Pound Puppy Piercing

okay, so how do you keep the condom from ripping ?
I have no idea, he wasn't that kind of client. I'd love to hear the answer to your question though.
That is just scary... How does it ever come out? How does it get in for that matter. I'm pretty kinky, but I don't really want to think too much about that one.
1) condoms are very resilient. So long as there are no Sharp edges, no problem for condoms.

2) Entry can be a problem. It puts a lot of pressure on the piercing. Care and lack of speed are important with higher volume of piercing as well as larger piercings. Have to admit, it is pretty cool, from a guy's perspective to feel that moment of entry and hear the lady's squea, gasp, or outright comment of how she liked that. All jewelry is removable and should only be used upon consent or specific request of both persons.
FishGuy13's Avatar
I love sex with a PA!!! Sadly its something rare in the hobby...And I think this piercing looks awesome! Originally Posted by Ivy Chick
Ivy could I get a discount or something if I got a PA just for you? It is something I have thought of off and on for a while now. From what I have learned the high ph of urine helps clean and heal up. For a while I was lucky enough to have a civi fuck buddy who suggested it with a bit of a wink and said I'd get more action, at least with her, with it in. She said to ask it be put in so that at least part of it was up so that it rubbed her clit. She said most tend to be side to side or curved down, ok but if you are going to the high ouch factor, might as well get it right, lol. She said once healed it can kinda hurt both partners durning sex, but in a good way. For the male POV forplay is needed and you don't want to go into a hole that it too tight, for the female POV she says it can kinda hurt and tear her if he is too rough, but she said with a smile in a good way like how a light to med spanking can increase blood flow. She also pointed out if he took it out, it was about like he had never had it done. Another type I thought about was I think called a 'Jacobs Ladder' or several (depending on size of penis) rings along the shaft -- with less of an ouch factor. Or some kind of ring on my scrotum, low ouch factor.
I am pretty sure if a piercing goes through muscle ie penis, it will never heal, other parts of skin, ie ears belly button, etc will heal / close up if not too big.
Well getting a PA just for me is sweet...lol....Im sure others would get lots of satifaction from it too! If you get it...once healed...give me a call!!! (your welcome to call without a PA too...lol)
FishGuy13's Avatar
You know, for some reason I can't stop thinking about getting one or some kind of 'private area' pierced. For a short time I had a civi FB, she was very open about the fact that I was not her only guy and was even ok talking about her or my other experiences. She suggested and had another FB who had a PA but suggested it go through the top instead of the bottom part ie a reverse PA. I am one of the 'lucky guys' who have migraines and when I broke my arm in jr high rember telling my dad to slow down and not get a ticket on the way to the ER it was really not as bad as the migraines I had at the time. For some reason the idea of some type of bar-bell along the top of the shaft for 'both' partners pleasure perhaps like the Dydoe or the Pubic one shown on: http://wiki.bmezine.com/index.php/Male_genital_piercing
GotCondomz's Avatar
OUCHIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll just stick with my Custom Made Cock Ring..that's all the cock jewelry I NEED....lol
KYOT's Avatar
  • KYOT
  • 03-09-2011, 02:35 AM
I had to register just to answer this, I personally have 5 piercing. 1x Apadravya and a 4 rung frenum ladder. Since I started getting piercings the most common questions are

1. Did it hurt? Yes, but not like you would expect, anything in the gland is going to hurt like hell but literally just while the piercing is happening. Think 5-10sec. Anywhere else really doesn't hurt that bad it's more just shock when you get a needle pushed through your junk.

2. Does it still hurt? No, but like any other wound it will be sore and can and will occasionally get caught on something to remind you its there.

3. Whats it feel like? Right after you get one, your EXTREMELY sensitive, after my first anything would set me off into an erection. Invest in some snug (NOT TIGHT) underwear for a couple weeks unless you like walking around with a pup tent. Mostly though she gets the most benefit.

4. No...I meant, whats it feel like for her? Mileage varies, most women get extremely turned on by it and report amazing orgasms, a few may find the metal irritating and uncomfortable and some say they feel no difference at all. Usually you have to start off very slow, penetration can be a problem with pressure on the jewelry just be patient after a short bit things pick up without much issue.

5. Why in gods name would you do that to your best friend? Cuz I like it, and its pretty, and it feels good. You can take them out for short periods of time, not days tho, the holes do close up and usually extremely fast. I took one out that was giving me problems and it closed up the same day and healed within a week.
I had to register just to answer this, I personally have 5 piercing. 1x Apadravya and a 4 rung frenum ladder. Since I started getting piercings the most common questions are

1. Did it hurt? Yes, but not like you would expect, anything in the gland is going to hurt like hell but literally just while the piercing is happening. Think 5-10sec. Anywhere else really doesn't hurt that bad it's more just shock when you get a needle pushed through your junk.

2. Does it still hurt? No, but like any other wound it will be sore and can and will occasionally get caught on something to remind you its there.

3. Whats it feel like? Right after you get one, your EXTREMELY sensitive, after my first anything would set me off into an erection. Invest in some snug (NOT TIGHT) underwear for a couple weeks unless you like walking around with a pup tent. Mostly though she gets the most benefit.

4. No...I meant, whats it feel like for her? Mileage varies, most women get extremely turned on by it and report amazing orgasms, a few may find the metal irritating and uncomfortable and some say they feel no difference at all. Usually you have to start off very slow, penetration can be a problem with pressure on the jewelry just be patient after a short bit things pick up without much issue.

5. Why in gods name would you do that to your best friend? Cuz I like it, and its pretty, and it feels good. You can take them out for short periods of time, not days tho, the holes do close up and usually extremely fast. I took one out that was giving me problems and it closed up the same day and healed within a week. Originally Posted by KYOT
Any TSA issues?
KYOT's Avatar
  • KYOT
  • 03-10-2011, 07:52 AM
Haven't actually flown anywhere, but from what i've been told security screenings are not really much of a problem. Quality stainless jewelry is non-magnetic and normally doesn't even trip metal detectors, if it does just say you have a piercing. They might wand or do a pat down, but most guys tell me they just get a dirty look and waved on. I used to be a little shy about mine, but hell I've had them long enough now, ill just whip it out almost anywhere. I even keep pictures on my phone in case someone wants to see but is too shy to look at the real thing.

One other thing I forgot to mention, if your having sex with someone else who has piercings, DONT MIX BARBELLS AND RINGS. Unless you wanna risk having a really embarrassing and painful trip to the ER.
SlowHand49's Avatar
. . . if your having sex with someone else who has piercings, DONT MIX BARBELLS AND RINGS. Originally Posted by KYOT
Words to live by . . . lol
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
One other thing I forgot to mention, if your having sex with someone else who has piercings, DONT MIX BARBELLS AND RINGS. Unless you wanna risk having a really embarrassing and painful trip to the ER. Originally Posted by KYOT
Thanks for your input! It's appreciated. One question, though, about the barbells and rings. Please explain "why"?

SlowHand49's Avatar
Um, I would suspect there's a concern about the barbells getting entangled or hooked up in the rings and . . . it hurts too much in my brain to type any more . . .
Keith Stone's Avatar
okay, so how do you keep the condom from ripping ? Originally Posted by nubuzz2010

Condoms? huh?

Also, why would anyone put rings and crap in their faces and genitals anyway? Gross. Why do women mark up their bodies with nasty-ass dirty tattoos? We will never know.