2000 miles will be aired tonight.

... We're laughing at you liberal lads -

As you cry and pout more and more everyday as more and more
things are revealed.

And it's NOTHING compared to what the Investigations will surely
reveal next year.

#### Salty
bambino's Avatar
�� #Virginia

Virginia: Democrat County Supervisor, Trey Adkins, Indicted on 82 Felonies in Election Fraud Scheme

According to the grand jury’s report, Adkins has relied on an illegal absentee vote harvesting scheme since he was first elected to public office in 2011, repeating the process in his 2015 and 2019 bids for re-election. All told, Trey Adkins will face 34 counts of False Statement – Election Fraud, 11 counts of Absentee Voting Procedure Violation, 8 counts of Public Embezzlement, 11 counts of Forgery of Public Record, 15 counts of Uttering Public Record, and 3 counts of Conspiracy to Make a False Statement – Election Fraud.

�� S KellyTruth ��
�� #Virginia

Virginia: Democrat County Supervisor, Trey Adkins, Indicted on 82 Felonies in Election Fraud Scheme

According to the grand jury’s report, Adkins has relied on an illegal absentee vote harvesting scheme since he was first elected to public office in 2011, repeating the process in his 2015 and 2019 bids for re-election. All told, Trey Adkins will face 34 counts of False Statement – Election Fraud, 11 counts of Absentee Voting Procedure Violation, 8 counts of Public Embezzlement, 11 counts of Forgery of Public Record, 15 counts of Uttering Public Record, and 3 counts of Conspiracy to Make a False Statement – Election Fraud.

�� S KellyTruth �� Originally Posted by bambino

To get himself elected/stay in power. Makes a good headline but doesn't have shit to do with the 2020 Trump loss.
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  • WTF
  • 05-11-2022, 07:09 PM
To get himself elected/stay in power. Makes a good headline but doesn't have shit to do with the 2020 Trump loss. Originally Posted by 69in2it69
These crybabies a bawling in numerous threads.

A That make 2 instances where bambino is bringing forth a mule and it has turned out to have nothing to do with 2020.

All he is proving is that it is impossible to coordinate massive voter fraud because of our decentralized voting system and the harsh penalties for trying to do so.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Here you go


Four million minutes of surveillance videos around the country,

‘2000 Mules’ Reveals estimated numbers of harvested VOTES from ‘mules’ that delivered to drop boxes.

Georgia - 92k
Arizona - 207k
Wisconsin - 83k
Michigan - 226k
Pennsylvania - 209k

SHARE! Everyone needs to know!

You can watch it here

https://www.bitchute.com/video/TizNoVq1qcwb/ Originally Posted by bambino

I watched the documentary and I really don't want to go through it again searching for the answer to my question. True the Vote bought this "geo data" from somebody. Who was that somebody and why are they collecting cell phone data 24/7, 365 days of the year if it's possible months later to say, "give me what you have on the days when ballots could be dropped off".

Just watched a TV show called S.W.A.T and this was the first time I ever heard the words "let's put up a geo fence and see who was in the area". To me, this is even more evidence that this technology exists and it has been used to find multiple criminals and it's being said this technology was a primary source for the FBI to find all the people in and around the Capital Building on Jan. 6th.

To try and add some balance to the documentary, this pretty much encapsulates what is being said about the documentary. You'll all have to decide for yourselves, that is until many of these people start getting picked up and investigated.


Fact-checking “2000 Mules,” the movie alleging ballot fraud

A film debuting in over 270 theaters across the United States this week uses a flawed analysis of cellphone location data and ballot drop box surveillance footage to cast doubt on the results of the 2020 presidential election nearly 18 months after it ended.
Praised by former President Donald Trump as exposing “great election fraud,” the movie, called “2000 Mules,” paints an ominous picture suggesting Democrat-aligned ballot “mules” were supposedly paid to illegally collect and drop off ballots in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
But that’s based on faulty assumptions, anonymous accounts and improper analysis of cellphone location data, which is not precise enough to confirm that somebody deposited a ballot into a drop box, according to experts.
Then let these so called experts testify in a court of law.

The movie was produced by conservative filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza and uses research from the Texas-based nonprofit True the Vote, which has spent months lobbying states to use its findings to change voting laws. Neither responded to a request for comment.
Here’s a closer look at the facts.
CLAIM: At least 2,000 “mules” were paid to illegally collect ballots and deliver them to drop boxes in key swing states ahead of the 2020 presidential election.
THE FACTS: True the Vote didn’t prove this. The finding is based on false assumptions about the precision of cellphone tracking data and the reasons that someone might drop off multiple ballots, according to experts.
“Ballot harvesting” is a pejorative term for dropping off completed ballots for people besides yourself. The practice is legal in several states but largely illegal in the states True the Vote focused on, with some exceptions for family, household members and people with disabilities.
True the Vote has said it found some 2,000 ballot harvesters by purchasing $2 million worth of anonymized cellphone geolocation data

From who? It would seem to me that some expert from the organization that supplied this data could shed light on how this data was obtained and the accuracy of such data. Why don't we answer all these questions before anybody decides it's value.

