Biden Family $$$$ Money

... I'll tell you something, mates... This surely creates a
very intense situation for Merrick Garland, dont it?
Now that Hunter and Jim Biden have been subpoenaed.

Maybe you'll remember that when Peter Navarro and Steve Bannon
were both subpoenaed by the "J6 committee" and they told
the Committee to piss off, Garland quickly brought charges
against them.

... NOW - the shoe will be onto the other foot - and we'll see
IF and WHEN the Bidens there defy the House Oversight Committee
just how fast Garland decides to act.

... As we surely continue to Follow the Money! $$$$

#### Salty
eyecu2's Avatar
More nothing "hamberders!"

I'm betting that if your last name is Biden, the POTUS has the ability to nix those subpoenas. As a Trump last name during that administration would have done. If Joes out in Nov ...that would be a different story, but yes you'll be waiting a long time to taste that special "nothing burder" w extra sauce. And if / when it does happen, it won't matter one bit. Just saying
...Hmmmm... WHY would he want to nix the subpoenas??
Are the Biden's AFRAID to talk to the House Oversight Committee??
What do they have to hide??

#### Salty
...Hmmmm... WHY would he want to nix the subpoenas?

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Maybe, for the same reason Trump, keeps trying to delay his trails, (even though he says he is innocent), then again maybe not.
eyecu2's Avatar
...Hmmmm... WHY would he want to nix the subpoenas??
Are the Biden's AFRAID to talk to the House Oversight Committee??
What do they have to hide??

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
If there are only allegations and no complete direct proof, then it serves no purpose to testify against unfounded allegations.

Ask Jim Jordan.

Testifying would actually give validation to the conclusions the Comer Crew have suggested. Although They even acknowledged not having any full evidence of illegal actions of Joe Biden. It's a sham and you're all falling for it, cause GOP TV aka FOX has been gaslighting you over it for 9 months.


NO conclusions or proof, just more conspiracy theories and no smoking guns. Not even a squirt gun actually.
... The allegations are far from unfounded.
And the choice to testify aint voluntary - they will
be compelled to testify.

The interesting thing to see is whether or not
Merrick Garland will prove to us once again that
there's a two-tiered system of justice here.

... And lemme ask, Eye - what's your explanation
for Joe Biden's constant LIES about his family
getting money from China and his "knowing nothing
of Hunter's businesses and partners??

As we surely continue to Follow the money! $$$$

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So if everything is so well documented, why don’t you ever include the proof in your little rants? Is it because your proof and truth changes with every news cycle?
Republicans have been making false claims since trump lost and NEVER provided facts in any of them.
Ask the pillow guy!!
Do any of you sheep have any evidence to your spewing the Republican lies?????
... Crikey! ... Some o' you mates seem so blue and cross.
Are those just sad attempts to get this thread closed??

... This thread - lemme remind you - concerns the Biden Family
and the money payments $$$ to them from China, Russia, Ukraine
and other nations.

This thread does NOT have anything to do with Trump or any
other politician - the Steelers - or even Ned Kelly.

... And I surely hope you'll stay on-topic. ... Thank you.

#### Salty
Looks like this whole thread is a nothingburger.
... Crikey! ... Some o' you mates seem so blue and cross.
Are those just sad attempts to get this thread closed??

... This thread - lemme remind you - concerns the Biden Family
and the money payments $$$ to them from China, Russia, Ukraine
and other nations.

This thread does NOT have anything to do with Trump or any
other politician - the Steelers - or even Ned Kelly.

... And I surely hope you'll stay on-topic. ... Thank you.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Salty it's your thread, care to comment?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
We’ll see … tee hee!
... He can testify publicly AFTER he talks to the Committee.
... Hunter and his barrister don't get to dictate which
rules and laws they choose to follow.

... But then - we're in this thread to Follow the Money. $$$$$
Hunter talking to the Committee is the next step in doing that.

#### Salty
eyecu2's Avatar
... He can testify publicly AFTER he talks to the Committee.
... Hunter and his barrister don't get to dictate which
rules and laws they choose to follow.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Neither Trump or his kids testified from a subpoena, and even Jim Jordan and others avoided testifying to Congress despite subpoenas. They testified in a fraud trial but last I checked, Joe hasn't been charged with anything.

So tell me how people who are also named Biden are different than those names Trump?

Why would they testify since the committee has only found a check that said loan repayment? Where is the trail that shows Joe did something wrong? When they find that- we'll talk.

Till then, this is just smoke mirrors and zero smoking guns.

If there were millions of dollars in payoffs, why is it we only see a paltry sum of monies that went to Joe Biden either directly from a family member or any other way as less than $300,000? Sure seems like there would be a whole lot more money in this pay for play scheme that the Republican ass-hats are suggesting!

But then again you got Comer and Jordan working the reigns of this thing, and both of them are mathematically challenged, legal knowledge challenged, and simply a duo of stupidity. Comer literally sounds as though he just woke up and got cow kicked in the fucking side of the head whenever he talks in public.

Jesus if you listen to Federman these days he sounds like a fucking genius compared to those two!!
HDGristle's Avatar
... He can testify publicly AFTER he talks to the Committee.
... Hunter and his barrister don't get to dictate which
rules and laws they choose to follow.

... But then - we're in this thread to Follow the Money. $$$$$
Hunter talking to the Committee is the next step in doing that.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Committee is afraid of getting embarrassed in public confirmed