Harvey Pigstein gets 23yrs!!!!!

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I hear what you are saying, dilbert. He gave a lot of these women their careers. He's still a pig though but correct me if I am wrong anyone; but weren't they all adults when they got what they wanted and he got what he wanted?

Society has changed. I would love to fuck my admin but I can't. I would be fired ASAP for using undue influence on her. I don't even hug her like she tries to do with me. I just shake her hand when I see her. That's just how society is now so you have to play by the rules when you are in the position of power.

I'm sure years ago he would have been fine. But you can't do that now with how the system is even if your nefarious acts were from years ago and they decide to prosecute you now. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

we all should have been Don Draper in the 60's ..

Lucas McCain's Avatar
Thanks a lot, TWK. Now I'm not going to be able to get Christina Hendricks and her big ass tits out of my head for the rest of the night, motherfucker. LOL

Edit: I can't remember; did Draper ever fuck her on the show? I remember that she fucked the older partner on a regular basis but can't remember whether she ever fucked Don.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Thanks a lot, TWK. Now I'm not going to be able to get Christina Hendricks and her big ass tits out of my head for the rest of the night, motherfucker. LOL

Edit: I can't remember; did Draper ever fuck her on the show? Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

i don't think so. not that he wouldn't have. girl gots a rack on her.

if you want to check out her in an earlier and rather interesting guest appearance .. try this ..


it's firefly episode 6 "Our Mrs Reynolds"

not the best video but it's free on YouBoobs .. er YouTube.

it's on hulu if you have that ... better screen size and quality.

this one is in small box format but it's not chopped/cropped .. video color and quality seems better too. i think somehow they can avoid copyrights by doing the small box thing. not sure but both are on YouBoobs

pfunkdenver's Avatar
psychos are in charge now. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Can't argue with you, there...

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Can't argue with you, there...

Originally Posted by pfunkdenver

would yous prefer this guy?

see how easy that was funkster?

thank yous valued poster!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
remember when Micheal Obama called Harvey a "wonderful" person? then let his adopted daughter intern with him? yeah i do. and he stiffed her for her money too .. how Harvey of him ..



Malia Obama is still owed money by disgraced producer Harvey Weinstein’s film company, according to a list created by the firm as part of its bankruptcy filings.

Malia Obama to Intern for Harvey Weinstein


why here's ManChelle calling Harvey a "wonderful human being"


Trump will never pardon Harvey .. butt would Biden?
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Trump will never pardon Harvey .. butt would Biden? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I doubt it. When you see a pile of shit you just step over or around it and keep walking. You don't purposely step in it even if you are as mentally gone as Biden appears to be.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-12-2020, 06:54 AM
I'm sympathetic to harvey the pig's plight.

not really fair that these women threw themselves at him to get the coveted roles and years later to turn around to accuse him of misogyny and rape.

its basically she said vs. he said without any supporting evidence. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Agree dilbert.

Just when I think you've gone over the conspiracy theories edge....you post something intelligent!
bambino's Avatar
How is this complete racist idiot not banned by now?

Anyway, enough of Clay's bullshit. I think Harvey got a little too arrogant and cocky and thought he was bullet proof. If I was a sick fuck predator like he is and had his money, I would have just paid off all of my accusers. Fucker probably has the best lawyers that money can buy, and he still got 23 years and they are not even done with him. He's going to have a lot of time to digest whether all of that pussy was worth taking while he rots in prison and hell. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
But yet, you call FF an “old Jew” every chance you get. You’re no better. SMH.
HoeHummer's Avatar
But yet, you call FF an “old Jew” every chance you get. You’re no better. SMH. Originally Posted by bambino
More insults from the posters boy for T2D
Lucas McCain's Avatar
But yet, you call FF an “old Jew” every chance you get. You’re no better. SMH. Originally Posted by bambino
He's a minority who took pleasure with insulting black people with his other handles. I've made it clear multiple times why I address him as I do. and technically, I believe I call him an "old stupid Jew".

He's dumb enough to give a fool like Clay tips about how to find white supremacist providers because he thinks he is white. I pointed out that guys like Clay hate his kind just as much or even more than they hate black people. His stupid ass argued with me about that fact. Fast forward to yesterday and Clay is talking about baking Jewish people in ovens. Was I wrong?

