Hillary Is a Russian Asset

Redhot1960's Avatar


Left-wing activist and CNN commentator Van Jones joined the critics, warning that Hillary is playing “a very dangerous game … If you’re concerned about disinformation … that is what just happened, just throw out some information, disinformation, smear somebody.”
LexusLover's Avatar
HH is delighted the Eskimos don't wear thongs.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Ever smashed an Inuit?
bambino's Avatar
Ever smashed an Inuit? Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Do you give Hummers Yssup?
HoeHummer's Avatar
I don’t know about Yssup, yessir, yassup or whoever you silly bastards want me to be, but yes, I like to hum hoes. That’s why I came here. Why did you come here, baby Ruth?
bambino's Avatar
I don’t know about Yssup, yessir, yassup or whoever you silly bastards want me to be, but yes, I like to hum hoes. That’s why I came here. Why did you come here, baby Ruth? Originally Posted by HoeHummer
What type of Hos do you hum? Ones with dicks?
rexdutchman's Avatar
Well Duh did everyone forget the billary Steel payment ( she lost and started all over this BS)
HoeHummer's Avatar
What type of Hos do you hum? Ones with dicks? Originally Posted by bambino
Cursory search of your “Mandell” reveals you’re only about bums and facklers.

Howie Mandell is a loyal son of Canada. So give your balls a tug, hoser.
  • oeb11
  • 11-04-2019, 08:12 AM
Thanks - yr/tm - eventually the mods will figure it out.
bambino's Avatar
Cursory search of your “Mandell” reveals you’re only about bums and facklers.

Howie Mandell is a loyal son of Canada. So give your balls a tug, hoser. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
You’re the one who gets banned and comes back with different accounts........loser.
lustylad's Avatar

By Jonathan Chait Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

Jonathan Chait? You mean the fool who writes for NYMag and is constantly ridiculed by his own readers?

The Waco Kid already slammed that idiot 6 months ago when the Mueller Report came out and your favorite dickhead fake-news propagandist refused to eat crow and apologize like a real journalist.


The comments section is rather brutal to this libtard fool.

1 day ago

Wow, Chait, you have nothing here but speculation. Do you have any intellectual honesty at all, or is your hatred of Trump making such honesty impossible? Maybe you should get with Mueller and let him in on your great insights, maybe he will revise his report, issue some indictments, and you will be anointed as the hero you are in your own mind.

2 days ago

Collusion delusion, collusion clinger. Hillary sold 25% of the US Uranium to Russia for $145 million in donations to the Clinton Crime Foundation (exactly half of the $290 million in profit the Uranium One execs made on the transaction). Bill got $500,000 for a speech in Moscow. Carter Paige got $0 for speaking in Moscow. Trump blew up dozens of Russian war planes on the ground in Syria and killed Russian advisors in the attack. Based on the evidence, who is really a mole of the Russians? There is still absolutely no evidence not controlled and/or conjured up by Hillary and the DNC that the Russians hacked Hillary's emails. Wikileaks has firmly denied they came from the Russians.

2 days ago

Please call Robert Mueller immediately and let him know what he missed. I'm sure he'll reopen the investigation. Chait must assume that Barr and Rosenstein are covering up for Mueller's cover up. Paranoia in print. TDS squared.

3 days ago


You were SO right, your rectal bleeding continues, unabated.

3 days ago

This is the final paragraph of an article entitled "The Peculiar Logic of the Trump-Russia Scandal Deniers" by Jonathan Chait on January 30, 2019:

"The Trump defenders’ ability to disregard the lying may be their greatest act of credulity. In every twist and turn of the Russia investigation, Trump and his associates have been found to have lied — to Congress, to the FBI, and to the public. Somehow this pattern of behavior has not registered on the right as suspicious in any way. It is just a disconnected sequence of events, the same thing that keeps happening for no apparent reason."

I don't think I've seen a more blatant case of psychological projection. This man is not well.

3 days ago

In a word, Chait, pathetic. Your initial article was speculative, and this attempt at redemption is simply more speculation. The negotiations for a Trump Tower in Moscow were not only preliminary, they never rose to the level of serious discussions among the principals. If Chait understood business, he would immediately discern that brokers (which is what Cohen really was) hunt and sniff around trying to find an access point to the principal on the other side. Cohen never made the connection. That Chait thinks this is the basis for "compromise" is laughable. Chait desperately wants to redeem himself from the ridicule heaped upon him following his musings about Russia setting up Trump for compromise since 1987. His current article not only fails at redemption, it reinforces the conclusion that Chait is exhibit A of commentators of the left today - defensive, self-absorbed, unserious (meaning unwilling to set aside their certainty and speculative fervor and engage in serious analysis of the facts). Why would I ever take Chait seriously. He offers nothing more than his opinion. I challenge Chait or any of his acolytes to cite specific facts - not inferences - supporting the conclusion that Putin has, and has used, compromising information on Trump to influence his policies toward Russia.

3 days ago

Guys like Chait are like the Japanese soldiers who hid in caves 40 years after the war, refusing to believe they'd lost (with thanks to Michael Goodwin of the New York Post, from whom I cribbed this analogy).

Give it up, eccieuser9500. Everyone has known for years that Jonathan Chait is an ignorant fool.
lustylad's Avatar
Anybody want some more Holman Jenkins? Here's another column that asks questions that are shunned by the fake-news journalists.

