All things woke

HedonistForever's Avatar
Take a look at this. This is the next frontier on "Wokeness". Originally Posted by Levianon17

And nothing wrong with that until the Democrats tell you that you must hire this person and if you don't you will be sued for discrimination. That is the end result of where this is heading.
Grace Preston's Avatar
What I find HILARIOUS is that if gender REALLY is a social construct, then why does any man need hormones and a dick amputation to be a "woman". Aren't those physical manifestations of a "woman"? Why are they trying to physically replicate something they claim is socially created?

It's almost as if gender is a physical thing and not an imaginary characteristic. Originally Posted by texassapper

No no.. sex is a physical thing. Gender goes beyond just the physical. They are trying to physically recreate what they feel they should have been born as. Even genetics can often pinpoint those with the propensity to perhaps feel they are "in the wrong body". Genetics and gender is a fascinating topic if you dig down into it.

Now-- I think some aspects of this have gone too far. I don't believe that anyone under 18 should be receiving anything other than therapy in regards to gender identity issues. But I have no problem believing that there is a good chance that their feelings at 14 are likely to not change-- I knew exactly who and what I was at 14 and no amount of exposure to lesbianism and bisexuality at the strip clubs or in the hobby has changed my personal sexuality. My youngest came out at 14 and was made to wait until they were 18-- their mind didn't change, either.
... Finally - a good intelligent comment on the matter!

I surely agree-with you, Pretty-bird - that the joeys need THERAPY.
How 'bout they start with THAT - before all the Re-gender steps.
WHAT is the hurry with that?

The young joeys need psychologists FIRST.

#### Salty
Grace Preston's Avatar
... Finally - a good intelligent comment on the matter!

I surely agree-with you, Pretty-bird - that the joeys need THERAPY.
How 'bout they start with THAT - before all the Re-gender steps.
WHAT is the hurry with that?

The young joeys need psychologists FIRST.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

Well.. in general, that's a requirement before anything else. Most people seeking gender affirming care have to go through a year of therapy and counseling first. The only exception to that is puberty blockers-- because those are fully reversible. I still don't feel that kids should be receiving anything other than that until they are adults-- but I can tell you from my experiences with my own kiddo-- that most of them don't change their minds. Kiddo had 4 years of time and counseling and as soon as they turned 18-- they made their own appointment to begin hormones.
Take a look at this. This is the next frontier on "Wokeness". Originally Posted by Levianon17
its easy for me to make an assessment from afar

but its hard to be correct

i did watch and listen to a bit of the video

i came away with the feeling that that person was damaged from childhood,

by abandonment and loss of family

and i can't help but think that every body modification is a result of psychological pain,

and the more the pain the more the person punishes themselves with further modification, until the whole thing has culminated into one big F U to the world

and the modifications become a shelter and a shield
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Love that term, “gender affirming care”. These doctors that are drugging and dismembering people aren’t “affirming”, they’re denying. No doctor is needed for affirmation, it’s easy enough for the parent to wack little Jonny upside his head if he shows up in garters and heels.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Love that term, “gender affirming care”. These doctors that are drugging and dismembering people aren’t “affirming”, they’re denying. No doctor is needed for affirmation, it’s easy enough for the parent to wack little Jonny upside his head if he shows up in garters and heels. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

And that is why the suicide rate among LGBTQ teens is as high as it is.

Look-- I really don't understand it any more than most people in my age group. I have 4 kids-- only one has "come out". They were all raised the same way. When mine was 14, I put them in therapy and told them that they couldn't make any life altering decisions until they were an adult. They kept to that and now as a mother of an adult child, my only job is to love my child.