In case you missed it, I'll repeat it again; I have zero problems with Jewish people. I just don't care for FF and I simply give him a taste of his own medicine for acting like a racist clown. I did the exact same with him with the other handles he ran from and I do the same with his current handle.

I'm not sure whether you have any close friends who are black, but I do. They are my childhood friends who I grew up with playing sports and hanging out with so yeah, I take offense to someone insulting their race nonstop under his other handles... I never said his race should be baked in an oven though because that would include my Jewish friends whom I feel privileged to have met in college and I will always remain being life long friends with them because they are great people... just because FF is racist and stupid doesn't mean I put all Jewish people in a box. He just gets his own little special box for himself from me
bambino's Avatar
He's a minority who took pleasure with insulting black people with his other handles. I've made it clear multiple times why I address him as I do. and technically, I believe I call him an "old stupid Jew".

He's dumb enough to give a fool like Clay tips about how to find white supremacist providers because he thinks he is white. I pointed out that guys like Clay hate his kind just as much or even more than they hate black people. His stupid ass argued with me about that fact. Fast forward to yesterday and Clay is talking about baking Jewish people in ovens. Was I wrong?

In case you missed it, I'll repeat it again; I have zero problems with Jewish people. I just don't care for FF and I simply give him a taste of his own medicine for acting like a racist clown. I did the exact same with him with the other handles he ran from and I do the same with his current handle.

I'm not sure whether you have any close friends who are black, but I do. They are my childhood friends who I grew up with playing sports and hanging out with so yeah, I take offense to someone insulting their race nonstop under his other handles... I never said his race should be baked in an oven though because that would include my Jewish friends whom I feel privileged to have met in college and I will always remain being life long friends with them because they are great people... just because FF is racist and stupid doesn't mean I put all Jewish people in a box. He just gets his own little special box for himself from me Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
I’m quite sure I’ve had many more black friends than you. Jewish friends too. But it doesn’t matter. You are anti Semitic. You repeatedly calling someone an “old, stupid” Jew is degrading to Jews. Period.
I’m quite sure I’ve had many more black friends than you. Jewish friends too. But it doesn’t matter. You are anti Semitic. You repeatedly calling someone an “old, stupid” Jew is degrading to Jews. Period. Originally Posted by bambino
Its not uncommon in those who have a "superiority" complex and think they are better than others. And then to not show up when called out, well that's just symptomatic too.

Lucas McCain's Avatar
I’m quite sure I’ve had many more black friends than you. Jewish friends too. But it doesn’t matter. You are anti Semitic. You repeatedly calling someone an “old, stupid” Jew is degreasing Jews. Period. Originally Posted by bambino
If you actually really had close black friends, you would be completely appalled by that racist idiot's many posts with his prior handles. You should not even be involved with defending him while trying to vilify me. It has nothing to do with you. Let him fend for himself.

As far as me calling him a "Jew". That's not racist. I didn't call him the K-word like that idiot Clay would. I would never use that word. Stop being a drama queen and mind your own fucking business, dummy.

Cool, let the pgh trailer park losers gather for Lucas. Thanks for showing up eccielover. I'm not better than anyone, I'm just a hell of a lot smarter than most. Bring it blouses
How is this complete racist idiot not banned by now?

... Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
I've RTM him multiple times. Nothing.

harvey won't last long - even in a medical prison ward.

he is old, sick, and feeble. Inmates will take care of him. At the Behest of H....!
H.... is an expert at disposing of folks. Originally Posted by oeb11
Harvey will develop Epstein Breathing Syndrome.

I'm sympathetic to harvey the pig's plight.

not really fair that these women threw themselves at him to get the coveted roles and years later to turn around to accuse him of misogyny and rape.

its basically she said vs. he said without any supporting evidence. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Agreed. Also, this a Quid Pro Quo if ever there was one. However, he was caught before and the studio warned him many times and wrote his contract as such. Still, this seems to be more of a civil matter than criminal one.


Society has changed. I would love to fuck my admin but I can't. I would be fired ASAP for using undue influence on her. I don't even hug her like she tries to do with me. I just shake her hand when I see her. That's just how society is now so you have to play by the rules when you are in the position of power.

... Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
You could still be fired or reprimanded for "creating a hostile work environment." Execs from where I retired had to set up "mentoring programs" with females and people of color. Always keep the door open when meeting one on one. If you are doing a review, have a female manager or hr rep there.