How Long Before Democrats Drive The Country Off A Cliff?

Munchmasterman's Avatar
And yes,
I know pruitt resigned.

And another bus driver bites the dust.
Nobody gives a shit about the house?
trump thy name is nobody.

You take trump at face value. He knows the investigations that are coming will prove what that value is. His hard outer shell will crack and reveal the slimeball inside. The bus needs maintenance.

The house controls the purse strings too. All the thoughtless deregulation for deregulation's sake.
Pruitt in charge of the EPA.
Jesus fucking Christ.
At what cost are we enriching trump and his douche-bag brigade?

There is nothing but cliffs no matter who is driving Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
TheDaliLama's Avatar
With help of the complicit media?

Other than interest rates and their affect on the National Debt most everything is going great. Yesterday tech took a nosedive. But everywhere the fundamentals are great: record unemployment, record consumer confidence, wage increases in a long time, GDP growth not seen in decades, gas prices down, the list of wins is incredible. Again other than interest rates one could say there's no more upside.

And yet the Republicans had significant loses in the House despite fantastic economic news. The only thing I can point to is the non-stop droning of the media about "fake news." Some guy is killed in a Saudi Embassy and you'd think President Trump shot a black kid at the Superbowl at mid-field. A small number of kids might have been separated from their alleged parents just like during the Obama administration and you'd think this country was having a moral crisis while abortion at 9 months goes unchallenged. Some woman makes an wholly unsubstantiated allegation about what happened nearly 40 years and the Senate goes ape shit. The Dems taunting "open borders" as a solution to "illegal immigration."

OK, I get why the Republicans lost seats in California and NY. They knew that was going to happen when they passed the Tax Bill and Californians couldn't take their state income tax off. But the losses in Houston are difficult to take. Basically all the local judges and other elected officials got wiped out through party votes.

I think the Dems race to the ditch started happening last week. Their solution: impeach Trump. They had two years and found nothing. It's time the media felt pressured and started holding the themselves and the Dems accountable. Originally Posted by gnadfly
They did it in 2008 when they took both House and Sentate. It won’t be as easy for them this time but I’m sure they’ll leave a mark somewhere. Gridlock is usually good for the economy.
The Dems were less dangerous even with Teddy Kennedy driving.
Obama is not driving the bus, ff. Originally Posted by WTF
When he drove the bus, he fucked it up.

Dems in the house will fuck us all up again.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Just your opinion. Which over time I have come to regard less and less.
When he drove the bus, he fucked it up.

Dems in the house will fuck us all up again. Originally Posted by friendly fred
themystic's Avatar
With help of the complicit media?

Other than interest rates and their affect on the National Debt most everything is going great. Yesterday tech took a nosedive. But everywhere the fundamentals are great: record unemployment, record consumer confidence, wage increases in a long time, GDP growth not seen in decades, gas prices down, the list of wins is incredible. Again other than interest rates one could say there's no more upside.

And yet the Republicans had significant loses in the House despite fantastic economic news. The only thing I can point to is the non-stop droning of the media about "fake news." Some guy is killed in a Saudi Embassy and you'd think President Trump shot a black kid at the Superbowl at mid-field. A small number of kids might have been separated from their alleged parents just like during the Obama administration and you'd think this country was having a moral crisis while abortion at 9 months goes unchallenged. Some woman makes an wholly unsubstantiated allegation about what happened nearly 40 years and the Senate goes ape shit. The Dems taunting "open borders" as a solution to "illegal immigration."

OK, I get why the Republicans lost seats in California and NY. They knew that was going to happen when they passed the Tax Bill and Californians couldn't take their state income tax off. But the losses in Houston are difficult to take. Basically all the local judges and other elected officials got wiped out through party votes.

I think the Dems race to the ditch started happening last week. Their solution: impeach Trump. They had two years and found nothing. It's time the media felt pressured and started holding the themselves and the Dems accountable. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I think once we start kissing Russia, North Korea, Saudi Arabia and Nazis asses we will be in trouble. But we have to tell our Allies like Canada, Germany, France, etc. to go fuck themselves first. A Real American would never side with those people over our allies. We would have to elect some autocrat before that happen
Step 2: elect Nancy Pelosi Speaker
Domestic markets had their worst Thanksgiving week in like 15 years. This despite stores being packed here in Houston. Also reading where internet sales at record.

Thanks Nancy, Chuckie and Maxie.

BTW, I was at a Barnes and Noble last week and noticed the "conservative authors" all had their books behind the counter. Michelle's book had several displays throughout the store.

Expect Consumer Confident to drop significantly in January.

Where's the calls from Democrats to lower the prime?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-24-2018, 10:53 AM

Where's the calls from Democrats to lower the prime? Originally Posted by gnadfly
Why would they do that. We have a Fed for that.

You want politicians setting the rate?

I thought you said the stores were packed!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-24-2018, 10:58 AM
Domestic markets had their worst Thanksgiving week in like 15 years. This despite stores being packed here in Houston. Also reading where internet sales at record. Originally Posted by gnadfly
You do realize that there is more to the market than retail.

The market has been artificially inflated for a very long time. Business bought back stocks woth this last tax break for the wealthy. Looks like that sugar high might be slipping away.
themystic's Avatar
They did it in 2008 when they took both House and Sentate. It won’t be as easy for them this time but I’m sure they’ll leave a mark somewhere. Gridlock is usually good for the economy. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Obama saved America after the disaster known as the Worst recession in American History, 2 Terrible wars that never should have been in, Stock Market and Business failing left and right, Housing Failure, GM about to lose 1 million jobs, Bank bailouts. Obama saved America This maggot who married Vladimir, Donald Putin is about to fuck it again. Watch and see, another give the rich a tax break. Kissing Russia, NK and now the Saudis ass. Donald Putin has fucked up everything he has ever touched. Skyrocketing debt. Where were you your Holiness. Meditating in some cave somewhere chanting
Clay Media's Avatar
The goal of the Democrats isn't a nice, peaceful, equal world. Their goal is the utter annihilation of Western society. These Bolshevik Zionist assholes must be stopped.
Same shit they've been pulling for the last two years with the help of the media. Re-institute policies that failed. More divisive identity politics. Characterize illegal immigration as immigration. They had two years with a supermajority but couldn't get the immigration system that they said was broken, fixed.

No plan but impeachment. They had 8 years to fix healthcare. The last few days the only thing I've been reading is how important climate change it.

Egad. Let Obama's legacy die with dignity but no, aim for the cliff.
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  • WTF
  • 11-26-2018, 07:52 AM
They had two years with a supermajority but c. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Ted Kennedy died, Scott Browns election derailed the supermajority.

You can always say you Mexican and pay for Trumps wall and see how his immigration policy works out.

Be a twofer for Trump. He can say he built his wall and that Mexico paid for it.
Record Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Market moved Monday. Today fighting to stay even. Talking heads fixated on the 1% drop in mall foot traffic.

Talking heads fixated on how unhappy the Chinese are with our trade policies.

Talking heads fixated on how we can't let everyone in at the border.

Just ridiculous. Focus on the cliff.