Defeat of ISIS marks a major foreign policy win for Trump

MT Pockets's Avatar
The JW lawsuit is proceeding just fine, you stupid POS.

And your stupid, jackass self supported the fascist-statist candidate, M T Brain Socket.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Thanks for linking your lies to the "u.s. election assistance commission" You have just proven you were wrong. They are a much credible source than the supposed LA employee "JW" lied about.
I also like how you have slid in the "inactive voter" bullshit as well. Just more bullshit from the resident liar.
And no the lawsuit is not fine, if so you would be posting the results.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Thanks for linking your lies to the "u.s. election assistance commission" You have just proven you were wrong. They are a much credible source than the supposed LA employee "JW" lied about.
I also like how you have slid in the "inactive voter" bullshit as well. Just more bullshit from the resident liar.
And no the lawsuit is not fine, if so you would be posting the results.
Originally Posted by MT Pockets

That JW was including the "inactive roles" was clear from day one, M T Brain Socket, but your stupid-ass was so stupid you couldn't understand. Per law, anyone on those inactive roles who shows up to vote cannot be turned away, M T Brain Socket. Hence, Los Angeles County has 144% voters on its roles -- 44% over and above the number eligible to vote because L.A. County isn't purging its inactive roles as required by law, M T Brain Socket: you miserably illiterate jackass.
MT Pockets's Avatar

That JW was including the "inactive roles" was clear from day one, M T Brain Socket, but your stupid-ass was so stupid you couldn't understand. Per law, anyone on those inactive roles who shows up to vote cannot be turned away, M T Brain Socket. Hence, Los Angeles County has 144% voters on its roles -- 44% over and above the number eligible to vote because L.A. County isn't purging its inactive roles as required by law, M T Brain Socket: you miserably illiterate jackass.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
They may have been, but you didn't. Either way the numbers are still wrong and you know it. JW did not file those numbers they did however file the ones of the other source so you are wrong. So lets see if you honor the bet. I bet you will not because you are a liar and a bet welshing pedant.
Trump didn't do shit, the US military did it. Originally Posted by bamscram

Oh yea, like Obama got Osama?????????
I B Hankering's Avatar
They may have been, but you didn't. Either way the numbers are still wrong and you know it. JW did not file those numbers they did however file the ones of the other source so you are wrong. So lets see if you honor the bet. I bet you will not because you are a liar and a bet welshing pedant. Originally Posted by MT Pockets

It was in the original article, M T Brain Socket. You are just damn stupid to read and understand what you read, M T Brain Socket.
lustylad's Avatar
Before I respond to the test we must go over the real reason ISIS got control of the land that the coalition forces took back.

The sectarian politics in Iraq is/was very complex. They don't have a two party system you know.(LOL). Al-Malici is really to blame for ISIS getting control of the land they got after the USA left. Al-Malici would not and did not work with the other sects in the sharing of the power. (Something the New York Times link leaves out). So, when the USA left the sects were not unified. By not being unified this left the weaker sects vulnerable to an attack by ISIS. The KURDS were the only sect strong enough to protect itself. When ISIS attacked the KURDS, the KURDS kicked their butt and the KURDS kept their land. The other sects were weak and when ISIS attacked them they lost their land. AL-Malici deserves the bulk of the blame for ISIS getting the land that they had. Originally Posted by flghtr65
His name is spelled al-Maliki. I have never seen it spelled your way. Yes, he deserves a portion of the blame for Iraq falling apart. After the US pulled out in 2011, he tilted (as a Shiite) toward Iran. With no residual troop presence, we lost leverage and influence to prevent this. Your analysis also fails to mention anything about the Anwar Awakening. Our troops established good relationships with the Sunni tribal chiefs in Anwar Province during the 2007 surge. We helped them stand up to al queda and drive them out. Then we provided logistical support to keep the bad guys out. All of that stopped when we left. We turned the lights out in terms of intel collection. ISIS saw the opportunity and moved back in. They killed most of the tribal chiefs who led the Awakening. The Sunnis we had worked so hard to cultivate felt utterly betrayed. There is no way to spin this other than as a huge reversal of all the gains we achieved in the 2007 surge and a stunning betrayal of our hard-won Sunni allies. And it didn't have to happen.
themystic's Avatar
Oh yea, like Obama got Osama????????? Originally Posted by Cherie
thats what you hillbillies said when Obama got him.

Bush quit looking

Bush hid like a little bitch when 911 happen. Even hid behind a bunch of kids. I believe that was in your home state of Florida
I B Hankering's Avatar
thats what you hillbillies said when Obama got him.

