Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 01-01-2020, 04:37 AM
There are no ghosts just creepy moments. You think dead granny has some reason to walk your hall at night? Why? If you haunt a house and it gets torn down is granny now a homeless ghost? Humans have been here a long time there should be so many ghosts there would be no doubt about it. I ain't seen no old caveman ghost, no Indian, no pilgrims, no slaves, no civil war, no current ghosts either. We should have real life Ghostbusters if it were real. I'm not saying shit ain't creepy and scary but making up stuff like ghosts is not productive.
normalguy21's Avatar
I have ran across many a spook, [ government worker ] in my travels and whoopi goldberg was in ghost ...
Yes....working night shift as a Nurse, I've seen and heard some crazy stuff.
Kay of Houston's Avatar
Yes....working night shift as a Nurse, I've seen and heard some crazy stuff. Originally Posted by alaine
Would love to hear more about what you heard n saw.
JRLawrence's Avatar
There are no ghosts just creepy moments. You think dead granny has some reason to walk your hall at night? Why? If you haunt a house and it gets torn down is granny now a homeless ghost? Humans have been here a long time there should be so many ghosts there would be no doubt about it. I ain't seen no old caveman ghost, no Indian, no pilgrims, no slaves, no civil war, no current ghosts either. We should have real life Ghostbusters if it were real. I'm not saying shit ain't creepy and scary but making up stuff like ghosts is not productive. Originally Posted by Trey
The mind is a powerful thing, it can create, and imagine, a lot of things - that doesn't mean they are true. The less educated the person is, the less real the thoughts can be. The real stupid people create ghosts. Ghost stories are created by those who entertain us: it isn't fact, it has never been true. Only the stupid people believe these stories. Quit listening to anything created by Hollywood, especially political.
Kay of Houston's Avatar
The mind is a powerful thing, it can create, and imagine, a lot of things - that doesn't mean they are true. The less educated the person is, the less real the thoughts can be. The real stupid people create ghosts. Ghost stories are created by those who entertain us: it isn't fact, it has never been true. Only the stupid people believe these stories. Quit listening to anything created by Hollywood, especially political. Originally Posted by JRLawrence
Thanks for your input. I am not a stupid, uneducated person.

My first experience was when I was about 12/13 yr old. My mother, step dad, and my other brother were out shopping. My older brother was home. He took a pic of the xmas tree from a polaroid camera.

In that pic, you could see the tree, lights, gifts but also in the pic was the pic of a man, late 30's, turtle neck, sash. Nice looking guy. In his frame was another man looking to the right. Bottom of the photo was another face.

The faces were clear although they were where gray, but all the colors were clear on the tree.

Just to say, you cant have a double exposure on a polaroid.

I'm not afraid of them. Just think that in some situations they are here to help. The main guy was looking straight at my brother.

Ive had other encounters but that another story.
Kay of Houston's Avatar
The mind is a powerful thing, it can create, and imagine, a lot of things - that doesn't mean they are true. The less educated the person is, the less real the thoughts can be. The real stupid people create ghosts. Ghost stories are created by those who entertain us: it isn't fact, it has never been true. Only the stupid people believe these stories. Quit listening to anything created by Hollywood, especially political. Originally Posted by JRLawrence
I appreciate your input but the mind cannot add faces to a polaroid camera
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Up here in KC we tend to ignore JR just because.

JR, back at my post 7, there were multiple witnesses for both of my mentions, with the hotel item running a few decades.
normalguy21's Avatar
There are no ghosts just creepy moments. You think dead granny has some reason to walk your hall at night? Why? If you haunt a house and it gets torn down is granny now a homeless ghost? Humans have been here a long time there should be so many ghosts there would be no doubt about it. I ain't seen no old caveman ghost, no Indian, no pilgrims, no slaves, no civil war, no current ghosts either. We should have real life Ghostbusters if it were real. I'm not saying shit ain't creepy and scary but making up stuff like ghosts is not productive. Originally Posted by Trey

I wonder if valet space elevator parking is available in your area
JRLawrence's Avatar
Up here in KC we tend to ignore JR just because.

JR, back at my post 7, there were multiple witnesses for both of my mentions, with the hotel item running a few decades. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter

You are welcome to your opinion on this matter: but, no one is allowed to make up their own facts.

There are a lot of opinions about the matter. Enjoy what you believe and appreciate that believing in your opinion is not established on facts.

Science does not recognize ghosts because there are no known facts to support their existence: just opinions.

Your story was entertaining: we appreciate the humor.

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Ah JR.
There's dozens upon dozens if witnesses over a few decades of the Blue Lady at a downtown hotel.
It is that simple.
Just cause you do not believe, does not mean folks have to listen to your lectures on life in the real world or hobby verse.
Kay of Houston's Avatar
O.k good for u
bambino's Avatar
I had a few drinks with Casper, the friendly ghost. Pretty cool ghost if I say so meself.
Whenever I am in my house in Arkansas (and I will be back soon) there is a ghost there that moves things. I have minimum furniture there but no matter what I put down I have a hard time finding it again. This happens in none of the other cities I stay in, just the one in Arkansas.
JRLawrence's Avatar
Hey Carpenter,

I think you are a great guy; however, you are also a guy that doesn't know logic, or the scientific method. The mind is a great and wonderful thing but it can also create things that are not there. Saw that with guys in Nam. Witnesses are known to imitate each other. After all the story has been around for a long time. Group thinking is not proof of anything.

You will have to do better than this. The truth is you don't know for sure, you just want to believe, and you want others to be entertained by your ghost stories. This is like talking in tongs by the Pentecostal Christians -with reference to the baptism in the Holy Spirit at the first Pentecost (Acts 2:9-11). it is suppose to be an unknown language, but after a while everyone talking in tongs are using the same identical phrases. "Sondla Michia" to you too.

It is still your opinion, and not a fact. You are welcome to your opinions; in the same way that Pentecostal Christians are welcome to their opinions. Did you ever wonder why the majority of Pentecostal Christians has a very low percentage of educated people?

Even educated people can be stupid. I have had two guys with Master's degrees (one with two) who were worked in my warehouse for $10 per hour. Of course one of them had a degree in Political Science which we know is not an education at all. He is a nice guy, but really stupid. He went off to work for the Church of Scientology for $35 per month. Yes, you read that right, $35 per month plus room and board and a chance to be a waiter for free for John Travolta and Tom Cruise (born Thomas Cruise Mapother IV; July 3, 1962).

The truth: There is a lot of weird shit in the world. I take comfort on knowing the difference between what I knows as a proven fact, and what is an opinion that one may like and believe and not know for sure despite what everyone else believes: think about Adolh Hitler, and how much he was loved by the German people, before you respond.