— the “pings” that track a person’s location based on app activity — in various swing counties across five states. Then, by drawing a virtual boundary around a county’s ballot drop boxes and various unnamed nonprofits, it identified cellphones that repeatedly went near both ahead of the 2020 election.
And as I have stated before, this technology has already been used to investigate crime scenes and catch the criminals using this technology, so we know it works.

If a cellphone went near a drop box more than 10 times and a nonprofit more than five times from Oct. 1 to Election Day, True the Vote assumed its owner was a “mule” — its name for someone engaged in an illegal ballot collection scheme in cahoots with a nonprofit.
The group’s claims of a paid ballot harvesting scheme are supported in the film only by one unidentified whistleblower said to be from San Luis, Arizona, who said she saw people picking up what she “assumed” to be payments for ballot collection. The film contains no evidence of such payments in other states in 2020.
Plus, experts say cellphone location data, even at its most advanced, can only reliably track a smartphone within a few meters — not close enough to know whether someone actually dropped off a ballot or just walked or drove nearby.
That's why you compare the video to the geo data

“You could use cellular evidence to say this person was in that area, but to say they were at the ballot box, you’re stretching it a lot,” said Aaron Striegel, a professor of computer science and engineering at the University of Notre Dame. “There’s always a pretty healthy amount of uncertainty that comes with this.”
That's why you identify these people and bring them in to investigate instead of all this pontificating.

What’s more, ballot drop boxes are often intentionally placed in busy areas, such as college campuses, libraries, government buildings and apartment complexes — increasing the likelihood that innocent citizens got caught in the group’s dragnet, Striegel said.
Then they have nothing to worry about, do they.

Similarly, there are plenty of legitimate reasons why someone might be visiting both a nonprofit’s office and one of those busy areas. Delivery drivers, postal workers, cab drivers, poll workers and elected officials all have legitimate reasons to cross paths with numerous drop boxes or nonprofits in a given day.
True the Vote has said it filtered out people whose “pattern of life” before the election season included frequenting nonprofit and drop box locations. But that strategy wouldn’t filter out election workers who spend more time at drop boxes during the election season, cab drivers whose daily paths don’t follow a pattern, or people whose routines recently changed.
That's why you investigate.

In some states, in an attempt to bolster its claims, True the Vote also highlighted drop box surveillance footage that showed voters depositing multiple ballots into the boxes. However, there was no way to tell whether those voters were the same people as the ones whose cellphones were anonymously tracked.
Then let the owner of the phone testify as such.

A video of a voter dropping off a stack of ballots at a drop box is not itself proof of any wrongdoing, since most states have legal exceptions that let people drop off ballots on behalf of family members and household members.
At 50 or more drop boxes?

For example, Larry Campbell, a voter in Michigan who was not featured in the film, told The Associated Press he legally dropped off six ballots in a local drop box in 2020 — one for himself, his wife, and his four adult children. And in Georgia, Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger’s office investigated one of the surveillance videos circulated by True the Vote and said it found the man was dropping off ballots for himself and his family.
OK, sure, if that is the only time that phone was near a drop box or the only time you were on video but one legitimate story does not negate the possibility of "other stories" that support the thesis.

Similarly, there are plenty of legitimate reasons why someone might be visiting both a nonprofit’s office and one of those busy areas. Delivery drivers, postal workers, cab drivers, poll workers and elected officials all have legitimate reasons to cross paths with numerous drop boxes or nonprofits in a given day.
Then their testimony would be valuable to figuring this stuff out. Why all the excuses not to further investigate unless one doesn't want an investigation.

True the Vote has said it filtered out people whose “pattern of life” before the election season included frequenting nonprofit and drop box locations. But that strategy wouldn’t filter out election workers who spend more time at drop boxes during the election season, cab drivers whose daily paths don’t follow a pattern, or people whose routines recently changed.
In some states, in an attempt to bolster its claims, True the Vote also highlighted drop box surveillance footage that showed voters depositing multiple ballots into the boxes. However, there was no way to tell whether those voters were the same people as the ones whose cellphones were anonymously tracked.
Sure there is. You compare the video to the geo data. Then you ask that person to explain their movements.

A video of a voter dropping off a stack of ballots at a drop box is not itself proof of any wrongdoing, since most states have legal exceptions that let people drop off ballots on behalf of family members and household members.
But dropping off ballots at 50 or more drop boxes with video and geo data? To me, "IF" you have that, you have all the evidence you need.

For example, Larry Campbell, a voter in Michigan who was not featured in the film, told The Associated Press he legally dropped off six ballots in a local drop box in 2020 — one for himself, his wife, and his four adult children. And in Georgia, Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger’s office investigated one of the surveillance videos circulated by True the Vote and said it found the man was dropping off ballots for himself and his family.
The only way to solve this is with an evidentiary hearing in a court of law and let the chips fall where they may
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  • WTF
  • 05-11-2022, 07:18 PM
HF is now a CSI crime expert!
... Agreed, Hedo... THAT is what's coming next year.
When Republicans surely control the House of Congress.

