This site browsing with Mozilla Firefox 3.5X release

Seems slow browsing with Mozilla Firefox 3.5X release

Right now the site is running slow due to super high volume of new registrations and some scheduled site maintenance. It should be back to a normal speed soon.

I'm using ver 3.5.6 and hadn't had any problems until tonight.

That is what I need to know.
When is the regular site maintenance?
TBONE and Becky are constantly having it fine tuned and upgraded. This is just a case of bad

TBONE's Avatar
  • 12-30-2009, 11:28 PM
You will likely experience very slow speeds, and unfortunately it could last for a couple of days. Also, I wouldn't call it 'regular' site maintenance. We are actually doing some software and hardware upgrades to better prepare the site for it's resource-hungry features and a larger audience. Once completed, we expect the users to experience some super-fast speeds in all areas of the site.
TBONE's Avatar
  • 12-30-2009, 11:30 PM
This is just a case of bad

LAP Originally Posted by lickalotapus
You can say that again!!! LOL