Kay of Houston's Avatar
Whenever I am in my house in Arkansas (and I will be back soon) there is a ghost there that moves things. I have minimum furniture there but no matter what I put down I have a hard time finding it again. This happens in none of the other cities I stay in, just the one in Arkansas. Originally Posted by theotherguy1
Wow. That's cool. I wish I still had the pic my brother took..
JRLawrence's Avatar
Wow. That's cool. I wish I still had the pic my brother took.. Originally Posted by Kay of Houston
But you don't have it, correct. Just your word it exists. By the way, before the age of electronic photos: there was film cameras, include Polaroid in this discussion.

It was quit easy to take several pictures on the same film negative. I did a beautiful one of my daughter when she was three. One shot of the face was with a longer exposure, the background shot was with her face turned sideways with a shorter exposure. The result was a nice picture of her, with a light picture of her behind that looked like her ghost, but of course we knew that it was the same person with just a different view.

A photo can be easily manipulated.
Kay of Houston's Avatar
But you don't have it, correct. Just your word it exists. By the way, before the age of electronic photos: there was film cameras, include Polaroid in this discussion.

It was quit easy to take several pictures on the same film negative. I did a beautiful one of my daughter when she was three. One shot of the face was with a longer exposure, the background shot was with her face turned sideways with a shorter exposure. The result was a nice picture of her, with a light picture of her behind that looked like her ghost, but of course we knew that it was the same person with just a different view.

A photo can be easily manipulated. Originally Posted by JRLawrence
Right, right. but I don't believe that over 40+ years ago people were not so tech savy.I grew up in the country. Hell we didn't know shit about computers or the internet.

All I can say is the one man with the longer dark hair, with the turtle neck n sash, good looking man, the older man looking the other way and the one that wasn't clear no one friends or family recognized.
SamanthaHart's Avatar
Yes. Absolutely. They are as real as you and I. I also am a medium/empath. ❤️
Yes. Absolutely. They are as real as you and I. I also am a medium/empath. ❤️ Originally Posted by SamanthaHart
No, I think you're a large, lol.
OHHH YESSSSS..Two incidents..When I was doing my Undergrad I had to take History but none was offered that fit my Schedule...So I took a class about the History of the County I lived in at the Time..One of my assignments was a slide show..The area I lived was settled in 1620 so I did the Time Period of 1620 to 1776..I went into the old grave yard by the long Island sound..Called the RICHBELL Cemetery..I took about 25 slides their, out of a roll of 36..I took several rolls of Slides but all 25 I took in the GRAVE YARD came out black..Ever other slide came out..and I know how to use a CAMERA ..The second still creeps me a bit..When I was doing my masters i had to do field Work..This was 1985..I worked at a PSCH Center in Dutchess County NY..I was assigned the 11 to 7 shift..I had to watch a ward of 23 Patients..It was High security..everythingwas locked, including the stairs and the elevator.. I had the keys to everything..About 3AM I herd foot steeps coming from upstairs ..The only issue it was the Clinical Staffs offices and It was locked down ..lights out at 5pm..So I went upstairs Unlocked everything checked nothing..Everything locked and locked from the inside so you cant get in..I reversed everything..IE locked everything back again..I got back downstairs.. sat for a while and guess what..I herd the foot steps again..I told my Supervisor at the time, what I herd and what I did..He said to me back in the 1920s that area had some tragic things happen.Some patients died under very suspicious Circumstances..This guy was not one to kid around as most people I worked with at the time..The foot steps were herd before.. A few days later i came early to work to look at the records of the time..all true..I looked at the faces of people who died under quite strange circumstances.Rich families but their daughters their because they were pernicious and embarrassed the family.And other crazy things today you dont send people to a Mental Hospital for......
I want to believe.
HeavenlyBellaCO's Avatar
I was visiting up in Cripple Creek Colorado Memorial Day Weekend in 2015... My friend and I were walking down the Main Street and I happened to look up at one of the Windows... and I saw a lady that was dressed in an older cream-colored corset her hair was up like they used to wear and the 1800s. I look at my friend and said do you see that person in the window? And they said oh my gosh yes I do. I said they must be having some kind of reenactment thing going on. So my friend and I went into the building where we saw the lady. I went to the back of the casino area and found an elevator to go up to the second floor. Because that's where my friend and I both saw her. When we got off the elevator there was a lady there at a desk and I asked her are you guys having a re-enactment up here? She said no why do you ask. I said will my friend and I saw lady in the window with dark hair and wearing 1800s clothing. The lady turn ghost white gathered all her belongings and proceeded to go downstairs. We found out later on that there's nothing but office rooms up on the second floor. And that lady has been known to be seen by a few other people.
starway's Avatar
I am a believer but I will admit that one could make a case that my experiences were of my mind. My mom, my daughter who passed away as an infant, an devious owner of my house have manifest to me in some way. I’ve also had an experience on a civil war battlefield.