ya they spin that a a lot. So much it could be really died of the jab is greater
Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
They could spin the number for how many people get the seasonal flu shot. You are not put into a computer system when you go to your local CVS or Krogers to get your shot for Influenza_A. You show some identification and you the shot. They ask you to wait 15 min afterwards to make sure there is no adverse reaction. That's it.You don't get any document or card stating that you had the seasonal flu shot, you do for CoVid. There should be no gray area if to whether a not a person has been vaccinated for CoVid.
If hospitals are playing games with whether or not an infected person died from CoVid19 disease is a different story. For example you had severe kidney disease and on top of that you got infected with CoVid. You eventually died, what did you really die from. This would be different as what is the CoVid vaccination status.