Another thing that seems to be forgotten is the numerous people
- poll workers and election personnel - who signed sworn statements
of the questionable activity and wrong-doing by ballot counters
and election officials.

Signed statements that can hold them in accounte to the Law,
IF they are found to be lying.

... The government officials - FBI, DOJ and what-not - could not wait
to get their hands on all the statements.

Not to bring the statements - and those who wrote them -
into a true investigation - but to quickly silence the statements.

Have we seen ONE investigation of these statements?? ... Not yet.

... Surely reckon things gonna be different next year.
And come 2024.

#### Salty
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

���� PouncerNC


May 5 • 7 tweets • 2 min read

1/ Just saw #2000Mules. Why is it devastating? Because #TrueTheVote’s Catherine Engelbrecht teamed up w/a guy who’s run election data for 40 years. What did they do? They bought publicly available cell phone data & asked some very simple questions. What were they?

2/ Basically: What are the odds? “What are the odds of WHAT, Annie?” Well, they started with, let’s say a green dot. This green dot was one cell phone. This cell phone visited a ballot drop-off box. “Well, what’s so strange about THAT, Annie?” I’ll tell you what.

3/ That one green dot visited that box more than once on more than one day. “Well, come on! Maybe he has elderly parents or something. He’s a helper!” Ok, but what if I told you he visited MORE than one box on MORE than one day? “Now, Annie. You’re just being cynical!” Am I? Ok.

4/ What if I told you this green dot visited a non-profit before he went to those boxes?

Have I got your attention now?


This green dot was tracked going to multiple non-profits then going to multiple drop-boxes on multiple days.


5/ Ok. Let’s say we crunch the data ONLY for green dots that did this like… 5x. Round-trips from non-profits to multiple drop-boxes on multiple days. THERE IS NO BENIGN EXPLANATION for that. ESPECIALLY when PUBLIC VIDEO shows these drops made WELL AFTER MIDNIGHT.

With me?

6/ So it’s JUST the high-rollers, ok? And let’s be conservative and say each drop was only 3 votes, even though there’s LITERALLY *4 MILLION* MINUTES of video showing WAY MORE, on average.

Oh - and one more thing: all of a sudden all these mules started wearing gloves. Why?

7/ DAY AFTER someone in Arizona got caught BY FINGERPRINTS on the ballots, it started.

Benign explanation. I DARE YOU.

Ok. So the math.

If you just do the high-rollers, 3 states flip to Trump. If you just go one COMPLETELY REASONABLE notch down, Trump WON.

GO SEE #2000Mules
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Yawn. We are now more than 18 months removed from the election and not one allegation of voter fraud has been substantiated. Not one.
2,000 Mules certainly was not it.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-14-2022, 06:22 AM
... Agreed, Hedo... THAT is what's coming next year.
When Republicans surely control the House of Congress.

Another thing that seems to be forgotten is the numerous people
- poll workers and election personnel - who signed sworn statements
of the questionable activity and wrong-doing by ballot counters
and election officials.

Signed statements that can hold them in accounte to the Law,
IF they are found to be lying.

... The government officials - FBI, DOJ and what-not - could not wait
to get their hands on all the statements.

Not to bring the statements - and those who wrote them -
into a true investigation - but to quickly silence the statements.

Have we seen ONE investigation of these statements?? ... Not yet.

... Surely reckon things gonna be different next year.
And come 2024.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Next year next year....I'm remined of all those "Lock her up " chants by Trump and his supporters and that was a nothing burger ....just like this.

It is just a way to separate fools from their money!

You do have a job and a few dollars , right?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-14-2022, 06:25 AM
Yawn. We are now more than 18 months removed from the election and not one allegation of voter fraud has been substantiated. Not one.
2,000 Mules certainly was not it. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
All 2000 Mules has exposed is millions of gullible Jackasses!
bambino's Avatar
All 2000 Mules has exposed is millions of gullible Jackasses! Originally Posted by WTF
And you and Speedy are in that group. You still think Joey Bribes got 81 million legitimate votes!!!!!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-14-2022, 06:45 AM
And you and Speedy are in that group. You still think Joey Bribes got 81 million legitimate votes!!!!! Originally Posted by bambino
Your fatass reminds me of Shriek his Jackass!

Your bookie has already separated you from your money. You're useless to Trump without any. Go away fat boy.
bambino's Avatar
Your fatass reminds me of Shriek his Jackass!

Your bookie has already separated you from your money. You're useless to Trump without any. Go away fat boy. Originally Posted by WTF
And you and Speedy are in that group. You still think Joey Bribes got 81 million legitimate votes!!!!! Originally Posted by bambino
You god damn right he did. No evidence to refute that fact.