How many of the average Americans here have used a gun for protection?

LexusLover's Avatar
You make absolutely no sense btw. Originally Posted by WombRaider
That's what people often say when they don't want to answer the question.

I've heard the say: Would you please repeat the question, I don't understand it?
That's what people often say when they don't want to answer the question.

I've heard the say: Would you please repeat the question, I don't understand it? Originally Posted by LexusLover
I've heard the say? WTF does that even mean. You have serious syntax issues. I think you might be having mini strokes.

It's what people say when you make no fucking sense too, just fyi
... the only thing that baffles me is why you ask ... True, because your ilk never answer a question

... since you think you already know it all. Link?

Kansas had always seemed to produce some talented "gunslingers" ....

... I suppose by this time next year there will be a whole gaggle more.

As for Kansas laws ...

.... occasionally I look them up, but generally I don't keep up with them.

Posters' uninformed, childish, and dishonest attempts at insulting remarks never really bothered me, but apparently it does some, because posters keep trying. Originally Posted by LexusLover
True it is your MO. Along with stalking.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
In other words, JDIdiot, you admit now that you made all this shit up.
Poured out by a newspaper writer in a secondary media market.
How embarrassing for you.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Let's see, who should I trust... hmmmm. CornballShit or a reporter for a trusted newspaper who gets paid to do their job. It's a tough decision.

Here's an article in a different paper about the same thing and the numbers are the same... hmmmm. Originally Posted by WombRaider

And what did I quote from the reporter? He wrote the story (and used the numbers) because everyone else was doing it. That does not make the story correct or the numbers accurate. Why don't you do like I did and go to the source and look for yourself.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
In your opinion then the day I spent getting my CC is the same as a nimrod now who doesn't need one to pick up a gun put it in their pocket and go to mickeyD's for a burger. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
How do you feel about going to Lubys to get a sandwich without your weapon?'s_massacre

Here's someone with the answer. She left her pistol in the car that day and her parents were murdered as she was forced to watch.
LexusLover's Avatar
How do you feel about going to Lubys to get a sandwich without your weapon? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Anybody who goes to Luby's to buy a sandwich, doesn't need to be carrying.
LexusLover's Avatar
Here's someone with the answer. She left her pistol in the car that day and her parents were murdered as she was forced to watch. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
A presumption is that had she brought her weapon there would have been a different outcome. Such a "presumption" is pure speculation.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Why don't you ask her. She has survivors guilt. She had the means to protect herself and others but she watched this freak execute her parents.
LexusLover's Avatar
She has survivors guilt. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
A common affliction. She can cope with it by suggesting that she would have prevented it from happening had she only had her handgun. That gives her some comfort, I'm sure.

But the "argument" that she could have prevented her parents' deaths is speculative at best. As has been mentioned before, how people respond in various circumstances created by a live fire episode will vary and an OK Corral scenario is confusing to say the least. That's one reason I have repeatedly said (everyone time one of these testosterone dripping threads get started with all the gunslinging, chest beating going on) that the amount of training offered in the customary CC class to get a license/permit is INADEQUATE and ANEMIC ... It simply does not prepare one for a gunfight "on the street," which is statistically within 10 feet and lasts about 2-3 seconds.....unless, of course, one is sitting in a restaurant, theater, or public school with a crowd of people, in which case a whole separate set of variables are injected into the event, with probably 99% of the CW carries improperly "loaded" to prevent collateral damage, with "pass throughs" of people and walls ... not to mention the ear-ringing, deafening roar of multiple gunshots in a closed environment causing additional confusion and disorientation.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
A common affliction. She can cope with it by suggesting that she would have prevented it from happening had she only had her handgun. That gives her some comfort, I'm sure.

But the "argument" that she could have prevented her parents' deaths is speculative at best. As has been mentioned before, how people respond in various circumstances created by a live fire episode will vary and an OK Corral scenario is confusing to say the least. That's one reason I have repeatedly said (everyone time one of these testosterone dripping threads get started with all the gunslinging, chest beating going on) that the amount of training offered in the customary CC class to get a license/permit is INADEQUATE and ANEMIC ... It simply does not prepare one for a gunfight "on the street," which is statistically within 10 feet and lasts about 2-3 seconds.....unless, of course, one is sitting in a restaurant, theater, or public school with a crowd of people, in which case a whole separate set of variables are injected into the event, with probably 99% of the CW carries improperly "loaded" to prevent collateral damage, with "pass throughs" of people and walls ... not to mention the ear-ringing, deafening roar of multiple gunshots in a closed environment causing additional confusion and disorientation. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Geez, I hate to say it but I agree 100% with this post and your previous one.

I do commend those law-abiding people who carry a concealed handgun and go well above the requirements to obtain a CHL (where required) with their training.
How do you feel about going to Lubys to get a sandwich without your weapon?'s_massacre

Here's someone with the answer. She left her pistol in the car that day and her parents were murdered as she was forced to watch. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You won't catch me in Lubys , and LL answered your other questions.
  • DSK
  • 04-11-2015, 07:14 AM
You won't catch me in Lubys , and LL answered your other questions. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Too expensive?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You're not fooling anybody, DSK.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
JDIdiot is defending posting a bogus story.


Speaks volumes for his integrity.