Climate Change Thread, not the last

ICU 812's Avatar
Thanks! That is a great example..
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Climate change - We're all Gonna Die!!! Please give us more money, your liberties and sovereignty. Because we got this... Thank You.

I wrote about this a few years back, i.e. the devastation of the ice melt in Greenland here: Math is fun... So are actual facts here: Analyzing fear porn and here:Chick, chick, chickennn...

However, I never did publish the whole of the article. Instead, I provided the exact search string of the exact article. Though I did provide a Utub video that summarized the mainlining press's Fear-Porn. That was to demonstrate what the iron bars of Tyranny are about, recalling that Censorship = Tyranny. Big tech censorship, sometimes as simple as down-ranking results.

Searching for the exact name of the article "Greenland Ice Melt Shock - The Terrifying Truth" did not find the article in the first few pages of results. Searching for "Delingpole: Greenland Ice Melt Shock - The Terrifying Truth" did find the article on page 2 or 3 of the results in some search engines. The direct link to the article is: Delingpole: Greenland Ice Melt Shock - The Terrifying Truth.

The 1st page or 2 of results provided the Echo Chamber of the usual suspects claiming that all of the ice in Greenland was gonna be gone in the blink of an eye. Fear-Porn! They all mimicked the original article from CNN, I believe. (Sometimes it's difficult to know the yodeler in the Echo Chamber)

Victor Davis Hanson provides an overview of the corrupt media: Victor Davis Hanson: How Corrupt Is A Corrupt Media? He also had an in-depth look into search engine manipulation, but I am not finding it ATM.

As the Twitter files are pointing out, we also have government influence to boot. In a nut shell, when you combine a corrupt media, with big tech censorship - all driven by the government - you have tyranny, not to mention a whole lot of fools that are highly susceptible to Mass Formation Psychosis.
There is a lot of stuff hidden behind the search engines if it goes against the Climate Change we have stop CO2 emissions story.

I know in one of the farm magazines about 20 years ago an Ag Climate scientist had looked at tree ring for the last 400 years. It seems the most abnormal time in the last 400 years was from around 1950 to 2000, as it was more stable and quiet than any other time in the last 400 years. So what many people thought was normal was actually abnormal.

I've tried to search for the study and can't find it.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Diversity in "water policy"? WTF indeed. Do they also insist on inclusion of an LBGTQ+ agenda for water policy?

Anyway, the overall climate of the world, on a global scale, has been warming for the last twenty thousand years or so . . .without the help of humanity. The level of the global oceans hss been much lower (-400 feet) and somewhat higher (+80 feet) than it is today.

Places that have been covered by glaciers in historical times are now melting to be sure, but many have uncovered archeological sites that show human activity and habitation from a time before the ice came. And there have been fluctuations in historical times. Hannibal couldn't have brought Elephants over the Alps during the "Little Ice Age" of Medieval times. Europe was somewhat warmer in 300 B than it was in 1400 AD.

The enduring triumph of humanity is that we have adapted and survived for around a hundred thousand years in spite of these changes. The Neanderthals couldn't do it and died. Originally Posted by ICU 812

theres some debate regarding the neanderthals. I do not believe they died out because of climate change 10,000 - 12.000 years ago. they were very well suited for the environment they lived in.

what I think happened is something of a numbers game and resource management. simply. homo sapiens out competed neanderthals. many most likely intermarried with homo sapiens voluntarily.l
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Climate change - We're all Gonna Die!!! Please give us more money, your liberties and sovereignty. Because we got this... Thank You.

I wrote about this a few years back, i.e. the devastation of the ice melt in Greenland here: Math is fun... So are actual facts here: Analyzing fear porn and here:Chick, chick, chickennn...

However, I never did publish the whole of the article. Instead, I provided the exact search string of the exact article. Though I did provide a Utub video that summarized the mainlining press's Fear-Porn. That was to demonstrate what the iron bars of Tyranny are about, recalling that Censorship = Tyranny. Big tech censorship, sometimes as simple as down-ranking results.

Searching for the exact name of the article "Greenland Ice Melt Shock - The Terrifying Truth" did not find the article in the first few pages of results. Searching for "Delingpole: Greenland Ice Melt Shock - The Terrifying Truth" did find the article on page 2 or 3 of the results in some search engines. The direct link to the article is: Delingpole: Greenland Ice Melt Shock - The Terrifying Truth.

