind anyone else of a Tim Burton character? Nightmare before Xmas. lol
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Sigh, 2 yrs of this bumbling idiot's lies is more than what this country can take. What is going to take for trump supporters to understand that they were duped by a charlatan? I'm embarrassed for our country and it's highest office. I'm offended that people actually think that what our president says should not longer be taken seriously. I really don't think our country can deal with trump for even another 6 months much less 2 yrs.

The Supreme Court is in no way going to uphold that "travel ban". Lawyers will shred that "bill" to pieces just based on what trump has said before and where trump has thriving hotels at.
Miss Valentina's Avatar
Attachment 629534

She's some kind of nightmare...

Does That Conway chick remind anyone else of a Tim Burton character? Nightmare before Xmas. lol Originally Posted by nuglet
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Ah thinck she kinda looks laik Mick Jagger in drag.
Groovy Johnson's Avatar
Saudi Arabian terrorists killed more than 3,000 Americans.
Not on the ban.
Little Monster's Avatar
Almost two months since Asshole's asinine claim that millions of illegals voted in the election and STILL not one lick of proof backing his mouth up.
I'd like to have that nightmare on my team. She got her main man where he needed to go - The White House. Not too many people can do that - least of all- a woman.

Does That Conway chick remind anyone else of a Tim Burton character? Nightmare before Xmas. lol Originally Posted by nuglet
Little Monster's Avatar
I'd like to have that nightmare on my team. She got her main man where he needed to go - The White House. Not too many people can do that - least of all- a woman. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Do your research. She didn't do shit. That train wreck of a campaign only benefited from the lowest voter turnout in recent times. If it wasn't for that Asshole wouldn't have won a damn thing
Well, she does have an office in the West Wing - and since you don't think she did "shit" -- let me ask you - Where is your office????
Actually, she did a lot. She got her man elected and that's really all that matters in the game.

Do your research. She didn't do shit. That train wreck of a campaign only benefited from the lowest voter turnout in recent times. If it wasn't for that Asshole wouldn't have won a damn thing Originally Posted by Little Monster
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
Always good for a laugh

Conway: Trump Victims Include “Victims Of Trump University, Victims Of Trump In Atlantic City.”

Kellyanne Conway praised anti-Trump messaging, saying it’s that “gotten better” because people are “starting to talk about victims of Trump University, victims of Trump in Atlantic City.” Conway also continued highlighting Trump’s hypocrisy in claiming that he is “for the little guy,” when really he has built his business “on the backs of the little guy.”