The Wrong Impeachers

A large swath of Trump-skeptical voters haven’t forgotten the Democrats’ Russia collusion hoax.

By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.
Nov. 1, 2019 6:58 pm ET

Donald Trump keeps it simple, and likely too simple given Ukraine’s opaque and corrupt politics, when he says Joe Biden arranged the firing of a Ukrainian prosecutor looking into a company that employed his son.

You can find quotes on both sides from Ukrainians, but all have axes to grind. And why was Ukraine’s then-President Petro Poroshenko so resistant to the prosecutor’s firing that Mr. Biden had to threaten to hold back $1 billion in aid? Never explained. Some reports say the prosecutor was actually using the threat of investigating Burisma as a lever to extort something of value from regime colleagues—which makes a certain sense.

Mr. Biden can claim he was uninfluenced by his son’s employment. But his staff knew about the job. The Ukrainians knew. America’s European allies knew. The World Bank and International Monetary Fund knew. All knew that Burisma had to be pussyfooted around to avoid causing a scandal for Mr. Biden that might mess up the Obama administration’s ability to sustain support for the shaky regime.

This is what made Hunter Biden worth the money Burisma paid him to sit on its board between April 2014 and April 2019. And whatever the reason for firing prosecutor Viktor Shokin, it was decidedly not with the goal of making trouble for Burisma.

Until a few weeks ago, the press understood the implicit corruption of U.S. foreign policy involved here. The facts themselves may not be disqualifying for Mr. Biden, but the sight of him endlessly prevaricating could be. And the story is not going away because Democrats have put Ukraine at the center of their impeachment spectacle.

Then there’s this: On Aug. 28, 2016, the Financial Times reported that Mr. Trump’s rise to the GOP nomination had spurred “Kiev’s wider political leadership to do something they would never have attempted before: intervene, however indirectly, in a US election.” We open a can of worms when holding U.S. candidates responsible for things foreign governments do, or refrain from doing, to influence our elections. But the facts here are more compelling than anything dug up against the shambolic Trump campaign. Mr. Biden was acting as a virtual U.S. proconsul to Kiev, using U.S. aid to bludgeon actions from the Poroshenko government at the very moment a prominent Ukrainian ally was leaking confidential investigative material to discredit Mr. Trump’s campaign manager, Paul Manafort.

Mr. Trump’s way of fishing in these waters has been typically ill-advised, but presidents always have their political interests in mind when conducting foreign policy. (JFK and LBJ were blunt with aides about how their Vietnam decisions were influenced by their re-election needs.) Mr. Trump is also unique in the degree to which he is opposed in his own bureaucracy. Notice that Democrats have abandoned the silly claim that the “high crime” here is a campaign-finance violation. Their “damning” witnesses now are all administration officials who, unlike the president, are keen to turn the U.S. into Ukraine’s military guarantor.

Which brings us to the Achilles’ heel of this impeachment if the goal is to bring along a broad public: Democrats’ and the media’s astonishing and studied obliviousness to the bonfire they made of their own credibility with the Russia hoax. Unless I miss my guess, even many Trump-skeptical voters have no interest in giving victory to so corrupt an opposition. An irony is that many of these voters would probably make an exception for Mr. Biden, in whom they have a hard time seeing the kind of fanatically careerist sleaziness that motivates Adam Schiff. (Indeed, Mr. Biden keeps stepping in it with his base by saying nice things about various GOP colleagues.)

Let’s briefly touch on a few other points. The universal pretense that persons in authority (who aren’t Mr. Trump) know what they’re doing plays a role here. The media would have you believe Mr. Trump’s bureaucratic enemies are uniformly competent, disinterested and patriotic.

Secondly, I’ve come to regret referring to journalism as a profession. It’s clearly an industry given to “driving the numbers” with the trope du jour. Exceptions are as likely to be found on the left as the right. T.A. Frank of Vanity Fair, Glenn Greenwald of the Intercept, the Nation’s Aaron Maté and Rolling Stone’s Matt Taibbi are all writers on the left who knew the Russia collusion story was a fraud and said so for years.

Though I don’t expect to see it, one thing might yet transform our national dilemma: if Mr. Biden, in response to a reporter asking an interesting question for a change, lent his support to the Justice Department’s John Durham investigation into the Steele dossier and other troubling 2016 questions. The 2020 race then would become a shockingly different election from the one we’re now slated to get. The one we’re slated to get, unfortunately, is an all-out war of two sides that fundamentally reject each other’s legitimacy.

LexusLover's Avatar
You’re the one who gets banned and comes back with different accounts........loser. Originally Posted by bambino
He's also the one who is "challenged" by the thong removal thingy!
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Jonathan Chait? You mean the fool who writes for NYMag and is constantly ridiculed by his own readers?

The Waco Kid already slammed that idiot 6 months ago when the Mueller Report came out and your favorite dickhead fake-news propagandist refused to eat crow and apologize like a real journalist.


https://eccie.net/showthread.php?p=1061403545 Originally Posted by lustylad
Coming from someone who takes Fakes News seriously, it doesn't surprise me you would project.

Give it up, eccieuser9500. Everyone has known for years that Jonathan Chait is an ignorant fool. Originally Posted by Ex-CEO

If you think so. If you don't beleive it, it must be a lie, right?

I don't think I've seen a more blatant case of psychological projection.