
Anyone seen this girl? Recently?

She’s on p411 but I can’t find a number to search for reviews.
TinMan's Avatar
Thank you. Appreciate it. Would much rather it was independent over studio
shooter6.5's Avatar
seen her several times--very cute and satisfying times. Tough to sch3edule as she has a very full time job. Limited availability. I see her offten if our schedules synch. Ya gotta go thru 411.
TinMan's Avatar
seen her several times--very cute and satisfying times. Tough to sch3edule as she has a very full time job. Limited availability. I see her offten if our schedules synch. Ya gotta go thru 411. Originally Posted by shooter6.5
Recommendation enough to add her to my p411 Faves “Check her out” folder.
Sounds good. Thanks for the info. Going by some messages I’ve had back from her, still seems a little studio like to me. ‘Make reservation through the website, and we will contact you by text’