Does no one care about wikileaks?

lustylad's Avatar
NSA can't & won't find terrorist in the metadata. the data itself is useless for that purpose. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Wrong. It lets the NSA trace communications between and among terrorists. If you identify one member of a terrorist sleeper cell, it can help point to the others. It's the haystack you need to look for the needles.
lustylad's Avatar
So, LardoLad, you are officially on record as preferring security over liberty. Enjoy the coming police state. It's people like you willing to sell out freedom that are causing the demise of this once great country. And I stand by my statement. If it can be shown that any information affecting real national security was leaked by Snowden, I will change my position. You just like being a statist asshole. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Get off your fucking soap box. There is no "police state" - just you wanting to handcuff the NSA's ability to keep us safe and prevent more San Bernardino/Orlando or 9/11 attacks. We spend billions on homeland security and you want to handcuff the people we pay to protect us. You haven't cited a single instance where unauthorized NSA surveillance has caused harm to innocent citizens. You haven't because you can't.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
As your hero, Drumpf, says: "We've got to do a better job to address the cyber..." (what a fucking loon)

Of course, it's kinda odd that nobody's hacked his accounts, isn't it?

Then again, what would they find that Drumpf won't say unsolicited in one of his rambling rants?
lustylad's Avatar
Of course, it's kinda odd that nobody's hacked his accounts, isn't it? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Maybe he keeps his email secure and doesn't recklessly and stupidly send and receive classified information on an illegal server kept in a bathroom closet, oinkboy.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Thanks for your opinion, LittleFredo, the Dancing Turd. Oh, and LardoLad, the only way we will find out about harm done is through people like Edward Snowden. The government isn't going to tell us. This is a blatant infringement on my 4th Amendment rights. The harm is in that, alone. If the government has probable cause, they can get a warrant. What have you got against freedom?
Thanks for your opinion, LittleFredo, the Dancing Turd. Oh, and LardoLad, the only way we will find out about harm done is through people like Edward Snowden. The government isn't going to tell us. This is a blatant infringement on my 4th Amendment rights. The harm is in that, alone. If the government has probable cause, they can get a warrant. What have you got against freedom? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
We always thought you were stupid, now we know for sure SOS.

I had to change SOF (senile old fart) to SOS (stupid old shit).
lustylad's Avatar
Oh, and LardoLad, the only way we will find out about harm done is through people like Edward Snowden. The government isn't going to tell us. This is a blatant infringement on my 4th Amendment rights. The harm is in that, alone. If the government has probable cause, they can get a warrant. What have you got against freedom? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Wow, you really are clueless. Snowden spilled the beans, so by your logic you should now be able to show me the actual harm done - yet you still can't! Not a single innocent person was harassed or jailed by the NSA. And they already have to go to a FISA court judge and obtain a warrant before they can look up anyone's phone or internet records. You would know that if you had even the slightest clue what you are talking about.

All you care about is pounding yourself on the chest and saying "Look at me, I'm a big shot defender of liberty" while you help enable the terrorists to plot their next deadly attack undetected. The blood of their victims - our fellow citizens - will be on assholes like you.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
When our Liberty is gone, the terrorists have won. You're the one aiding the terrorists.
LexusLover's Avatar
This election is OVER. Republicans should start focusing on 2020. Unless a bomb hits between now and November 8th there is no way Trump can overcome the lead that Clinton has in the polls. For those of you who are still not believing the polls . . . we'll see in a handful of days how accurate they are. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
  • oeb11
  • 12-08-2019, 09:37 AM
I wondered if ftw had resurrected another years old thread.

At least we have a reason for it.
LexusLover's Avatar
Timely! Extraordinarily TIMELY!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I wondered if ftw had resurrected another years old thread.

At least we have a reason for it. Originally Posted by oeb11

this time it wasn't FTW.
You don't know who will win. Nobody will know until late in the night of 11/8/2016. So quit pretending that you're a fortune teller. Originally Posted by bambino
In retrospect, excellent commentary.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Timely! Extraordinarily TIMELY! Originally Posted by LexusLover
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-08-2019, 06:46 PM
Wow And they already have to go to a FISA court judge and obtain a warrant before they can look up anyone's phone or internet records.
Originally Posted by lustylad
Timely! Extraordinarily TIMELY! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yes the FISA Courts seemed to have worked despite Trump crying about them.