Is this the Eccie board or?

notanewbie's Avatar
A wholesale ban of the lynch mob - Wayward, Wakeup, Notanewbie, Killersalt first - is the appropriate solution. Originally Posted by Raphael
le' Puppet....please keep NAN out of your mouth...well unless you can do that little flicky move with your tongue. I really do not appreciate being part of one of those fantasy sessions of yours.

and for old times sake .... KOSAIR!
dearhunter's Avatar
I am surprised this breach of rule #2 of Eccie guidelines ( - Derogatory racial remarks are simply unacceptable, period. Disrespect another's ethnic background and you will most certainly regret it) has not been dealt with as it deserves by the staff.

Especially considering DED's recently revealed... sensibility to matters of ethnicity and race...

Dearhunter's post would also appear to be disrespectful of rule #5 - Outing or threats of outing are taken seriously. Membership here is anonymous and for the privacy of our members it will remain that way. That means any effort or attempt to connect a person's real world information to their username on this board will be dealt with swiftly and harshly. This includes real names, employment, medical info, addresses past or present, images, criminal or driving record, etc. We expect everyone who participates here to respect and go to great lengths to protect the anonymity and privacy of one another. Reckless disregard or accidental outing will also be taken very seriously. Originally Posted by Raphael
All you had to say was "I object" worked for me.........vive la france
Raphael's Avatar
le' Puppet....please keep NAN out of your mouth...well unless you can do that little flicky move with your tongue. I really do not appreciate being part of one of those fantasy sessions of yours. Originally Posted by notanewbie
This post is in breach of rules #3 and #4 of Eccie guide lines:

#3 - Disrespect to others, IN GENERAL, will be considered an item of low tolerance, especially when posting in our coed forums. Follow the Golden Rule and treat others as you wish to be treated yourself. This applies to fellow members as well as staff. We do not require that you have respect for us, but we do require that you treat us respectfully in the public forums. If you feel the need to vent, gripe, or blow off some steam regarding a staff member's action or decision, we ask that you keep it private. Email, RTM, or the PM system would be the appropriate avenue to take in such cases. In cases where you would like to request additional clarity about a staff decision, you are free to pursue an answer in either a public forum or private means of communication. If handled publicly, post your inquiry in a respectful manner.

#4 - Blatant insults or hostility toward another member will be met with staff intervention. This applies to using our coed forums for name calling, personal attacks, or vulgar slang terms to describe fellow members. If you have legitimate concerns about another member here, share them tactfully in the appropriate private forums or with staff.
proper's Avatar
The fact of the matter is that your "lynch mob" doesn't get threads closed Raph. We egg on, we insinuate, we joke, we accuse, and we banter. Rarely do we ever instigate, but when provoked, we respond, and when we respond, the other people often end up taking it to far and terminate themselves. We don't ban people Raph...but we sure help people ban themselves.
Originally Posted by Wakeuр
At the risk of sounding like a broken record - All the posters who have this strong urge to jump in please, please please - pay careful attention to what is quoted above. You may even want to read a similar post I made on this thread somewhere on page 5. It is sad to see so many of you self destruct. Either enjoy the entertainment or understand the strengths of the people you are going against and come well prepared if you really need to jump in. You may still find yourself at the receiving end but at least you will not make a fool of yourself.

I feel bad when people self destruct and get banned and still do not learn.

Peace out suckers
notanewbie's Avatar
This post is in breach of rules #3 and #4 of Eccie guide lines:

#3 - Disrespect to others, .................. .........

#4 - Blatant insults or hostility .......... ............ Originally Posted by Raphael
Raphael's Avatar

When the Federal Government finally decided to step in and put an end to the lynchings in the Old South, the lynchings stopped.

