fair is fair

Sweet N Little's Avatar
What? You could not come up with a pic of a cat licking the windows on the short bus? Originally Posted by pyramider
this is all I could come up with on "short" notice

  • Laz
  • 02-17-2012, 05:59 PM
I have stated numerous times if you want certain information from me then you should be willing to provide the same information
if you want my first name give me yours Originally Posted by onedaddy
What they want is security. P411 exists so that identities are protected. References work also. If you are unwilling to do something like that then expect to provide personal data. If a provider does not screen you then you need to be even more careful because your risk has increased. If a provider requires personal info in spite of references or P411 then see someone else she might be a risk to you.

This is simple don't make it complex.
pyramider's Avatar
this is all I could come up with on "short" notice

Originally Posted by Sweet N Little

Very good.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-17-2012, 07:09 PM
You continue to demonstarte that you either cannot or willnot comprehend simple English. You have had some difficulty actually answering questions so I will try to phrase them simply. I do hope you will read them and give an answer or two.

what you have proven to me is who to trust and not trust
who's reviews to believe and which one to through out Originally Posted by onedaddy
Pray tell, what does any of this thread have to do with reviews, accurate or otherwise? You have made a huge leap from whether or not a lady should give you her personal info to whether a review--written by someone else--is believable. Since I--and many others--have never cared to ask a lady for her personal data, why does that have any influence on whether our reviews are honest or not.

You are quickly passing into complete illogic. I am trying to throw you a life-line and give you the opportunity to explain what seems a totally illogical post.

I sorry people are coming down on you because you understand where im coming from
im man enough to publicly apologize to you Originally Posted by onedaddy
Who insulted Irish? Please point it out to me. I saw nothing of the sort and I am claiming it is a complete illusion and fabrication on your part. Quote, please. Reference. She is a very well respected member here and after rereading every post on here i conclude you are delusional.
essayman's Avatar
AHEM !!!

If I may chime in here, I was told many years ago by a very wise person "essayman (or somethng like that), NEVER try to make sense out of nonsense."

Point made (or not ! !).

Good night, everyone.

essayman out.
I have stated numerous times if you want certain information from me then you should be willing to provide the same information
if you want my first name give me yours Originally Posted by onedaddy
I was referring to IV's post. Your and her position are similar, but not the same, in my opinion.

I had already answered the fair is fair question in a previous post.
I sorry people are coming down on you because you understand where im coming from
im man enough to publicly apologize to you Originally Posted by onedaddy
My understanding was that she didn't like the way others were coming down on you for your spelling errors -- not that they were coming down on her.

Your gallantry is misplaced, but you never know, it might still be appreciated.
this is all I could come up with on "short" notice

Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
heh.. win SNL. Here's a parting gift.

Why is it that a provider want so much personal information on the hobbies for screening but when the hobbies ask for the same information to screen the provider the hobbies is wrong or the bad guy for asking, if you want to screen me that's fine do it what you got to hide What's wrong with me screening you? Aren't we both taking the same risk here?
I was called a MF for asking for the same information to that the provider gwensetx was asking me for Originally Posted by onedaddy
Honey, that is a simple one to answer. Its about the imbalance between supply and demand. SHe clearly gives the nbecessary infromation about herself on her homepage. Plus , google is your friend to find more. SHe on the other hand does not ask you for personal information for any other reason than to screeen you. That is completey a different reasoning than you apply.
You can see if she has reviews (i don`t for example because that giving out number for sexuak acts is not my style, really and I haven`t signed up to a competition about physically rubbing slippery parts togehter). If she doesn`t she might probably also be one of these persons who chooses to create sensual experiences between people that can`t be reduced to the cumulation of "who did what" and why. For me generally reviews are disgusting. I think (we have that in europe) a n1 to 5 star system might bebetter, because it elaborates the whole session and not just the ability to enter a BJ competition with other providers on the scala 1-10. I strongly and still believe being an escort is not "solely" related to sexual acts. The entertainment and the personality is a very important factor.

ps: and no, clearly you and her are not taking the same risks her. This should be obvious. LE does not put clients in prison. Since the prosecution via law is one-sided and very discriminatory to providers (guys get freebies and no consequences while not screening might possible ruin part of her life), I don`t think you can compare the consequences of her motivation with yours.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Well said my dear
boardman's Avatar
God speed people Originally Posted by onedaddy
Iv saved god speed to y'all I guess y'all don't understand english so ill break it down so y'all can understand it
good by Originally Posted by onedaddy
But then you don't....

I have stated numerous times if you want certain information from me then you should be willing to provide the same information
if you want my first name give me yours Originally Posted by onedaddy
I know my reply may piss some off but I have to speak up...I have a screening process and none of my questions involve asking real name,employment or asking to see someone DL and so I am sorry but I agree with the OP...My screening process has worked for me..that is just my opinion... Originally Posted by Irish Vixen
Well I can agree with this for established gents, but for newbies or gents who see ladies who aren't established, I would love to get a screening lesson from you darling.