Did You Ever Wonder How and Why the Left Is Able to Push Their Narratives Almost Unhindered?

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

Did You Ever Wonder How and Why the Left Is Able to Push Their Narratives Almost Unhindered?

By Stephen Green 4:24 PM on March 01, 2023

Aren’t you sick to death of the Current Message? I know I am.

If you aren’t concerned about climate change, or whatever name The End of the World is going by this week, it doesn’t matter because you will be made to see or hear it. Or maybe the current message is Pride or Acceptance or Eat Bugs and Like It.

Actually, Eat Bugs and Like It is so January. The Current Message is Your Gas Stove Is Killing You, Your Dog, and Mother Earth, Too.

Did you notice that something that had never been an issue before, gas stoves, suddenly popped up everywhere all at once? That’s how it works. One message is repeated, amplified, repeated again, and reamplified, across every available medium.

Whatever the Current Message is, your favorite TV show will include it in a plotline. The network that airs it bombards you with similar messaging in its promotional spots. The search engine you use — and it doesn’t matter which one — promotes pages selling the same pablum and squelches dissenting views. Social media algorithms void your shares and silence your comments. TikTok, social malware unleashed by the CCP, fuels division and discontent by serving up the most dopamine-friendly content.

Normal people — that excludes you and me, gentle reader — who get their news the way normal people do, are suddenly questioning their gas cooktops. Because the ever present Current Message pounded it into their heads.
ASIDE: The indoctrination going on at our colleges, universities — and yes, even in our K-12 system — is even worse. That, however, is a column for another day.
Each of us has a voice. But what does it matter when all our voices are shouted down in the cross-media din? Or as PJ Media’s own Richard Fernandez tweeted today, shortly after I’d turned in this column:


In totalitarianisms, the credibility of the media is actually unimportant. Their actual function is to suppress information, reduce the bandwidth and semantically impoverish speech. In such a system, you never know the truth but you know with precision the offical party line.

4:50 PM · Mar 1, 2023 · 3,458 Views

Let me get personal here for a moment.

When I started VodkaPundit in 2002*, I refused to include any ads whatsoever. No tenth-of-a-penny-per-click banner ads, no sponsors, no tip jar, no nothing. I wanted to write whatever I wanted to write, beholden to no one. But that’s when writing was a hobby. It soon became a career, complete with a fancy title and coworkers and everything.

But you know what? I still write whatever I want to write.

Well, almost.

When it comes to Big Tech/Big Government censorship — censorship! — I have to watch that infamous mouth of mine.

The irony here drips like a chocolate ice cream cone on a summer day, fast and thick.

And what’s going on is censorship. We can’t stay in denial, clinging to the notion that what a private company chooses to promote or effectively banish is its own business. Because it isn’t a single company. There’s a cabal working hand in hand — and sometimes cash in fist — with the United States government and governments around the world.

My RedState colleague Brad Slager just cued me into an organization in the UK called the Global Disinformation Index (GDI), reliably progressive, that produces lists of sites and articles that ought to be made unpersons, or at least thrown down the memory hole. GDI and groups like it all over the world, Brad explained, are set up as “non-profits, media-focus outfits, or university-based think tanks that classify sites that go against the narrative as dangerous and in need of corrective actions.”

Big Tech, with a wink and a nod, takes their “non-partisan” rulings as gospel, and friendly governments (like our own and the UK’s) turn a blind eye to this suppression of free speech. When they aren’t actively taking part, that is.

“The greatest perpetrator of misinformation during the pandemic has been the United States government,” John’s Hopkins professor Dr. Marty Markary testified to Congress on Tuesday. That misinformation was repeated, amplified, repeated again, and reamplified, across every available medium.

Want to talk about the dangers or efficacy of the you-know-what jabs? Want to talk about masks? Down the memory hole with you. But masks were yesterday and jabs are today. Tomorrow you’ll be memory-holed for defending your gas cooktop. The day after tomorrow it will be about your child or grandchild being subversively “transitioned” behind your back by their school authorities.

We’re drowned out by the Current Message, and yet I continue to shout into the din because I must.

PJ Media and our Townhall brothers and sisters launched the subscriber-supported VIP section three years ago to give you a place free from the Current Message, a refuge for dissenters. We have big plans to expand that refuge and to make sure that our voices — that your voice — will be heard above the din.

If you haven’t already, please become one of our growing numbers of VIP supporters. Each PJ Media VIP and VIP Gold membership is another shout against the din. We’re holding the line against inflation, so use the promo code SAVEAMERICA for 40% off your membership.

*Yes, VodkaPundit is old enough to drink. How about that?
matchingmole's Avatar
The left is better educated....and has a better message
The left is better educated....and has a better message Originally Posted by matchingmole
WRONG, history says your policies fail every time
matchingmole's Avatar
WRONG, history says your policies fail every time Originally Posted by farmstud60
So that explains all the one term Republican Presidents.............BWAHAHA AAAA

But thanks for proving my point.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
FYI MM i have you on ignore. so I can't read your comments.

FS60 quoted you.

the left maybe better educated, but they lack common sense. in addition to that, they also don't make sense either. that itself is truly appalling.

