Pelosi officially launches her Kamikaze mission!

Get in your hick truck and drive it off a cliff. Originally Posted by bambino
I think he already did...the post is a result of the massive head injury he received from it!!
You know your on the right side when the cult begins their personal attacks. It’s all they have left. Their loosing court cases and the trump lies about Obama, FBI and CIA spying on his campaign are being exposed. He got caught violating his oath to protect the United States Constitution and National Security. The entire world is laughing at him and the minions who voted for him and now his fat lying ass is being impeached. Pelosi is kicking the trump party’s ass and they still believe their winning. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Where you in the truck with him??

P.S.Next time wear your seatbelt!!
BlisswithKriss's Avatar
Theres so much wrong in this post i dont have time to respond!

Whats sad is, theres actually people who think this way and vote. Truly sad Originally Posted by winn dixie
Hey Cupcake, I think it’s even sadder that we have fools like you that have no problem supporting a mentally ill individual that firmly believes he’s above the law, and is insulted to find he’s been investigated For his crimes against the constitution or are you that brain dead you are totally out of the loop.
Do you honestly think he actually cares about chuckle nuts like you ? And his dysfunctional base.
Now that’s the sad part. If you can’t come up with a sensible response to my posts then just move along. Sad pathetic boy.
BlisswithKriss's Avatar
I hope you're just trying to be funny. Because if you are truly serious you are a danger to yourself and others, and should be locked up. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Hey just because you’ve done jail time, doesn’t mean you should invite it for others.
I’ve no idea what you’re blathering about but as usual you haven’t got anything concrete to say.
I don’t know what your problem is, but I bet it’s hard to pronounce.
Now run along, that’s a good chap.
lustylad's Avatar
This impeachment is all about subverting the American democracy and the VOTE. We all have a right for fair elections so we can’t allow a deranged and unstable House Speaker like Pelosi to overturn any election to benefit dim-retard losers. They can't get over what happened in 2016. Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss
I agree 100%!
lustylad's Avatar
I don’t expect any of you lot to follow the process on the radio or TV, maybe it’s because it’s beyond your comprehension and level of intelligence. Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss
Hey blissboy, since you obviously spend all day following this circus, or as you call it "process", maybe you can demonstrate your superior comprehension and intelligence by helping me out on something.

Didn't they trot out a bunch of so-called Constitutional scholars the other day to render solemn and learned opinions on whether the Articles of Impeachment are soundly drafted, consistent with the factual evidence, and serious enough to warrant a "yes" vote on each Article?

Oh wait a sec! The Articles haven't been drafted yet, have they? Hmmm... so what were those faculty lounge lizards babbling about? How can they support something that hasn't even been drafted yet?

Isn't that putting the cart before the horse?

(Oh dear! This is starting to resemble Alice in Wonderland... what did the Queen say? Sentence first, verdict afterwards?)
rexdutchman's Avatar
Did you see the news , she's Bi-polar , elitist that was questioned just WOW
There living in a fairy tale , distortion of any facts
Lock him up? Lock him up? Lock him up?

Pull your finger out of your arse, eh? Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Pull your head out of yours ya dumb foreigner.
Hey just because you’ve done jail time, doesn’t mean you should invite it for others.
I’ve no idea what you’re blathering about but as usual you haven’t got anything concrete to say.
I don’t know what your problem is, but I bet it’s hard to pronounce.
Now run along, that’s a good chap. Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss
You're the one blathering ya fucking psycho.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Get in your hick truck and drive it off a cliff. Originally Posted by bambino
like this?

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
She only has one, maybe two, more election cycles before retirement. She's doing party line to make sure she can bank more for retirement
winn dixie's Avatar
Hey Cupcake, I think it’s even sadder that we have fools like you that have no problem supporting a mentally ill individual that firmly believes he’s above the law, and is insulted to find he’s been investigated For his crimes against the constitution or are you that brain dead you are totally out of the loop.
Do you honestly think he actually cares about chuckle nuts like you ? And his dysfunctional base.
Now that’s the sad part. If you can’t come up with a sensible response to my posts then just move along. Sad pathetic boy. Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss
Thats funny.. Good one!

We all can see you'll believe anything and everything thats told to you or written. Thats whats truly sad here!
HedonistForever's Avatar
There’s nothing kamikaze about What Nancy Pelosi has done. Trump, the most corrupt and dishonest “president” ever to occupy the WH, embarked on his own Kamikaze mission by trying to strong arm the President of Ukraine to dig up this fake dirt on the Biden’s.

Why is it that people such as yourself can't simply speak the truth about what was said in the phone call and what all the witnesses have said, that not one of them was ever told by the President to "dig up dirt on the Biden's". What Trump asked for was an investigation into possible corruption at Burisma where the VP's son was working and Joe Biden being the overseer of all things Ukraine. Why can't you just admit that it was a request from a US President exercising his right under treaty to investigate, not make up dirt. Those are your words that never came from the mouth of Trump much like the so called parody from Schiff so why do you use them? Why didn't Schiff just read the transcript instead of making up words? Why, because he knew that the words Trump spoke said no such thing as "I want you to dig up dirt on the Biden's and if you can't find any, make some up". Hell, if Trump had done that, I would be calling for his impeachment.

And if Hunter and Joe did nothing wrong, how would that help Trump? As a matter of fact, if nothing illegal was found, it would hurt Trump.

It’s turned out to be a fools errand. If any of you lot have a brain, you will realize that Trump is a total criminal and thinks he’s above the law, and immune to any kind of prosecution. He’s sadly mistaken.

Trump has just called for a trial in the Senate. Doesn't sound like somebody that thinks he is immune form prosecution.

This impeachment is all about protecting the American democracy and the VOTE. We all have a right for fair elections so we can’t allow a deranged and unstable president like Trump to rig any election to benefit him. Just like what happened in 2016.

My guess is you didn't vote for Trump and will not next time so how does any of this affect your vote, the vote of others? What if Joe and Hunter Biden were involved in corruption and you vote for Biden only to find out later that he was corrupt or do you not care much like you accuse others of voting for Trump because they don't care if he is corrupt?

Seems to me that the only people changing their minds are those in the swing states, 2/3 of which according to the NYT's say they will switch back to Trump and dump all those Democrats they voted for in 2016.

I don’t expect any of you lot to follow the process on the radio or TV, maybe it’s because it’s beyond your comprehension and level of intelligence.

I can only speak for myself but I have watched every minute of every hearing. Can you say the same?

If that’s the case then just carry on with your locker room rhetoric. Boost your fragile egos. BTW there’s nobody in the Repugnant party to match the craft and brilliance of Pelosi. She would eat Trumps lunch anytime anywhere. Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss

AH yes! The brilliant Pelosi who said we should move forward with impeachment only if there is bi-partisan support else it will look like vindictive party politics. With two Democrats and all Republicans in the House voting against even the inquiry, that was the bi-partisan vote Pelosi was talking about and when she didn't get the bi-partisan vote she said was necessary, she went ahead anyway. We'll see if that turns out to be foolish or brilliant in the 2020 vote.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
whole purpose of this impeachment excerise is to make Trump unelectable.

they are obviously taking a page out the Andrew Johnson impeachment playbook.

whether their attempt will work is debatable.

the problem was that Johnson was defeated during the primary. this is not the case here. Trump really has no real primary challenger worth his/her salt.

the general election is a different prospect all together.
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^^ the people I talk with see the impeachment as a joke soooo we will see what the election brings