I still don't claim to understand it. But it isn't my job to understand it. It is my job to love my child and to make sure that they know they aren't alone in the world.
merriam-webster has added to its definition of female the following:

: having a gender identity that is the opposite of male

i would quibble with that definition as how could that be the opposite of male?

opposite, in the most fitting of their definitions of the word opposite, is:

being the other of a pair that are corresponding (see CORRESPONDING sense 1a) or complementary (see COMPLEMENTARY sense 2) in position, function, or nature

if there are more than two genders, there cant be a corresponding or complimentary pair of opposites, or even a pair at all when gender is the question.

opposite wouldn't be the applicable word, it would be "different than" and then the whole idea and meaning of the word female is lost

which maybe is the intention of the marxist dims and the point of wokeism itself
texassapper's Avatar
And that is why the suicide rate among LGBTQ teens is as high as it is. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Darwin in action...
Jacuzzme's Avatar
And that is why the suicide rate among LGBTQ teens is as high as it Originally Posted by Grace Preston
You might believe that, but it’s not true. The suicide rate of trans is 20x higher than the general population 10-15 years ~after~ medical transitioning. Maybe your definition of loving a kid is attempting to affirm something that can not possibly be affirmed, on this we’ll have to disagree.

I find it much more caring and compassionate to get them the help they need to be brought back into reality. A boy will NEVER be a girl and a girl will NEVER be a boy. In a million years some archaeologist will dig them up, nothing by dust and a few bones, and know within seconds which gender they were. That’s how ingrained male/female genders are, it can’t and will never change.

A question I like to ask is if your kid came to you purporting to be a dog, would you feed them alpo and make them shit in the yard? As silly as that sounds, it’s exactly what telling Dick he can be Jane, or Jane she can be Dick is. It’s simply not possible. While there is a legitimate mental disorder in which a person is tortured by their gender, it’s a tiny fraction of people who want to be known as ‘trans’. These people should be given the mental help they need, and I wish them gods speed in recovery. The rest of it, like 99%, is from an insane society pressuring impressionable kids, and lousy parents who treat their kids like a Coach bag. Just an accessory to show their friends, and a trans kid is the accessory du jour.
its easy for me to make an assessment from afar

but its hard to be correct

i did watch and listen to a bit of the video

i came away with the feeling that that person was damaged from childhood,

by abandonment and loss of family

and i can't help but think that every body modification is a result of psychological pain,

and the more the pain the more the person punishes themselves with further modification, until the whole thing has culminated into one big F U to the world

and the modifications become a shelter and a shield Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Here's another example. This person didn't desire to change his gender but rather his species. He went to some pretty extremes to become a Tiger.
Grace Preston's Avatar
My child spent 4 years in therapy--

If I had my preferences- they wouldn't be trans. I don't like having to worry if some chucklefuck with an axe to grind is going to assault or kill them when they are out and about. And mine isn't outlandish in how they present themselves. They don't go around looking like a drag queen. They're very small in stature-- and many people assume them to be a girl, even without makeup. That is-- until they speak.

Most of the people in my life aside from family aren't aware that my youngest identifies as trans... they have the option to come out to others as they see fit. But it isn't my job to parade my child around like some trick pony.

They're in college. They work full time. Productive member of society-- blah blah blah.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Darwin in action... Originally Posted by texassapper
WTF's Avatar
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  • 07-20-2022, 11:58 AM
I don't know of any pros.. but I do know that Texas had a female to male trans who begged to be allowed to compete with the boys, because their 2 years of hormones gave them an extreme advantage over females. Request was denied and they won their state championship against the other females. Many other girls forfeited their matches because they did not want to compete against the competitor that looked like a boy. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Maybe we should check the testosterone level of all females in sport.

Establish a base level and those "females " that test above it can compete in a different category.
HedonistForever's Avatar
And what use to be a small minority has now become a "fad" due to social media as many experts in children are saying.

I think the majority of us couldn't care less what somebody else wants to do, wants to feel. It is when "they" start demanding we change our language to suit them and "we" get punished if we don't accept them which as you pointed out, would be better off if government stayed out of our business.

And as far as athletics goes, I think a new rule adopted by the NCAA ( I think ) says that unless you start your transformation before puberty, you may not compete, if you are a biological male, with females. This means that Lea Thomas would not be allowed since "he" transformed after puberty when all the good stuff, muscles, lungs, has already been built in.

So for me, stop this nonsense in sports, stop this nonsense of demanding that others recognize you as this or that especially when we get into all the choices beyond they, them.

Yes a mother is required to love their child. I am not and I will not accept being punished because I don't.