However, they are very good at lying which is why they have a so-called better message. When they lie, their message resonates.
matchingmole's Avatar
The Left is like Led Zeppelin

The Right is like Foghat
matchingmole's Avatar
FYI MM i have you on ignore. so I can't read your comments.

FS60 quoted you.

the left maybe better educated, but they lack common sense. in addition to that, they also don't make sense either. that itself is truly appalling.

However, they are very good at lying which is why they have a so-called better message. When they lie, their message resonates. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

So the left is more like Tucker Carlson? Ok
FYI MM i have you on ignore. so I can't read your comments.

FS60 quoted you.

the left maybe better educated, but they lack common sense. in addition to that, they also don't make sense either. that itself is truly appalling.

However, they are very good at lying which is why they have a so-called better message. When they lie, their message resonates. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

The left is not better educated. Just because you have a college degree does not mean you are educated. It appears the left is easily brainwashed as they ignore history and don't challenge anyone with a fancy tittle.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
The base principle is simple - repeat a lie often enough and it becomes truth. Leastwise for the sheeple, aka the masses. Plus, it is super easy, because you hear the same thing from multiple sources at the same time, ergo - it must be true. Don't fall for it. While your head is a good place to sport a hat of your liking, it can also contain a functioning brain or brain stem in the case of the Demonicrats.

The media coordination and manipulation goes by many names.
  • Operation Mockingbird (Wikipedia)
  • Talking Point of the Day
  • Talking Point Du Jour
  • 4AM Talking points
  • Outrage of the Day
  • Brain Washing
  • Programming
  • Conditioning
  • Propaganda
  • Fear Porn
Notice in the below how so many sources of news (fake at that) say the exact same phrase(s). This occurs practically simultaneously at the National and local levels and happens at internet speed, often within hours, typically starting after 4AM Easter. That is when the HQs of the 6 major news outlets disseminate the "talking point(s)" of the day, aka what you need to worry about or fear today - Comrade. It happens in the print media, including the internet, social media as well as broadcast media, i.e. TV, both local and National.

Below is a random and short video (1:30 mins) of the TV experience. It is not accidental or coincidental. It is planned, coordinated and distributed broadly and intentionally to drive a narrative. Remember, most "journalists" are actually just "news readers", reading a prepared script from a teleprompter that someone programmed. The below is known loosely as a "mockingbird media mashup". There are many of these available on the internet.


This is a glimpse of what it looks like. The impacts can be felt for long periods of time as these will imprint on susceptible minds (sic). Fortunately, as is the same case for many viruses, sunlight is the best method of eradicating them in the wild. Often, the talking point Du Jour fails and gets swept aside and replaced with another quickly. Others last for weeks or months, EX: Muh RUSSIA!!. Though Muh RUSSIA required a great deal more effort and coordination to make it stick as long and as well as it has in the minds of the weak and impressionable. This is extremely dangerous to our Democracy.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
The left is not better educated. Just because you have a college degree does not mean you are educated. It appears the left is easily brainwashed as they ignore history and don't challenge anyone with a fancy tittle. Originally Posted by farmstud60
not disputing your point. they are indeed leftists who are dumb with degrees.

theres a some professors who are brilliant and they can't operate certain kinds of machines like toasters or microwave for example.

pretty elitists don't you think. lol.
not disputing your point. they are indeed leftists who are dumb with degrees.

theres a some professors who are brilliant and they can't operate certain kinds of machines like toasters or microwave for example.

pretty elitists don't you think. lol. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

I remember when I was a sophomore in college and a senior engineering student graduated midterm and started work right after the New Year. Someone asked him what the biggest surprise was the first day of work. His answer was he felt like an idiot because things were changing so rapidly he had a lot to learn.

Those that only teach in college often have zero real world experience and only know what they see in their small isolated area of professors.

The same is true with most of those in Washington DC that are in government, they have no real world experience and surround themselves with like minded echo chambers.

The Democrats are doing the same economic policies that led to the 1970's stagflation everyone depressed economy that doomed Jimmy Carter to one term in office. It should be obvious to anyone with half a brain that Biden is ruining the economy.

His new budget is spend more, and hide taxing the idiots by saying he will tax corporations.
matchingmole's Avatar
I remember when I was a sophomore in college and a senior engineering student graduated midterm and started work right after the New Year. Someone asked him what the biggest surprise was the first day of work. His answer was he felt like an idiot because things were changing so rapidly he had a lot to learn.

Those that only teach in college often have zero real world experience and only know what they see in their small isolated area of professors.

The same is true with most of those in Washington DC that are in government, they have no real world experience and surround themselves with like minded echo chambers.

The Democrats are doing the same economic policies that led to the 1970's stagflation everyone depressed economy that doomed Jimmy Carter to one term in office. It should be obvious to anyone with half a brain that Biden is ruining the economy.

His new budget is spend more, and hide taxing the idiots by saying he will tax corporations. Originally Posted by farmstud60

Cool.....Biden will win again
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
The left is not better educated. Just because you have a college degree does not mean you are educated. It appears the left is easily brainwashed as they ignore history and don't challenge anyone with a fancy tittle. Originally Posted by farmstud60