Inquiries and Impeachment of Trump

LexusLover's Avatar
You and your ilk need to stop tea bagging 45 and start thinking critically..... Originally Posted by Whisky_1
Your handle was well chosen!

Do you get even smarter right before last call?

Are you planning on voting for the Socialist or the Fake Indian?

Or are you "eligible" to vote?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
The part highlighted in bold-red is all that is relevant. It's a matter of public record that Slick Willie lyingly committed to enroll in ROTC to avoid the draft and then didn't.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
The part you highlighted in red occurred after Trump was classified "1Y" for 4 years. Bone spur inflammation is a very temporary condition. They do not incapacitate a person for 4 years running.

Trump did not want to serve in the military. Trump did not serve in the military. Mission accomplished. How it was accomplished is up for debate. The fact is that for some reason men of Trump's socioeconomic status rarely were drafted.
  • oeb11
  • 11-01-2019, 11:04 AM
Your handle was well chosen!

Do you get even smarter right before last call?

Are you planning on voting for the Socialist or the Fake Indian?

Or are you "eligible" to vote? Originally Posted by LexusLover

Not to quibble - "socialist and fake Indian" are one and the same.!!
Whisky_1's Avatar
Your handle was well chosen!

Do you get even smarter right before last call?

Are you planning on voting for the Socialist or the Fake Indian?

Or are you "eligible" to vote? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Thank you. I will take that "last call" remark as a compliment as I do very much enjoy whisky. Infact, my kidneys absolutely love whisky. Yes, I not only get smarter right before last call but become a fantastic dancer as well. Moreover, based on my situational experience every thing and every one seems better looking by last call. Furthermore, who I vote for or my political affiliation is none of your business. Of course, I am eligible to vote. Afterall we are on a "adult" website right?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Vindman is a career Ranger-Qualified Infantry Officer, Scholar and Foreign Area Expert who has borne the battle for this country. LTC Vindman's military service has been honorable and distinguished. I would trust him to watch my six. I cannot say the same for 45. No member of the US military has an obligation to follow unethical or unlawful orders no matter who issues those orders. Last of all, all service members and high office holders primary obligation is to support and defend the US Constitution not provide cover and concealment for the unethical conduct of a traitorous and illigitimate President. Originally Posted by Whisky_1
Vindman is a petty fucking bureaucrat with prejudices and delusions of grandeur that make him unfit for the job he is in. No where in the U.S. Constitution is there a provision allowing petty fucking bureaucrats to make foreign policy for the United States.

You and your ilk need to stop tea bagging 45 and start thinking critically. Yes, apparently 45 allegedly had bone spurs. However, 45's public displays of athletic ability at the time effectively refute the notion. To be clear. I am nobody's bitch, Turkey's military forces have committed war crimes against humanity. Secondly, Turkey was emboldened by 45's cowardice in abandoning the Kurds on the battlefield. What Turkey did during the Korean Conflict or current NATO membership status does not in anyway excuse the rape, torture and murder of non-combatants or the mistreatment of POWs. Originally Posted by Whisky_1
You're Adam Schitty's bitch, and you have so much of Adam Schitty's jiz in your eyes you can't see reality.

The part you highlighted in red occurred after Trump was classified "1Y" for 4 years. Bone spur inflammation is a very temporary condition. They do not incapacitate a person for 4 years running.

Trump did not want to serve in the military. Trump did not serve in the military. Mission accomplished. How it was accomplished is up for debate. The fact is that for some reason men of Trump's socioeconomic status rarely were drafted.
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
If you were a real doctor you'd know it's not your place to make a diagnosis without seeing the patient. Neither you nor the so-called "experts" you are citing are/were in a position to make anything other than specious and non-substantive comments regarding matters about which you are wholly ignorant.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar

If you were a real doctor you'd know it's not your place to make a diagnosis without seeing the patient. Neither you nor the so-called "experts" you are citing are/were in a position to make anything other than specious and non-substantive comments regarding matters about which you are wholly ignorant. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Very true. However, if you took the time to read the article I cited, Trump states his bone spurs were "temporary" and "minor".

