What White America Doesn't Want to Know

LexusLover's Avatar
[QUOTE=WombRaider;1056719420]Racist? I guess that's why he shoved the Civil Rights Act through. He wasn't perfect,....[/QUOTE

Orchestrating the passage of legislation doesn't NECESSARILY equate with one's propensity for racial bias or the lack thereof. JFK was opposed to the Civil Rights Legislation in the beginning, because it would cost him the South. That doesn't mean JFK was a racist.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Two minutes apart. You slimy cocksuckers almost did it. All the info about black settlers is bogus. Go look it up. Thousands were rejected and the whites were given the better more tillable and agriculturally sound land. The blacks, what few got anything, got the desert. Originally Posted by WombRaider
But your original lying claim was that blacks didn't get any land via the 1862 Homestead Act, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas:

Go even further back, the homestead act of 1862. Free land if you will work it. But not for people of color. Originally Posted by WombRaider
And if you troubled yourself to read on the subject, you'd learn tens of thousands of whites likewise failed to make it on 160 acres, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas; hence, race wasn't the discriminating factor.

I know better than to come into this forum looking for a lot of intelligent comments and deep thought--tough on occasion I am pleasantly surprised by a pearl among the swine.

However, even by the low level of expectation, this thread has fallen to horrific depths. The LWWs and RWWs are out in force making more dumb comments per square inch than almost any other thread. It is as if I am reading post after post by IB or the Anti-IB.
Originally Posted by Old-T
Noticed how you didn't post one, damn substantive remark, Old-THUMPER.

Actually, Old-T, you are! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Hasa Diga, you Mussulman-luvin, Hitler worshipping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM.

You are probably correct.

I wonder: If IB and the Anti-IB actually come within close proximity, would the whole planer explode?

From some perspectives it might almost be worth it to be done with IB.
Originally Posted by Old-T
Nothing but trollish remarks, Old-THUMPER; nothing substantive.
Not for people of color, not on any meaningful scale.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Not for people of color, not on any meaningful scale. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You lied when you said "none", you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-14-2015, 01:53 PM
Good Ol' IB: give a black man a dollar and you think that absolves you of your racial hate for the rest of the year. That's IB for you.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Good Ol' IB: give a black man a dollar and you think that absolves you of your racial hate for the rest of the year. That's IB for you. Originally Posted by Old-T
Lame-ass troll, Old-THUMPER, can't refute the evidence with substantive facts, so he cowers behind racial invectives.
Budman's Avatar
I will agree with you that there is still racism in this country. I don’t think it will ever disappear but I also don’t believe it is nearly as prevalent as you would have us believe. Racism goes both ways. I have run into plenty of blacks and Mexicans that are racist towards whites or each other. I think what irritates many here and around the country is using racism as a crutch. It’s an excuse for anything that doesn’t go your way.

*If you don’t get the job it must be because of racism. It can’t be because your pants were down around your knees. Or maybe someone else was more qualified.

*If you don’t get the loan it must be racism. It can’t be that you have shitty credit or absolutely no credit.

*If you are arrested it must be racism. It can’t be because of your criminal past and the fact that you fit the profile of the person suspected of the crime.

*If a black is shot by police it must be racism. It can’t be because you threatened the cop and assaulted the cop. Lord knows that couldn’t possibly be the reason he shot you.

This attitude is then used to riot and burn your own neighborhood to the ground and you expect the rest of the country to understand. You want us to have empathy for your plight. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on. Start acting like a civilized member of society and you may get the respect you claim you want and deserve.

I was never given anything in my life except an upbringing that taught me the value of hard work and dependability. I have treated everyone with respect until they give me reason not to. I hire people based on qualifications, attitude, appearance and attitude. Race doesn’t and never has played a part in who I hire and who I fire.

In my business I associate with all races and political leanings. Many are friends and some are just customers. I don’t let race play any role in who I consider a friend. If you are white or black and an asshole then you’re just an asshole. If you come into my establishment and treat it and the other patrons with respect you will be welcome and treated the same way. If you come in here and act like an ass then you will be asked to leave not because of race but because you are a fucking asshole.

I believe that many in this country are just sick and tired of the blame game. Most of us are just trying to get by just like you. We don’t get any special treatment or favors. We work hard and get by so we have absolutely no empathy for a mob that will burn their own neighborhood to the ground. You do nothing to support you cause. You turn people against any legitimate grievance you may have by condoning the actions of a bunch of thugs. I bet most of those people rioting don’t even know why. They just look at it as an excuse to do any damn thing they please without consequence.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-14-2015, 03:23 PM
Lame-ass troll, Old-THUMPER, can't refute the evidence with substantive facts, so he cowers behind racial invectives. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Sorry, IBShortAttentionSpan, the current argument was precisely about whites and blacks having fair shots at getting land. I didn't start the B/W conversation, you were already going at it. You were arguing whether a near-insignificant number of blacks getting land was close enough to "none". All I did was make the same argument in a slightly different context. I'm sorry if it cut too close to home for you. (No I'm not).
I B Hankering's Avatar
Sorry, IBShortAttentionSpan, the current argument was precisely about whites and blacks having fair shots at getting land. I didn't start the B/W conversation, you were already going at it. You were arguing whether a near-insignificant number of blacks getting land was close enough to "none". All I did was make the same argument in a slightly different context. I'm sorry if it cut too close to home for you. (No I'm not). Originally Posted by Old-T
No, Old-THUMPER, you're the stupid imbecile WKing for the jackass that said there were "none", and tens of thousands of veteran colored troops in addition to the over 100,000 former slaves that took advantage of the 1862 Homestead Act constitute something more than "near-insignificant," you supercilious troll.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-14-2015, 04:02 PM
So again you admit I was not the one who initiated the W/B issue in this thread. You admitted that once again you lied. Well done.
I B Hankering's Avatar
So again you admit I was not the one who initiated the W/B issue in this thread. You admitted that once again you lied. Well done. Originally Posted by Old-T
Never claimed that you were anything other than a stupid imbecile insubstantially WKing for a jackass that said there were "none", Old-THUMPER; so, you'd be the easily refuted liar, you supercilious troll.
I will agree with you that there is still racism in this country. I don’t think it will ever disappear but I also don’t believe it is nearly as prevalent as you would have us believe. Racism goes both ways. I have run into plenty of blacks and Mexicans that are racist towards whites or each other. I think what irritates many here and around the country is using racism as a crutch. It’s an excuse for anything that doesn’t go your way.

