Sunshine is the best disinfectant for Benghazi

LexusLover's Avatar
IIFFYIdiot, in case you did not notice, the Patriarch of your Idiot Klan, errrr Clan asked a question. And he doesn't like to be kept waiting!

When are you going to answer him? Originally Posted by bigtex
It's posts like this one that EARN you the title of ...


Absolutely remarkable how your obsessively continue to verify it.

You actually have a choice on this one:
A. Lying sack of shit or

Either one works for me.

By the way: How's the "investigation" going?
How's the "investigation" going? Originally Posted by LexusLover
None of your business!

Until further notice, you are on a need to know basis.

And you don't need to know!
LexusLover's Avatar
None of your business! Originally Posted by bigtex

Oh, really? Stalking me is "none" of my business? It's all my business.
LexusLover's Avatar
Until further notice, you are on a need to know basis. And you don't need to know! Originally Posted by bigtex
I already know! I was just asking to see if you would LIE SOME MORE.

Like I said. You're a lightweight.
It's none of my business. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Are you so morally obtuse that you call everything by the numbers?

WWII - 405,399 US deaths
Korea - 36,516
Vietnam - 58,209
Iraq - 4,486

Were you 13 times more offended by Vietnam than by Iraq? Were you 8 times more offended by Korea? And were you 90 times more offended by World War II? Is that the way it works in fagboy's feeble mind?

You're a fair-weather patriot when it comes to wars, aintcha? Sit back, see how it goes, and be ready to scream "cut and run" as soon as something goes wrong. What's your threshold for cutting and running - 4,000 US war deaths? If we played by your numbers, we would have dropped out of WWII in 1942.

You completely miss the larger point of why so many people are focused on and appalled by Benghazi. It's not just the number of Americans who died that night. It's how the POTUS fucked up the "3am phone call" and what this portends for his handling of future crises like ISIS or Ukraine. If he continues to fuck up like he did then (and he shows every sign of doing so), we will soon find ourselves in an increasingly hostile and dangerous world that requires a lot more than 4500 US casualties to fix.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
should we have gone war against Iraq? how long? how much$?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Back to the OP.

We now have a state department employee who says that they saw Hillary's people removing files that would embarass (condemn?) her. Shades of Sandy Berger.
Back to the OP.

We now have a state department employee who says that they saw Hillary's people removing files that would embarass (condemn?) her. Shades of Sandy Berger. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Jerry Fletcher, we anxiously await your next Benghazi update!
LexusLover's Avatar
... we anxiously await your next Benghazi update! Originally Posted by bigtex
Is the "we" two of your personalities or all of them?

Unfortunately for YOUR MAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE AND HIS "HEIR APPARENT" the "revelations" of the DESTRUCTION OF EVIDENCE and LYING, a CLINTON TRAIT BTW, will surface in early 2016 and continue to pile up through October, unless, of course, her "health" takes priority and SHE decides for the "good of family and country" to "stand down" and retire on her "TRUST FUND" as destitute as she may be. She'll struggle along I'm sure.

Does her "departure" from the DOS begin to make "sense"? Deniability.

Hopefully the "Democratic Party" will persuade Joe THE JOKER to RETIRE quietly, and a person with BALLS (figuratively speaking, of course) and INTEGRITY will emerge with a vision to implement some course corrections to keep this country off the bankruptcy path onto some destructive rocks looming ahead and re-assure the rest of the world that the U.S. will have their back when called up and the others will be handed their ass if they decide to fuck with the U.S. or our friends ... and mean it when he or she says it. BTW: That will save money and lives.

Personally, I would rather see people wanting to come to the U.S. because it is safe and prosperous to be here, rather than for a handout! But that's just me, I guess.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-19-2014, 05:25 AM
Is the "we" two of your personalities or all of them?

. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You cry about BT stalking you and then you take a quote from BT to another poster and 'stalk' BT with a post not addressed to you.

You cry about BT stalking you and then you take a quote from BT to another poster and 'stalk' BT with a post not addressed to you. Originally Posted by WTF
Hypocrisy is a way of life in the Idiot Klan, errrr Clan!