I have bone spurs and I know the condition as well as anybody. I know I could have had surgery to remove the bone spurs but doctors do not recommend surgery since the bone spur inflammation is very temporary and surgery is not worth it. I know they do not incapacitate a person for 4 years.

I stand by my statement: Trump did everything within his power to avoid military service. He did not want to serve his country in the military and he was successful in fulfilling that goal.
Whisky_1's Avatar
Vindman is a petty fucking bureaucrat with prejudices and delusions of grandeur that make him unfit for the job he is in. No where in the U.S. Constitution is there a provision allowing petty fucking bureaucrats to make foreign policy for the United States.

You're Adam Schitty's bitch, and you have so much of Adam Schitty's jiz in your eyes you can't see reality.

If you were a real doctor you'd know it's not your place to make a diagnosis without seeing the patient. Neither you nor the so-called "experts" you are citing are/were in a position to make anything other than specious and non-substantive comments regarding matters about which you are wholly ignorant. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Why do you always have to use foul language so much? It does not creditability to your delusional rants. Fact-LTC Vindman is a warrior and 45 aka Draft Dodging Donny as he is known in some circles is not. I simply can not comprehend why YOU and those of your ilk go to such great lengths to defend Putin's cowardly, pussy grabbing, whiny, Russian cock sucking traitious bitch. Nope, I just don't understand that at all and why YOU have to cus so damn much!
lustylad's Avatar
You're the whiny one, whiskyboy. Ask jaxboy if he can spare a tube of vagisil for you.

I B Hankering's Avatar
Why do you always have to use foul language so much? It does not creditability to your delusional rants. Fact-LTC Vindman is a warrior and 45 aka Draft Dodging Donny as he is known in some circles is not. I simply can not comprehend why YOU and those of your ilk go to such great lengths to defend Putin's cowardly, pussy grabbing, whiny, Russian cock sucking traitious bitch. Nope, I just don't understand that at all and why YOU have to cus so damn much! Originally Posted by Whisky_1
Your remarks don't change a damn thing. Vindman is a petty fucking bureaucrat with prejudices and delusions of grandeur that make him unfit for the job he is in. No where in the U.S. Constitution is there a provision allowing petty fucking bureaucrats to make foreign policy for the United States. Benedict Arnold was a general who felt he knew better than Washington. Your notion that a fucking lieutenant colonel couldn't walk in Arnold's footsteps is profoundly ignorant and misguided.

Very true. However, if you took the time to read the article I cited, Trump states his bone spurs were "temporary" and "minor".

I have bone spurs and I know the condition as well as anybody. I know I could have had surgery to remove the bone spurs but doctors do not recommend surgery since the bone spur inflammation is very temporary and surgery is not worth it. I know they do not incapacitate a person for 4 years.

I stand by my statement: Trump did everything within his power to avoid military service. He did not want to serve his country in the military and he was successful in fulfilling that goal.
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
A doctor rated Trump "4F": unfit for military service. hildebeest lied when she said she talked to Marine Corps recruiters, and Slick Willie lied when he told COL Holmes he'd enroll in ROTC. Odumbo wouldn't have passed the piss test.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Very true. However, if you took the time to read the article I cited, Trump states his bone spurs were "temporary" and "minor".

I have bone spurs and I know the condition as well as anybody. I know I could have had surgery to remove the bone spurs but doctors do not recommend surgery since the bone spur inflammation is very temporary and surgery is not worth it. I know they do not incapacitate a person for 4 years.

