JL I don't know you as a brotha I know you as another guy on ECCIE. It's just that a bunch of you would rather fight and bitch rather than stick to the subject.
Originally Posted by tucson
Is this the thread where the phone system at DFW was mentioned? Or was it the "DFW Land Line System" thread? Also, is this the thread where 911 calls were discussed ..... "land line" vs. "cell phone"? Or was it the "911 calls" thread.
Here is "a problem" ... such statements like this by WTF:
"But LL would not acknowledge that it in fact did cost that to have the hardware installed."
Let me repeat what he just posted:
...."it in fact did cost that to have the hardware installed"....
After days of whining and pissing he comes up with that statement.
So in WTF's impaired and childish mind he morphs from:
He HEARD somewhere ..... to ..... "it's a fact"! And "for the record" here's the quote:
I heard where that set up cost around 100k to install and maintain per plane.
Originally Posted by WTF
WTF, perhaps you should "leave the thread" ... while you are just behind.
He can't prevail in a discussion, so he changes the discussion, first by chianging what he posted, and then by changing what others post to fit the posting he wished he had posted ... so he can call himself a "winner" in his factitious "debate"!
And in my absence he continues his distortions ...
.. why would I "acknowledge" something that has not been "proven" and cannot be "proven" as being true ... so he can declare himself a "winner" in a fictitious irrelevant debate occurring in the echo chamber between his ears? Please don't lose sight of why he brought it up in the first place ...
So do you think our government should mandate that cost to all airlines?
Originally Posted by WTF
Then when he LEARNED ON HERE that 90% of the U.S. airlines already had the hardware and software, he changed it to an "Asian" airlines .....
How would you like to have him build you a house .. illegal workers or not?
Does the phrase ... "deceptive trade practice" mean anything to you?
How about "picking up mercury"?