Its up to you, Saint Chris...
carkido45's Avatar
Dang internet connection is down and my smart phone went dumb like tn the Spehe Lynch Mob members.
Oh as my ole lil buddy Metalhead used to say "fighting on the internet is like running in the special olympics doesn't matter who wins you're both retarded". i
boardman's Avatar
Oh as my ole lil buddy Metalhead used to say "fighting on the internet is like running in the special olympics doesn't matter who wins you're both retarded". i Originally Posted by carkido45

Well done, Carkido, Well Done.
dearhunter's Avatar
Raphy, could you quote Rules 3 & 4 again......I thinck ck44.4 missed those particular rules.....just once more, thank you in advance.

vive la france
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Well said CK45...... Even if it wasn't your words initially.

Rafe, in regards to your poor persecuted Ladyfriend, I don't think any of the "lynchmob" have said a thing about her in sometime..... In fact, her latest reincarnations were left very much alone by who you have listed as "lynchmob" members........ Let's not revisit the offensiveness of your continued usage of that group name & how the elder generations of Black Americans feel on it...... But while you are already on the rules page & are reciting..... What does it say about the usage of multiple handles again?... Is that #19...... I'm just saying.....

Regardless of what earned her her banning (and she did in fact earn it. Maybe not a lifer, but an extended one atr least) continued rule breaking while banned doesn't endear you to anyone.... Mods & Admins in particular I'm sure....

Also..... I have read several times you yourself calling yourself French, so DH mentioning that being deemed some form of outing is a pretty extreme reach......

dearhunter's Avatar
Dear baby Jesus, please help the mutant ninja turtle in his hour need. Give him the the strength to endure the four horsemen of the apocalypse (Wayward, Wakeup, boardman and Killersalt) him find his lost brothers (Larry, Moe and Curly) and returm them to his bussom....intercede on his behalf with the omnipotent ones in Dallas (that great hooker heaven in the sky)......that they may see the righteousness of his cause....and please sweet baby Jesus, allow the french flag to fly once more over the land of milk and honey.....just for old times sake......amen.

The whole animated internet world recognizes the wandering dribbling of a desperate man. No one makes anyone post anything. Your mind and your hands to the walking. Perhaps instead of lynching someone would prefer their persecution a la French.

Vive la France.
TexasGator's Avatar

When the Federal Government finally decided to step in and put an end to the lynchings in the Old South, the lynchings stopped.

Its up to you, Saint Chris... Originally Posted by Raphael
No offense to St. C, but I think this may be out of his league if these lynchings of which you speak are to be compared to the Old South lynchings of yesteryear. The violations of anti-racial and ethnic rules notwithstanding, This may be of even greater import. We need to write our Congressman and advise them of these heinous lynchings here on eccie. Hell, maybe we need to go to Washington and get their attention immediately.

I'll join in to help rid this place of those darn lynchers but first I need a favor, Raphie.

Can you give me a clue as to WHO's been "lynched" as I understand the term and what redress we are seeking? And by WHOM? I understand you want Sofia and her alternate handles to be as untouchable as a quarterback entering his slide, but what rederss are we seeking............and WHY?

I'm not sure there has ever been anything remotely close to lynching of Sofia unless verbal exchanges are synonymous with lynching. Whenever she got banned, it was based on her posts - regardless of whether there was provocation. Reread the posts. Reread the ones that got you banned, or for that matter, ANY member that's been banned.

And while doing your research, please cite me examples or links evidencing any lynching of members here by anyone, especially those to whom you have bestowed Lynch Mob membership. Who did Killersalt lynch, for example? Who'd he run off the board? Can you show me an example?

Same questionfor Wayward, dh, and even Wakeup. His checklist notwithstanding, he has repeatedly stated (correctly, I'm embarrassed to acknowledge) that he is NOT responsible for a single banning. The posters who were banned were the ones violating the very rules you continually cite.

I'm with you, man. I'll fight the fight. I'll go to Washington with you, but you gotta give me something other than the opinions of a single unpopular poster on a SHMB (although I've no doubt your conclusory opinions are well informed and based on concrete evidence, as opposed to emotions).

Still proud to be your Campaign Manager, and looking forward to our March on Washington.
TexasGator's Avatar
On 2d thought, I like the fuckin' Prophet's solution much better. Amen, brother dh, AMEN!
boardman's Avatar
We're on page 10. This fucker is subject to going sideways any minute now.
Oh, wait,