I stand by my statement: Trump did everything within his power to avoid military service. He did not want to serve his country in the military and he was successful in fulfilling that goal. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

no one wanted to go to Vietnam. certainly not Trump. but he had plenty of company in the list of famous people who did whatever they could to avoid service. GW Bushie Jr joined the Air National Guard. say all you want about strings being pulled by GHW Bushie to get him in the Air National Guard, but he was in the service, unlike Slick Willie Blythe who played the ROTC to avoid service. then there are the rock stars .. polar opposites Teddo Nugent and Brucie Springsteen. one is a flaming libtard the other a staunch conservative. both played the same game to avoid being drafted, didn't wash and other sundry things before showing up to their physicals. was it any less unpatriotic for Teddo vs. Brucie?

several of my older cousins avoided Vietnam too. well avoided being in the Army or Marines at least. one joined the Army National Guard, one joined the Air Force and one joined the Navy. the two that joined the Air Force and Navy did go to Vietnam .. just not as a solider. one was stationed at an Air Base in Laos that didn't exist .. officially. they called it .. "The Base with no name". the other was on one of the carriers that ran flight ops to support ground troops.

my dad was called up to join the Army during Korea. he was originally called in 1950 and almost certainly would have ended up in a fox hole somewhere. he took two academic deferments to stay in college until 1952 when he graduated, then he was called up again. by then the troop count was pretty much set and he was going to sit in Ft. Benning for two years.

he found that a rather dull and boring prospect and a waste of two years when he'd rather be in Law school as he planned. if he had applied for overseas duty he'd immediately be sent to Korea. he had struck up a friendship with another guy in a similar situation, also a college grad who had taken academic deferments who was a logistics clerk. he told my dad that if he applied for oversea he'd be sent to Korea because he had a "red tag" on his file. that means you go straight to Korea. so they conspired to game the system. just after basic training, the clerk pulled his red tag and threw it in the trash can. that very day my Dad applied to go to West Germany. by the end of the day he was on a transport headed to Europe. the clerk told him that if the Army figured it out after about 72 hours then they wouldn't bother recalling him, too much trouble. so by the time he reported in at Wiesbaden West Germany he was home free.

he had a reason to go to West Germany, actually. we're German. Kraut-Micks actually, in that order. German-Irish. my last name is a German word. i'll keep that to myself thanks. so he wanted to be stationed in the motherland as it were. and learned to speak pretty fair German while he was there. another piece of luck came about due to him being a not just a college grad, but second in his class at UofL and a national merit finalist. a bird Colonel was reviewing records for a new aid and picked my dad. so he got to travel all over Europe and the Middle East as the attache of a bird Colonel. as Colonels can do, he was immediately promoted from buck private to corporal.

in the infinite military wisdom of the Army, they originally made my Dad an advanced infantry artillery spotter. you aren't on the front lines .. you are in front of the front lines. this despite the fact that in addition to radios they used signal flags as well and he's partially color blind. go figure. he has trouble with dark colors. can't tell blue from black or dark browns. the rest oft the color spectrum he saw just fine.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-01-2019, 02:30 PM
Your remarks don't change a damn thing. Vindman is a petty fucking bureaucrat with prejudices and delusions of grandeur that make him unfit for the job he is in. No where in the U.S. Constitution is there a provision allowing petty fucking bureaucrats to make foreign policy for the United States. Benedict Arnold was a general who felt he knew better than Washington. Your notion that a fucking lieutenant colonel couldn't walk in Arnold's footsteps is profoundly ignorant and misguided. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
All he did was report what was said after being subpoenaed from Congress.

He did his duty to this country.

That is where his duty lies....not your Cult of Personality.

I B Hankering's Avatar
All he did was report what was said after being subpoenaed from Congress.

He did his duty to this country.