*If you don’t get the job it must be because of racism. It can’t be because your pants were down around your knees. Or maybe someone else was more qualified.

*If you don’t get the loan it must be racism. It can’t be that you have shitty credit or absolutely no credit.

*If you are arrested it must be racism. It can’t be because of your criminal past and the fact that you fit the profile of the person suspected of the crime.

*If a black is shot by police it must be racism. It can’t be because you threatened the cop and assaulted the cop. Lord knows that couldn’t possibly be the reason he shot you.

This attitude is then used to riot and burn your own neighborhood to the ground and you expect the rest of the country to understand. You want us to have empathy for your plight. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on. Start acting like a civilized member of society and you may get the respect you claim you want and deserve.

I was never given anything in my life except an upbringing that taught me the value of hard work and dependability. I have treated everyone with respect until they give me reason not to. I hire people based on qualifications, attitude, appearance and attitude. Race doesn’t and never has played a part in who I hire and who I fire.

In my business I associate with all races and political leanings. Many are friends and some are just customers. I don’t let race play any role in who I consider a friend. If you are white or black and an asshole then you’re just an asshole. If you come into my establishment and treat it and the other patrons with respect you will be welcome and treated the same way. If you come in here and act like an ass then you will be asked to leave not because of race but because you are a fucking asshole.

I believe that many in this country are just sick and tired of the blame game. Most of us are just trying to get by just like you. We don’t get any special treatment or favors. We work hard and get by so we have absolutely no empathy for a mob that will burn their own neighborhood to the ground. You do nothing to support you cause. You turn people against any legitimate grievance you may have by condoning the actions of a bunch of thugs. I bet most of those people rioting don’t even know why. They just look at it as an excuse to do any damn thing they please without consequence. Originally Posted by Budman

Very well stated!!
JRLawrence's Avatar
[QUOTE=WombRaider;1056710240]I'm sure it will get shit on, as any reasoned approach does. But it's not wrong. When they see violence perpetrated as a response to injustice, they ruminate on why. Never once thinking about what it would be like to be in a similar situation.

Total bull shit. You do not get to decide what is wrong or right for you. It is wrong because the authorities say so, and they have the power to kill you if you disagree. If you think you can achieve anything by confrontation you are acting emotionally without any understanding of what it takes to achieve change.

The only way to make changes it to work within the system.

Police and military might is here to maintain order, and the status quo. Forget about their slogan "Protect and Serve"; not true. They are here to maintain order, and they will. One will never win by a confrontation with the established powers; never have and never will (idiot).

If you really want to change things you can examine the examples of

Mahatma Gandi,

Martin Luther King , and Nelson Mandela.

I will agree with you that there is still racism in this country. I don’t think it will ever disappear but I also don’t believe it is nearly as prevalent as you would have us believe. Racism goes both ways. I have run into plenty of blacks and Mexicans that are racist towards whites or each other. I think what irritates many here and around the country is using racism as a crutch. It’s an excuse for anything that doesn’t go your way.

*If you don’t get the job it must be because of racism. It can’t be because your pants were down around your knees. Or maybe someone else was more qualified.

*If you don’t get the loan it must be racism. It can’t be that you have shitty credit or absolutely no credit.

*If you are arrested it must be racism. It can’t be because of your criminal past and the fact that you fit the profile of the person suspected of the crime.

*If a black is shot by police it must be racism. It can’t be because you threatened the cop and assaulted the cop. Lord knows that couldn’t possibly be the reason he shot you.

This attitude is then used to riot and burn your own neighborhood to the ground and you expect the rest of the country to understand. You want us to have empathy for your plight. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on. Start acting like a civilized member of society and you may get the respect you claim you want and deserve.

I was never given anything in my life except an upbringing that taught me the value of hard work and dependability. I have treated everyone with respect until they give me reason not to. I hire people based on qualifications, attitude, appearance and attitude. Race doesn’t and never has played a part in who I hire and who I fire.

In my business I associate with all races and political leanings. Many are friends and some are just customers. I don’t let race play any role in who I consider a friend. If you are white or black and an asshole then you’re just an asshole. If you come into my establishment and treat it and the other patrons with respect you will be welcome and treated the same way. If you come in here and act like an ass then you will be asked to leave not because of race but because you are a fucking asshole.

I believe that many in this country are just sick and tired of the blame game. Most of us are just trying to get by just like you. We don’t get any special treatment or favors. We work hard and get by so we have absolutely no empathy for a mob that will burn their own neighborhood to the ground. You do nothing to support you cause. You turn people against any legitimate grievance you may have by condoning the actions of a bunch of thugs. I bet most of those people rioting don’t even know why. They just look at it as an excuse to do any damn thing they please without consequence. Originally Posted by Budman
I can get behind this. I think it applies in most cases. I think that overt racism is less prevalent, but it takes other forms now.
  • Noid
  • 05-14-2015, 05:24 PM
In the post above you say you can get behind this. Thank you. It is not white america et al. Poor and middle class whites live no different than you. Stop the blame game. I have no white guilt.