Simone Biles-yup, still the GOAT..

  • pxmcc
  • 08-10-2023, 10:48 PM
i felt bad for her before. but i digress now and go off-topic, to Kobe's Lakers in their heyday, who i hated. (someone conceived of this analogy, lest i be accused of plagiarism.)

when faced with an unsurmountable wall, Kobe said, "i got this!" and just jumped over the wall.

Shaq said, "i got this," and just knocked the wall down with his bare hands.

finally, Phil Jackson said, "i got this. wall? what wall? there is no wall, and there never was.."

and the Lakers won another championship. fucking bastards..

at the O-lympics, Simone Biles needed Phil Jackson-the sports shrink of shrinks-on her team. or me lol.

"Simone, there are no twisties. there is only physics. and there are a few, you and MJ included-to whom physics-you know, that whole gravity thing- does not apply. so go out there and have fun, and give physics botha your middle fingers, ok luv? one middle finger is totally unacceptable on my detail.."

she woulda swept every event, like she did in Rio. but that's ok. next O-lympics, there will be no wall, no physics, and no gravity. just dancing-like Sugar Ray Leonard-an' a big, "hey physics, btw, go fuck yourself.."

she gonna dance, i say..

DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
I thought we could meet middle ground on this but we can't. As much as I admire SB and am a fan of hers, I can't call someone the GOAT who has a mental breakdown when on center stage. Sitting behind the computer I can't imagine how much work she's put in, or I can't even imagine the pressure she was under to perform at the highest level and when she was having her mental breakdown, I can guarantee you my heart went out to her and I was hurt, not disappointed, as one of her many fans.
I really could care less for gymnastics, but I highly doubt anyone would want to continue twisting in the air if they are not aware on their landings or their equilibrium is off. You land on your head at that force it's over. But I'm not a fan of gymnastics and don't understand why we are talking about gymnastics on a hooker board. Must be a slow news week
USAsoldier's Avatar
I really could care less for gymnastics, but I highly doubt anyone would want to continue twisting in the air if they are not aware on their landings or their equilibrium is off. You land on your head at that force it's over. But I'm not a fan of gymnastics and don't understand why we are talking about gymnastics on a hooker board. Must be a slow news week Originally Posted by Pitroom
Aww... someone's having a bad day.
Aww... someone's having a bad day. Originally Posted by USAsoldier
I've never came for you. Don't come for me. I've defended you when they came for your ass. Show some respect and stay on topic. Again I've always defended you when they came for you! Don't patronize me. I have my quota of pussy I want whenever I want when I want it. Yes Simone is the GOAT.
  • pxmcc
  • 08-11-2023, 10:41 PM
I thought we could meet middle ground on this but we can't. As much as I admire SB and am a fan of hers, I can't call someone the GOAT who has a mental breakdown when on center stage. Sitting behind the computer I can't imagine how much work she's put in, or I can't even imagine the pressure she was under to perform at the highest level and when she was having her mental breakdown, I can guarantee you my heart went out to her and I was hurt, not disappointed, as one of her many fans. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
she choked at the Olympics, Dear John. but she put her head down, went back to work, met with a sports shrink, and she's back, again doing shit that's never done before. if she choked and quit, then she'd fall short of the GOAT. but i believe she's back and ready to kick some ass.

i used to choke too sometimes in competitive tennis. i quit when i was 15 because i got burned out. later, i used sports to channel my rage. for a good while, i'd rather die than lose at anything.

i came out as a walk on my senior year in college in d2-total dark horse-and worked up from #6 on the back team to captain. i lost one match in divisional play before getting revenge at the rematch, which was a team record.

it's not always about how you screwed up, but what you did after you screwed up to redeem yourself, i think. i see Simone smoking everyone at the '24 Olympics. maybe i'll eat my words, but i like what i saw at her recent meet. i think she's ready for redemption.
NordicJag's Avatar
she choked at the Olympics, Dear John. but she put her head down, went back to work, met with a sports shrink, and she's back, again doing shit that's never done before. if she choked and quit, then she'd fall short of the GOAT. but i believe she's back and ready to kick some ass.

i used to choke too sometimes in competitive tennis. i quit when i was 15 because i got burned out. later, i used sports to channel my rage. for a good while, i'd rather die than lose at anything.

i came out as a walk on my senior year in college in d2-total dark horse-and worked up from #6 on the back team to captain. i lost one match in divisional play before getting revenge at the rematch, which was a team record.

it's not always about how you screwed up, but what you did after you screwed up to redeem yourself, i think. i see Simone smoking everyone at the '24 Olympics. maybe i'll eat my words, but i like what i saw at her recent meet. i think she's ready for redemption. Originally Posted by pxmcc
Exactly. All GOATs have had a hiccup at some point.
  • pxmcc
  • 08-29-2023, 04:51 AM
this is some gangsta shit right here..

and how can you not love this girl? watch through her interviews to see her full balance of chi..