I could actually get behind a lot of that, but the problem is it would take generations to accomplish and that's why I keep telling you it won't ever happen. No party can hold power long enough to bring about changes on that scale. Once the power swings back the other way, they will undo parts of what was done, then it's just the same fight all over again. I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just saying it's not realistically possible with our current system.
Originally Posted by WombRaider
You asked what would I do. That's what I would do. No, it will never happen. The Establishment has a firm grip on the government. It will change, but only to provide more for the top, and less for everyone else. That will happen regardless of who wins the election. I'm guessing it will be Hillary against Jeb. No choice. Doesn't matter who wins. Same shit, different administration.