The 1st page or 2 of results provided the Echo Chamber of the usual suspects claiming that all of the ice in Greenland was gonna be gone in the blink of an eye. Fear-Porn! They all mimicked the original article from CNN, I believe. (Sometimes it's difficult to know the yodeler in the Echo Chamber)

Victor Davis Hanson provides an overview of the corrupt media: Victor Davis Hanson: How Corrupt Is A Corrupt Media? He also had an in-depth look into search engine manipulation, but I am not finding it ATM.

As the Twitter files are pointing out, we also have government influence to boot. In a nut shell, when you combine a corrupt media, with big tech censorship - all driven by the government - you have tyranny, not to mention a whole lot of fools that are highly susceptible to Mass Formation Psychosis. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

delingpole!!! my favorite british writer. been awhile i've read some articles from him. hes been calling out the climate change frauds for a few years.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
delingpole!!! my favorite british writer. been awhile i've read some articles from him. hes been calling out the climate change frauds for a few years. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
You should also read the Victor Davis Hanson article for two specific things:
  1. It is the liberal left-tard's media playbook explained
  2. Proves the remaining Neanderthals are rebranded as Demonicrats
If you don't believe me or him, read their write ups in these here fora
WTF's Avatar
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  • 01-27-2023, 02:21 PM

I've tried to search for the study and can't find it. Originally Posted by farmstud60
Is you inability to find verified articles normal or abnormal?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-27-2023, 02:23 PM
You should also read the Victor Davis Hanson article for two specific things:
  1. It is the liberal left-tard's media playbook explained
  2. Proves the remaining Neanderthals are rebranded as Demonicrats
If you don't believe me or him, read their write ups in these here fora Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
8 billion people here on planet earth and you seem to be way on the wrong side of the Bell Curve.
ICU 812's Avatar
Interestingly, Wikipedia is a pretty good source for climate information in the past if you do searches on ancient history and ancient cultures. Hidden in many of those articles are examples of climate change that cannot be associated with human influence. Because they are not written with a political agenda, they are just straight reporting of what true "experts" are saying in serious peer reviewed articles.

Examples are articles thast comer up with search terms such as " Geen Sahara" or "African Pump: when researching humanity's exit from African continent. Another has to do with the filling of the Black Sea and expansion of the Caspian Sea as the Ice age ended. Another, later, climate swing is referred to when looking at the overall history of Roman culture; historians have referred to the "Roman Warm Period" and the "Roman Cool period". One factor in the collapse of the late Bronze Age is thought to be a climate swing.

Avoiding politically motivated or agenda driven Wikipedia articles in favor of acedemically neutral studies can be eye opening.
ICU 812's Avatar

what I think happened is something of a numbers game and resource management. simply. homo sapiens out competed neanderthals. many most likely intermarried with homo sapiens voluntarily.l Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Thanks for that. Yes, there are many competing views on the passing of the Neatherandals. I was avoiding the most complex of them to make a point.

Perhaps a similar but better example would be the Norse settlements on Greenland around 1000 AD. At first, they could live in a traditional Scandinavian life path. As the climate became harsher during Medieval times that life way could no longer sustain them. They could not adapt to a more arctic way of living and their settlements withered away.
Redhot1960's Avatar
Cyber attack = Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) say's the Globalist Nazi

I nominate WTF for a Participation Trophy, fuckers
Ripmany's Avatar
EYE'S WIDE OPEN, NOg FEAR. fuckers Originally Posted by Redhot1960
I stuck my dick in the whole it fine.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
There is a lot of stuff hidden behind the search engines if it goes against the Climate Change we have stop CO2 emissions story.

I know in one of the farm magazines about 20 years ago an Ag Climate scientist had looked at tree ring for the last 400 years. It seems the most abnormal time in the last 400 years was from around 1950 to 2000, as it was more stable and quiet than any other time in the last 400 years. So what many people thought was normal was actually abnormal.

I've tried to search for the study and can't find it. Originally Posted by farmstud60
what was the name of the farm magazine?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
You should also read the Victor Davis Hanson article for two specific things:
  1. It is the liberal left-tard's media playbook explained
  2. Proves the remaining Neanderthals are rebranded as Demonicrats
If you don't believe me or him, read their write ups in these here fora Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
i read him too.

he has some great thoughtful and critical articles of the times we live in.