Donald Trump - Capitulating Vagina

Next Best Thing's Avatar
I've been holding this in for a while hoping it would get better, but sorry folks.

Donald Trump is a gutless capitulating vagina.

Not only this, but he has a big fucking mouth and almost never does what he boldly proclaims he is going to do. I assume he says some of the shit he does in order to satisfy the moronic base, not sure what percentage of them are still falling for this, can only be sure that I am not one of them.

All of this blowhard bullshit about pushing around states governed by anti-American pussified democrats is just that - bullshit. I could list the betrayals one by one by don't feel like it and am certainly not giving moronic democrat sheep any actual information to utilize while pushing Dementia Joe on a sleeping country.

This pains me to say.

Hopefully you, like your pal NBT, have amassed enough cash and other assets to insulate yourself from what lies on the intermediate horizon.

I'm debating myself on which way I'm voting in November. I instinctively would like to see the moronic democrats and their media partners suffer and squirm, but as a pragmatist I'm becoming convinced that this ridiculous Trump-as-autocrat parody narrative will eventually be met with more backlash (that Trump, the vagina, will further capitulate to), and therefore inflict more damage than just electing Dementia Joe would, in the long run.

Anyway I feel better unloading here on our board. Those who know NBT in real life have been aware of this since the impeachment fiasco, but just thought I'd give my internet chums a peek behind the curtain.

Thank you.
Na , leave the lefties on display for the country to watch. The statues will be back in the second term no need to do anything right now then sit back and watch the idiot that got squashed by the toppling statue in virginia ( Is that Gov Black face?) , was watching that , it took them so long to figure out how to topple it , not very good with a sledge, then they couldn't figure out not to stand under it,,,,, priceless.

anyways , republican votes for President are useless in New York anyways. Not saying to notvote but its the last thing to worry about … if its going to move the needle anyways
Sadly... no ones votes in this country really matter unless you live in one of the 5 or 6 swing states....
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 06-13-2020, 06:00 PM
was watching that , it took them so long to figure out how to topple it , not very good with a sledge, then they couldn't figure out not to stand under it,,,,, priceless. Originally Posted by JONBALLS
From the guy who can't figure out how to craft a sentence,,,,priceless.
im not the one squashd

in intensive care
Mr Dingleberry's Avatar
What does this have to do with hookers, Johns and sex?

Are we going to start writing about politics/Trump in the review section too? I guess the Sandbox section is now irrelevant.

This is a hooker forum not a politics forum. This whole board lately is a bunch of trump bullshit.

Cant even have politic peace trying to find a hooker on a hooker forum.
jokacz's Avatar
What does this have to do with hookers, Johns and sex?

Are we going to start writing about politics/Trump in the review section too? I guess the Sandbox section is now irrelevant.

This is a hooker forum not a politics forum. This whole board lately is a bunch of trump bullshit.

Cant even have politic peace trying to find a hooker on a hooker forum. Originally Posted by Mr Dingleberry

That's what happens when there's nothing worth fucking. I just met a piece of street meat while out riding my bicycle. She was fresh out of White Deer Run, what are the odds of that happening? They should start an alumni association.
Dzaddy_D's Avatar
What does this have to do with hookers, Johns and sex?

Are we going to start writing about politics/Trump in the review section too? I guess the Sandbox section is now irrelevant.

This is a hooker forum not a politics forum. This whole board lately is a bunch of trump bullshit.

Cant even have politic peace trying to find a hooker on a hooker forum. Originally Posted by Mr Dingleberry
Stop being such a pussy about politics.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Wendy's hot and juicy burgers
can now also be had in burnt to a crisp

btw Wendy's 125 University Ave SW, Atlanta, GA 30315 is "Temporarily closed"
Next Best Thing's Avatar
And another capitulating vagina, the city of Atlanta chief of police, resigns as a virtue signaling display of submission.

At this this capitulating vagina was presumably, like Dementia Joe, born with a vagina.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
What does this have to do with hookers, Johns and sex?

Are we going to start writing about politics/Trump in the review section too? I guess the Sandbox section is now irrelevant.

This is a hooker forum not a politics forum. This whole board lately is a bunch of trump bullshit.

Cant even have politic peace trying to find a hooker on a hooker forum. Originally Posted by Mr Dingleberry

better ?
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Donald Trump's behavior toward the media is like that of a battered husband gradually beaten down after decades of abuse from his nagging, bitch wife.

He occasionally gets fed up and lashes out. He gets bitched out some more, with increased intensity. He backs down, then gives more ground than he had given up in the first place, which was already far too much.

All the while he is vilified for being an abusive cowardly pig who derives personal pleasure from oppressing a victim far less powerful than he is.

Worst thing is that, in Trump's case, not only does he put up with it, he sacrifices the status of 60-something million people who fell for his bullshit and voted for him.

It's too bad Tony Soprano was a fictional character, fellow like that could come in handy at a time like this.
tough crowd

numero uno - Supreme Court saved
doce- Supreme Court picks

tres- lower court judges

4, watching dems heads pop off day after day, throwing 30-40 million at him with the full force government and STILL couldn't find anything

5. property rights still in tack for at least 8 more months

6. If he wins , watching the libs scurry to figure out how to keep Ruth Buzzy on life support fo 4 MORE years

"You cant always get what you waaaa aa ant , but if you try sometimes, you might find, you get what you neeeeeeed"
Willie Wanker's Avatar
tough crowd

numero uno - Supreme Court saved
doce- Supreme Court picks

tres- lower court judges

4, watching dems heads pop off day after day, throwing 30-40 million at him with the full force government and STILL couldn't find anything

5. property rights still in tack for at least 8 more months

6. If he wins , watching the libs scurry to figure out how to keep Ruth Buzzy on life support fo 4 MORE years

"You cant always get what you waaaa aa ant , but if you try sometimes, you might find, you get what you neeeeeeed" Originally Posted by JONBALLS
Great points Jon. 👍
Willie Wanker's Avatar

better ? Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Love the original Good Rats. I hung out with them on a few occasions. Nice guys. Great Band
RIP Peppi Marcello, Irreplaceable!