Bush quit looking

Bush hid like a little bitch when 911 happen. Even hid behind a bunch of kids. I believe that was in your home state of Florida
Originally Posted by themystic
And Odumbo and hildebeest hid behind a lie the night of Benghazi, mistake. Both of their sorry asses were literally asleep at the wheel, mistake. A money raising event in Las Vegas was more important than the life of an American ambassador and assigned State Department personnel in Benghazi, mistake. Go fuck your dim-retarded ass, mistake.
MT Pockets's Avatar

It was in the original article, M T Brain Socket. You are just damn stupid to read and understand what you read, M T Brain Socket.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I read it. You must have not. JW said someone told them that number but after researching, they stated they thought it was a lower number. No matter how you play it no one agrees with your 144% number besides an unsubstantiated rumor that a renegade employee made that comment off the cuff.
MT Pockets's Avatar
And Odumbo and hildebeest hid behind a lie the night of Benghazi, mistake. Both of their sorry asses were literally asleep at the wheel, mistake. A money raising event in Las Vegas was more important than the life of an American ambassador and assigned State Department personnel in Benghazi, mistake. Go fuck your dim-retarded ass, mistake. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
It has been proven that budget cuts are to blame and Hillary done an outstanding job with what she had to work with. And if you think the cut was okay, why are you not upset that Trump has given the military a bigger budget? Why did she get less and him more?
I B Hankering's Avatar
It has been proven that budget cuts are to blame and Hillary done an outstanding job with what she had to work with. And if you think the cut was okay, why are you not upset that Trump has given the military a bigger budget? Why did she get less and him more? Originally Posted by MT Pockets
You're a lying jackass, M T Brain Socket. Deputy Assistant Secretary Charlene Lamb testified that the fucking budget didn't have a fucking thing to do with the "artificially low" footprint enforced by the Odumbo administration in Libya -- it was a purely "political" decision, you disingenuous asshole. Fact is, hildebeest sent Ambassador Stevens to Benghazi on the anniversary of 9-11 with the directive to spend excess State Department funds to establish a consulate, you lying POS.

I read it. You must have not. JW said someone told them that number but after researching, they stated they thought it was a lower number. No matter how you play it no one agrees with your 144% number besides an unsubstantiated rumor that a renegade employee made that comment off the cuff. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
You're a lying POS when you claim it was an unsubstantiated rumor, M T Brain Socket. The Los Angeles County registrars office reported their voter rolls stood at 144% of number of eligible voters, M T Brain Socket. A number that is easily calculated by using 2010 census figures, M T Brain Socket.
themystic's Avatar
And Odumbo and hildebeest hid behind a lie the night of Benghazi, mistake. Both of their sorry asses were literally asleep at the wheel, mistake. A money raising event in Las Vegas was more important than the life of an American ambassador and assigned State Department personnel in Benghazi, mistake. Go fuck your dim-retarded ass, mistake. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Youre getting testy IB. Would you like me to put some money in your account so you can get laid?

Benghazi was Republican witch hunt. Hillary listened to 11 hours worth of GOP make believe.

What happen bro?. Not a mother fucking thing

Thats youre boy IB
I B Hankering's Avatar
Youre getting testy IB. Would you like me to put some money in your account so you can get laid?

Benghazi was Republican witch hunt. Hillary listened to 11 hours worth of GOP make believe.

What happen bro?. Not a mother fucking thing

Thats youre boy IB
Originally Posted by themystic

And the witch was hildebeest, mistake. The men and women in Benghazi suffered 13 hours of machine gun and mortar fire, mistake. Fuck your witch sitting on her fat butt lying her ass off for 11 hours, mistake. Your witch didn't get to ride her broom stick into the White House, mistake.
MT Pockets's Avatar
You're a lying jackass, M T Brain Socket. Deputy Assistant Secretary Charlene Lamb testified that the fucking budget didn't have a fucking thing to do with the "artificially low" footprint enforced by the Odumbo administration in Libya -- it was a purely "political" decision, you disingenuous asshole. Fact is, hildebeest sent Ambassador Stevens to Benghazi on the anniversary of 9-11 with the directive to spend excess State Department funds to establish a consulate, you lying POS.

You're a lying POS when you claim it was an unsubstantiated rumor, M T Brain Socket. The Los Angeles County registrars office reported their voter rolls stood at 144% of number of eligible voters, M T Brain Socket. A number that is easily calculated by using 2010 census figures, M T Brain Socket.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Lamb is not the person to ask. That's like asking Roy Moore if he is a pedophile LOL! What did you think she would say, "My bad"? Give me a break.
And no LA county did not report that. Who the fuck do you think believes your lies?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Lamb is not the person to ask. That's like asking Roy Moore if he is a pedophile LOL! What did you think she would say, "My bad"? Give me a break. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
You're a miserable dim-retard cretin, M T Brain Socket. Deputy Assistant Secretary Lamb was Stevens' liason who told him to shut up about requesting greater security because hildbeest and Odumbo set the "artificially low" footprint to appease their Muslim friends in Libya, M T Brain Socket. Piss on you and your disingenuous lies, M T Brain Socket. People fucking died solely because of hildebeest's ego and Odumbo's immature naivete, M T Brain Socket.

And L.A. County did fucking report the numbers, M T Brain Socket, you lying, lib-retarded cunt.