So the Orange Clown in Chief Got Impeached.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Fact is Mitch and Lindsey are total morons and idiots. What kind of fool comes out and announces on Camera that they will be partial and rig the Senate trial in favor of the POTUS by not calling witnesses or requesting evidence. What kind of a moron would box themselves in like that just before they have to take an oath to be impartial. Those statements they made on Camera is precisely why Dems will retake control of the Senate like we did the house recently. They're incompetent morons and they fucked up with their over the top emotional response. All those idiots did was give Nancy her playbook. Now Nancy will be justified in the delay to deliver the Articles to the Senate and will extend this out which is bad press for the POTUS and will allow us to further reach the independent voters and those Republicans that stand for the rule of law. All those George Bush Republicans in the US Intel committee and agencies will be voting Dem in 2020. Trump has ensured it with his military, CIA, and FBI bashing.

Like I said yall dont have a clue you're just emotional that's pretty much it Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

if you say so.
  • pxmcc
  • 12-19-2019, 12:51 PM
Trump asked questions about a potential 2020 candidates foreign dealings in order to determine if he was engaged in any corruption.

i don't have time for a proper post, but i will make one short point. to say that the most corrupt president in the history of the Republic-including Harding and Nixon-was interested in rooting out corruption in Eukraine is nothing short of laughable.
boardman's Avatar
This is why I stay out of politico. You can't argue with idiots.
  • pxmcc
  • 12-19-2019, 01:58 PM
This is why I stay out of politico. You can't argue with idiots. Originally Posted by boardman
do you think it was a coincidence then that the only "corruption" Trump was interested in "investigating" involved his domestic political rival?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
do you think it was a coincidence then that the only "corruption" Trump was interested in "investigating" involved his domestic political rival? Originally Posted by pxmcc

do you think it's coincidence Hunter Biden became a Barisma board member and got a sweetheart investment deal from China while his dad Corn Pop Biden was VP?


you do know that the US has a treaty with Ukraine to cooperate on criminal and corruption issues in either nation on behalf of each other? signed by Slick Willie Blythe no less.

so what was illegal or corrupt about Trump invoking a treaty to investigate Barisma and Corn Pop's boy's cushy seat on the board? unless you think Hunter Biden with his vast experience in the Energy sector (none) actually got that seat on merit, right??

Putin has tapes of Russian hookers pissing on him and pegging his ass in the Kremlin so he's compelled to do what they say. ..... Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

Like this? Our first black President.

Do y'all even know what the 2 articles of impeachment are for.

Here's a hint. It's got nothing to do with Russia.
..... Originally Posted by boardman
Don't waste your time with long responses to trolls.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
My pastor

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
My pastor

Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

yer bro's history is a bit shaky there, sparky chapel ..

Grant, Reconstruction and the KKK

At the time of Ulysses S. Grant's election to the presidency, white supremacists were conducting a reign of terror throughout the South. In outright defiance of the Republican-led federal government, Southern Democrats formed organizations that violently intimidated blacks and Republicans who tried to win political power.

The most prominent of these, the Ku Klux Klan, was formed in Pulaski, Tennessee, in 1865. Originally founded as a social club for former Confederate soldiers, the Klan evolved into a terrorist organization. It would be responsible for thousands of deaths, and would help to weaken the political power of Southern blacks and Republicans.

Racist activity in the South often took the form of riots that targeted blacks and Republicans. In 1866, a quarrel between whites and black ex-soldiers erupted into a full-fledged riot in Memphis, Tennessee. White policemen assisted the mobs in their violent rampage through the black sections of town. By the time the violence ended, 46 people were dead, 70 more were wounded, and numerous churches and schools had been burned. Just two months later, on July 30, a similar outbreak of violence erupted in New Orleans. This time, a white mob attacked the attendees of a black suffrage convention, killing 37 blacks and three whites who allied with them.

In this violent atmosphere, the Ku Klux Klan grew in size and strength. By 1868, the Klan had evolved into a hooded terrorist organization that its members called "The Invisible Empire of the South." The reorganized Klan's first leader, or "Grand Wizard," was Nathan Bedford Forrest, who had been a Confederate general during the Civil War.