That is where his duty lies....not your Cult of Personality.
Originally Posted by WTF
No where in that clown's job description is there a passage that grants that prejudiced clown the right to make foreign policy. That AIN'T his fucking duty!
bambino's Avatar
no one wanted to go to Vietnam. certainly not Trump. but he had plenty of company in the list of famous people who did whatever they could to avoid service. GW Bushie Jr joined the Air National Guard. say all you want about strings being pulled by GHW Bushie to get him in the Air National Guard, but he was in the service, unlike Slick Willie Blythe who played the ROTC to avoid service. then there are the rock stars .. polar opposites Teddo Nugent and Brucie Springsteen. one is a flaming libtard the other a staunch conservative. both played the same game to avoid being drafted, didn't wash and other sundry things before showing up to their physicals. was it any less unpatriotic for Teddo vs. Brucie?

several of my older cousins avoided Vietnam too. well avoided being in the Army or Marines at least. one joined the Army National Guard, one joined the Air Force and one joined the Navy. the two that joined the Air Force and Navy did go to Vietnam .. just not as a solider. one was stationed at an Air Base in Laos that didn't exist .. officially. they called it .. "The Base with no name". the other was on one of the carriers that ran flight ops to support ground troops.

my dad was called up to join the Army during Korea. he was originally called in 1950 and almost certainly would have ended up in a fox hole somewhere. he took two academic deferments to stay in college until 1952 when he graduated, then he was called up again. by then the troop count was pretty much set and he was going to sit in Ft. Benning for two years.

he found that a rather dull and boring prospect and a waste of two years when he'd rather be in Law school as he planned. if he had applied for overseas duty he'd immediately be sent to Korea. he had struck up a friendship with another guy in a similar situation, also a college grad who had taken academic deferments who was a logistics clerk. he told my dad that if he applied for oversea he'd be sent to Korea because he had a "red tag" on his file. that means you go straight to Korea. so they conspired to game the system. just after basic training, the clerk pulled his red tag and threw it in the trash can. that very day my Dad applied to go to West Germany. by the end of the day he was on a transport headed to Europe. the clerk told him that if the Army figured it out after about 72 hours then they wouldn't bother recalling him, too much trouble. so by the time he reported in at Wiesbaden West Germany he was home free.

he had a reason to go to West Germany, actually. we're German. Kraut-Micks actually, in that order. German-Irish. my last name is a German word. i'll keep that to myself thanks. so he wanted to be stationed in the motherland as it were. and learned to speak pretty fair German while he was there. another piece of luck came about due to him being a not just a college grad, but second in his class at UofL and a national merit finalist. a bird Colonel was reviewing records for a new aid and picked my dad. so he got to travel all over Europe and the Middle East as the attache of a bird Colonel. as Colonels can do, he was immediately promoted from buck private to corporal.

in the infinite military wisdom of the Army, they originally made my Dad an advanced infantry artillery spotter. you aren't on the front lines .. you are in front of the front lines. this despite the fact that in addition to radios they used signal flags as well and he's partially color blind. go figure. he has trouble with dark colors. can't tell blue from black or dark browns. the rest oft the color spectrum he saw just fine. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You forgot Muhammad Ali. I agreed with him.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You forgot Muhammad Ali. I agreed with him. Originally Posted by bambino

also from Louisville, Kentucky!

“I Ain't Got No Quarrel With The VietCong...No VietCong Ever Called Me N****r.”
Whisky_1's Avatar
Just like you would trust Gen. Michael Flynn or Col. Oliver North, to cite a couple other "honorable and distinguished" military servicemen, right whiskyboy?

What "unlawful order" was Vindman given? Was he told to stop the Biden family from unlawfully looting Ukraine? All Vindman did was assist with a fucking phone call. You make zero sense as usual, whiskyboy. Originally Posted by lustylad
I never said Flynn or North were honorable or distinguished servicemen. All I know is Flynn had his man card seized for letting Gen Mattis and Gen. Kelly steal his lunch money and then there was that unauthorized agent thing about Turkey. North helped launch a drug epidemic on American soil. I see nothing honorable in that. Moreover, if all Vindman did was assist with a phone call why y'all so mad? Lol!

Your vagina is self cleaning. You don't need that douche bag 45 or a special pussy wash to keep your vagina in tip top shape. If it smells off then maybe you should stop eating 45's BS or pay your physician a visit.