Daughter of Random Thoughts

tuckahoe's Avatar
Going to get banned again, not taking the insults from amoderator...I may post bad pics, but I'm not insulting anyone Originally Posted by Johnsson
Haven't seen you be insulting to anyone.
The mods have not been following along the queer posts by Jack.

Of course he has an excuse given he has Tourette’s. I thought that caused you to say weird things, not write queer things, LOL.
Jack Scheidt's Avatar
The mods have not been following along the queer posts by Jack.

Of course he has an excuse given he has Tourette’s. I thought that caused you to say weird things, not write queer things, LOL. Originally Posted by Rockydoc
Slave Guinevere's Avatar
Favorite Stephen King Books...😊

If it looks like a duck,swims like a duck,quacks like a duck, it probably is a duck
Favorite Stephen King Books...��

Originally Posted by Slave Guinevere
Love love love your new avatar pic!!

You are so gorgeous!
Zenovia's Avatar
Favorite Stephen King Books...😊

Originally Posted by Slave Guinevere
Yessss that’s a good one, the book is so much better than the movie!
One of my favorite Stephen King books is Pet Sematary
Slave Guinevere's Avatar
Yessss that’s a good one, the book is so much better than the movie!
One of my favorite Stephen King books is Pet Sematary
Attachment 875788 Originally Posted by Zenovia

I enjoyed "MISERY" even MORE!! I think part of my love for this
PARTICULAR BOOK, is the fact, that Stephen King, created a BOOK WITHIN A BOOK and he did it with TWO entirely different writing styles....

The fact that he came up with the idea on a transatlantic flight and a cocktail napkin and then he wrote the beginnings on a steno notebook in his London hotel late at night... I think it was around 16 pages... Is just AMAZING!! The man's creativity is just UNPARALLELED!! (in this particular genre of literature...)

He was able to address some very powerful issues, that he was going through personally...internal struggles that he was dealing with and some negative feedback from his fans from his previous book and he channeled all of that into this amazing book.

I have to admit, I was skeptical about the movie when it came out, but I have to admit that Kathy Bates BLEW me away in the MOVIE... WOW, WHAT AN OUTSTANDING ACTRESS!! BRILLIANT PERFORMANCE!!

I am just glad, that my FANS (movie version), would have to SEARCH REALLY HARD, in order to FIND & TORTURE ME....LOL 😳🤪

THE Hammer SCENE WAS BRUTAL...🤦♀️🤦♀️

Sometimes even the so called "best plan" backfires when least expected. Smiling and laughter brings out the positives. As I sit back
Slave Guinevere's Avatar
Sometimes even the so called "best plan" backfires when least expected. Smiling and laughter brings out the positives. As I sit back Originally Posted by Fr8nk&Bnz
I really love to READ... Almost everyone that has ever met me... knows that... Is there a different author that you would prefer to discuss? Faulkner? Dostoyevsky? William Golding?

I'm open to almost any genre of book... 😊
King is brilliant. Misery was a great. I hate Kathy Bates. I would kill my self if she kidnapped me.,
tuckahoe's Avatar
Don Wright Gone To Texas. One of four historical novels he published. They were not all that widely distributed. All were books that were hard to put down. Gone To Texas begins with Frank & Jesse and ends with Spindletop. Tough, courageous tales of the frontier.
Slave Guinevere's Avatar
King is brilliant. Misery was a great. I hate Kathy Bates. I would kill my self if she kidnapped me., Originally Posted by Rockydoc
I agree... Mr King is brilliant. I feel bad that I didn't really start to give him my full attention until about 8-9 years ago... I come from a family of PROLIFIC READERS and as I was growing up my Father would do creative things to EXPAND my reading repertoire...

For example... For every ONE book that I chose from the library to read...he got to choose A DIFFERENT AUTHOR AND GENRE for me to complete and report back on... We also spent most of our week-ends in those used book stores where you could exchange 2 books for 1... In the 70's and 80's this was a GREAT DEAL and when you read as much as my family did, we thought it was the best store on the planet...😊

So, my younger child noticed I was reading "Fire Starter" about 9 years ago...a long time favorite of mine and one I was re-reading it and becoming reacquainted with an old friend... My children asked me about the book and I described the book to them and they became intrigued...up until that point, my children were more familiar with Stephen King 's MOVIES...

After a bit of discussion... We came up with a PLAN to start READING a new KING BOOK TOGETHER... Then watching the MOVIE immediately AFTERWARDS...if possible...(Excluding Gerald 's Game...😳🤷♀️🤦♀️)..

I'm a bit of a SCAREDY CAT during HORROR FILMS... SO, you can IMAGINE MY CHILDREN'S AMUSEMENT when I kept SCREAMING & JUMPING OFF THE COUCH when we were watching "MISERY"!!!LOL 😂


Here we are 9 years later and I'm still trying to as KING SAYS "BATTLE MY ADDICTION WITH ADVERBS"...SMDH .. But fyi, while I was reading "Salem 's LOT" I liked to jokingly tell MR. KING, that I am not the ONLY ONE ADDICTED TO ADVERBS!! LOL 😂 🤓
Slave Guinevere's Avatar
Don Wright Gone To Texas. One of four historical novels he published. They were not all that widely distributed. All were books that were hard to put down. Gone To Texas begins with Frank & Jesse and ends with Spindletop. Tough, courageous tales of the frontier. Originally Posted by tuckahoe
Thank you Sir Tuckahoe...

My Father was an avid reader of Louis L'amour... Westerns were his favorite books to RELAX and unwind with after a hard day in the hospital...

He would pour himself a scotch on the rocks and grab one of his many westerns, laying around the house, and the tension of the day, would slowly seep from his body...

Thank you and I have ordered the first book in this series from Amazon... Looks like the kindle series may have some typos and that would annoy me... besides, I enjoy having the actual book in my hand, whenever possible...

Have a wonderful day and thank you and Sir Rockydoc for indulging my love of literature...

Your affectionate slave,

Guinevere 😘
For the Stephen King fans out there, I recommend Peter Straub. He writes in a similar genre. His "Floating Dragon" was a book that actually kept me up at night when I read back as a teen.