White Southerners from all classes of society joined the Klan's ranks. In the name of preserving law and order in a white-dominated society, Klansmen punished newly freed blacks for a variety of reasons, including behaving in an "impudent" manner toward whites. They whipped the teachers of freedmen's schools and burnt their schoolhouses. But first and foremost, the Klan sought to do away with Republican influence in the South by terrorizing and murdering its party leaders and all those who voted for it.

In the time leading up to the 1868 presidential election, the Klan's activities picked up in speed and brutality. The election, which pitted Republican Ulysses S. Grant against Democrat Horatio Seymour, was crucial. Republicans would continue programs that prevented Southern whites from gaining political control in their states. Klan members knew that given the chance, the blacks in their communities would vote Republican.

Across the South, the Klan and other terrorist groups used brutal violence to intimidate Republican voters. In Arkansas, over 2,000 murders were committed in connection with the election. In Georgia, the number of threats and beatings was even higher. And in Louisiana, 1000 blacks were killed as the election neared. In those three states, Democrats won decisive victories at the polls.

Nevertheless, the Klan's violent actions proved to many Northerners that the South had not learned its lesson in the recent war. In this way, the Klan's activities actually backfired. People realized that harsher laws would have to be passed in order to stop the violence and protect Southern blacks. And those laws were soon in coming.

In the 1868 presidential election, Republican Ulysses S. Grant won the office with the slogan, "Let Us Have Peace." Republicans also won a majority in Congress. Many Northerners, disgusted by Klan violence, lent their support to the Fifteenth Amendment, which gave the vote to black men in every state, and the First Reconstruction Act of 1867, which placed harsher restrictions on the South and closely regulated the formation of their new governments.

that's right sparky chapel .. REPUBLICANS led the effort for blacks to gain the right to vote

Other legislation attacked the Klan more directly. Between 1870 and 1871, Congress passed the Enforcement Acts, which made it a crime to interfere with registration, voting, officeholding, or jury service of blacks. More than 5,000 people were indicted under these laws; a little more than 1,000 were convicted.

In 1871 Congress also passed the Ku Klux Klan Act, which allowed the government to act against terrorist organizations. Grant did not rigorously enforce these laws, although he did order the arrest of hundreds of Klan members. But with the overwhelming support of the Klan in the South, convictions proved difficult to obtain, and the financial panic of 1873 would distract the North from the problems of Southern racism. In 1882 the United States Supreme Court declared Ku Klux Klan Act unconstitutional.

thank you valued poster!
  • pxmcc
  • 12-19-2019, 04:41 PM
do you think it's coincidence Hunter Biden became a Barisma board member and got a sweetheart investment deal from China while his dad Corn Pop Biden was VP?


you do know that the US has a treaty with Ukraine to cooperate on criminal and corruption issues in either nation on behalf of each other? signed by Slick Willie Blythe no less.

so what was illegal or corrupt about Trump invoking a treaty to investigate Barisma and Corn Pop's boy's cushy seat on the board? unless you think Hunter Biden with his vast experience in the Energy sector (none) actually got that seat on merit, right??

BAHAHHHAAHAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Waco Kid: I'm sure you are mischaracterizing the facts. But lets say for the sake of argument that everything you said is correct. If Hunter Biden was engaged in illegal conduct-which i see not a shred of evidence for but anyway-if he was breaking the law, Trump should have reported that info to the FBI and let them do their job. End of story.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Waco Kid: I'm sure you are mischaracterizing the facts. But lets say for the sake of argument that everything you said is correct. If Hunter Biden was engaged in illegal conduct-which i see not a shred of evidence for but anyway-if he was breaking the law, Trump should have reported that info to the FBI and let them do their job. End of story. Originally Posted by pxmcc

i'm sure i'm not. the FBI is an internal organization. they can't do anything about crimes or corruption in Ukraine. Hunter Biden is a US citizen, however the source of the corruption is in Ukraine. so by the treaty we have with Ukraine, the evidence comes from them.

and you do know that Ukraine officials have tried in the past to forward info about this issue to the US State Dept.? it fell on deaf ears. this is why Trump used Giuliani as a personal envoy, which in case you didn't know is not illegal and is an accepted practice used by many past presidents.

also the State Dept. themselves raised concerns about Hunter Biden's business dealings with Burisma to Corn Pop Biden himself .. only to have them brushed aside by Corn Pop.

i find you and sparky chapel's claim that debating us "illiterate" trumpers being easy to be correct ... just not in the way you thinck it is ...

