Gop tells women to fuck off and eat shit...again

Gop say get back in the kitchen and know your place woman. Old white men are in charge of your freedom
Republicans are becoming (have become?) the party of incells. Even when it's P4P
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  • Brot
  • 04-28-2023, 06:31 AM
Does not include a provision to grab women by the pussy.
This just another exaggeration by the left.
How so? Did the Senate republicans push forward with the ERA
How so? Did the Senate republicans push forward with the ERA Originally Posted by 1blackman1
What "Rights" are Women being denied?

Gop say get back in the kitchen and know your place woman. Old white men are in charge of your freedom Originally Posted by Tsmokies
You don't even know what is in the amendment anymore. It died back in the 80s when time elapsed.

As for the title of the OP: Anytime a democrat supports the "rights" of a transgender over women, that is telling women to eat shit...and like it. Otherwise, you must be a transphobe for standing up for yourself.
Does not include a provision to grab women by the pussy. Originally Posted by Brot
To rehash, Trump said that women come to California and allow someone to "grab them by the pussy". No admission of guilt or any bragging. Just a statement supported by many including some lesbians and democrats before the shit storm began. You know that Trump used to be their friend and benefactor.
The fact is...the mushroom dick insecure orange clown was just talking more shit to try and make himself look like he was a someone. Someone's don't have to talk stupid shit because they are someone.

If trumpy was a someone then his biggest (no list) celebrity would not be the cat scratches guy

Just more facts
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All those girl babies allowed to be born will be happy their rights were protected.
You don't even know what is in the amendment anymore. It died back in the 80s when time elapsed.

As for the title of the OP: Anytime a democrat supports the "rights" of a transgender over women, that is telling women to eat shit...and like it. Otherwise, you must be a transphobe for standing up for yourself. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

And it could be argued that abortion is really just a way force women to have sex and they just get rid of the kids.
Then all you hypocrites need to get together and buy a clue. Do you realize where you're posting all this "women shouldn't be allowed to have choices with their own bodies" crap? Or are you saying your wives (assuming you have one) are completely on board with you paying child support for 18 years in the event of a broken condom with a provider (as in, she doesn't care you're paying to get laid)?? Oh wait, most of you can't get laid even if you offer to pay for it...or just can't anymore...
Brittney Griner has now come out and told real women to eat shit. She's a democrat/liberal/woke idiot.