The Personal President

Why FDR shunned the State Department and instead sent friends and cronies on important diplomatic missions.

State Department Official Raised Concerns in 2015 Over Hunter Biden

George Kent this week told lawmakers he was concerned about appearance of a conflict in Ukraine

State Department official raised concerns about Hunter Biden

Ukrainian to US prosecutors: Why don't you want our evidence on Democrats?

and last but certainly not least ... this treaty allowed Trump to ask the incoming Ukraine president to assist in corruption investigations ..

Treaty requires Ukraine to assist in US criminal investigations

thank you valued poster!
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 12-19-2019, 07:47 PM
This is why I stay out of politico. You can't argue with idiots. Originally Posted by boardman
But you can take their money.
  • pxmcc
  • 12-19-2019, 08:56 PM
i'm sure i'm not. the FBI is an internal organization. they can't do anything about crimes or corruption in Ukraine. Hunter Biden is a US citizen, however the source of the corruption is in Ukraine. so by the treaty we have with Ukraine, the evidence comes from them.

and you do know that Ukraine officials have tried in the past to forward info about this issue to the US State Dept.? it fell on deaf ears. this is why Trump used Giuliani as a personal envoy, which in case you didn't know is not illegal and is an accepted practice used by many past presidents.

also the State Dept. themselves raised concerns about Hunter Biden's business dealings with Burisma to Corn Pop Biden himself .. only to have them brushed aside by Corn Pop.

i find you and sparky chapel's claim that debating us "illiterate" trumpers being easy to be correct ... just not in the way you thinck it is ...

The Personal President

Why FDR shunned the State Department and instead sent friends and cronies on important diplomatic missions.

State Department Official Raised Concerns in 2015 Over Hunter Biden

George Kent this week told lawmakers he was concerned about appearance of a conflict in Ukraine

State Department official raised concerns about Hunter Biden

Ukrainian to US prosecutors: Why don't you want our evidence on Democrats?

and last but certainly not least ... this treaty allowed Trump to ask the incoming Ukraine president to assist in corruption investigations ..

Treaty requires Ukraine to assist in US criminal investigations

thank you valued poster! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Waco: i doubt that anything you posted changes the fundamental fact that we have an occupant in the White House who has betrayed and continues to betray this great country. however, i am interested in your point of view, so i will review the docs whose links you posted when i have time and update my post.
Slitlikr's Avatar
Wrong forum

It's embarrassing that the lower house can't properly execute the plan that Alinsky laid out for them.
He is turning over in his grave.
All the fools that support this impeachment should read his book before you go to Venezuela where you belong.

Your field of candidates is equally impressive. Lmao
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Waco: i doubt that anything you posted changes the fundamental fact that we have an occupant in the White House who has betrayed and continues to betray this great country. however, i am interested in your point of view, so i will review the docs whose links you posted when i have time and update my post. Originally Posted by pxmcc

you do that. with an open mind .. if u have one.

Wrong forum

It's embarrassing that the lower house can't properly execute the plan that Alinsky laid out for them.
He is turning over in his grave.
All the fools that support this impeachment should read his book before you go to Venezuela where you belong.

Your field of candidates is equally impressive. Lmao Originally Posted by Slitlikr


this is an example of losing the game before it begins.
  • pxmcc
  • 12-20-2019, 12:17 AM
[QUOTE=The_Waco_Kid;1061889786]you do that. with an open mind .. if u have one.

yes sir. there's no downside to having an open mind.