Making a Living

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  • WTF
  • 01-18-2011, 02:17 PM
Add one more to your side: I would never meet new dates at my home, or even people I've known a short while. Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
Of course it is not something I would recommend to anyone who feels uncomfortable with the idea, and if you live with children I think it would be a terrible one., quote] You live with a huge WOLF!

Good counterpoint ladies

There are a couple of countercounter points.
One, I would not recommend to the average bear to combine a incall as her home. That is my bigger concern on internet postings, rookies/people that believe everything they read. You two are not the average bears.

Two, most murderers of women are crimes of rage, done by a long time associate. My point was how do you screen for that? You can't. So one should concetrate on LE screening and have the good sense not to lead some of the more fragile males among us on.

How does one screen for better husbands?

Nearly one-third of the women murdered in the US die at the hands of their husbands…?
Two, most murderers of women are crimes of rage, done by a long time associate. My point was how do you screen for that? You can't. So one should concetrate on LE screening and have the good sense not to lead some of the more fragile males among us on.

How does one screen for better husbands?

Nearly one-third of the women murdered in the US die at the hands of their husbands…? Originally Posted by WTF
With that information availabe one can say getting married is far more dangerous than being a prostitute.

The only time I faced a violent attack, it was by a man I'd dated in my personal life for years.

One can screen for such things - these murders don't happen all of a sudden, without any indication. They are predicated by abuse the vast majority of the time. The women are either paralyzed with fear, or spen their live making excuses for his horrible behavior, feeling it is either their fault or that they cansave him from himself (cemented by the belief that as a wife it is her duty to do so)

How does one screen for better husbands? By acknowledging warning signs when they first appear, and taking necessary actions to run ad far as they can.

But usually the abuse starts woth subtle actions - tempers or insults excused as having a bad day, stress, etc... And each time they gradually get worse, and before the victim can acknowlege it - they're trapped in sheer hell.

A frog boiling in a pot of water.

The difference is companions are taught to screen, watch for behavior, and remove ourselves at early signs. Whereas a wife carries the expectation that she made a promise, that a marriage that does not last until death is a failure, an often is ashamed to admit she is a victim.
London Rayne's Avatar
Of course it is not something I would recommend to anyone who feels uncomfortable with the idea, and if you live with children I think it would be a terrible one., quote] You live with a huge WOLF!

Good counterpoint ladies

There are a couple of countercounter points.
One, I would not recommend to the average bear to combine a incall as her home. That is my bigger concern on internet postings, rookies/people that believe everything they read. You two are not the average bears.

Two, most murderers of women are crimes of rage, done by a long time associate. My point was how do you screen for that? You can't. So one should concetrate on LE screening and have the good sense not to lead some of the more fragile males among us on.

How does one screen for better husbands?

Nearly one-third of the women murdered in the US die at the hands of their husbands…? Originally Posted by Becky

Bottom line is it only takes one time for some guy to fall for you and go nuts....sorry but all your screening in the world can't predict that, and it is very naive to think you can screen "psycho" regardless of how well you "think" you know a person. Unlike a husband dating someone with a legal job, this guy knows exacty what you're doing and can alert officials to watch your can providers who don't like you.

NO provider or patron has ever stepped foot inside my personal home, nor will they. My private business will stay that way...away from my sacred place.

It is also a bit risky to publicly admit to LE and everyone else that you are in fact using your home to do so lol. Nuff said.
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  • WTF
  • 01-18-2011, 05:39 PM
The difference is companions are taught to screen, watch for behavior, and remove ourselves at early signs. Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
That is my point Lauren....if it rears it ugly head on the second or third date, that does not constitute screening at least in its present form or the form of screening we are talking about.

Effective screening would be some clue to never see him. There is no magic bullet that helps anyone with psycho nuts in the initial screening, that includes escorts, single women, mono , poly ..... you name it.

What you described is what to do after you have met one. I think that a huge difference from the point I was trying to convey. Though it spot on in how to address trying to get rid of them asap.

With that information availabe one can say getting married is far more dangerous than being a prostitute.

. Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
You are probably right. Especially if you seperate street walkers from the mix.
Two, most murderers of women are crimes of rage, done by a long time associate. My point was how do you screen for that? You can't. So one should concetrate on LE screening and have the good sense not to lead some of the more fragile males among us on.

How does one screen for better husbands?

Nearly one-third of the women murdered in the US die at the hands of their husbands…? Originally Posted by WTF
So let me get this straight. Women are safer fucking random strangers than their husband?
London Rayne's Avatar
Re: Mortality Rates and Prostitution

I too would question such a statistic without being able to look at how they compiled the data in more detail.

Such a statistic would be impossible to calculate accurately. Getting an accurate count of how many women are active would be nearly impossible, and thus compared to how many are killed - you can't judge the mortality rate. Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
True . which makes me thing that the "dunkelziffer" (i dont know the word in english) its the amount of real killed prostitutes is much higher than statistically shown. Where i live (europe that is) women actively get killed in brothels they work. In Vienna recently two have been shot. So it happens. In the USA there are no brothels and i think if someone of the eros advertisers dissappears no one would find out so easy. Hell , i already don`t know all these new faces any more already.

There were two providers years ago that attracted my attention. One was called "Aussie Amber" and the other one was a fresh mouthed BDSM provider (she was similarly fresh like me, i do not remember her name anymore- i think it was NETMICHELLE but "saw" her in NYC). Where are they gone? Anyone remember these ones?
Or the blonde Annabelle named "Candy Girl"? All retired? Or busted :-) (ok i googled aussie amber was busted, but then? what happened?)
Yes, so true but if the majority of deaths result from someone close to important is screening in this regard? I realize its importance in LE matters. That is why I so agree with this notion of not having your incall in your house. Originally Posted by WTF
I meant "close" as in intimate and into relationships with each other. not just up close and personal in exchanging body fluids. So screening happened already way earlier.
With that information availabe one can say getting married is far more dangerous than being a prostitute.

. Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
+1 given the fact that most wives don`t really know their husband that is. ;-)
Regardless of the *early warning signs* happening first date or after the first year, they are almost always present. Cases of people randomly and suddenly snapping are incredibly rare amongst cases of violence toward a partner. The point is to leave as soon as he takes the first few steps down a slippery slope, regardless of how long it takes him to get there, not make the mistake of thinking it will improve.

Based on the fear that it only takes one - it only takes one car to randomly loose control and take your life as you stroll down the street. It only takes one bad husband, one secretly obsessed personal life friend. With that philosophy you are justified in being fearful of anyone you make contact with, and everytime you leave your home. Women are murdered all the time without ever having had been companions.

It always takes just one - but will you stop walking down the street? Stop making friends? My personal choice is not to treat good men I've known a long time like potential murderers and rapists because one day someone might hurt me. Life is short, even when you live to a ripe old age, and I personally will not be ruled by fear of random chance. Instead, I will trust in myself and my social intelligence
London Rayne's Avatar
I don't do what I do out of fear...more for the sake of common sense. I don't need a guy who knows I am an escort knowing where I live...not the same for someone who has no clue what I do. Someone who has never paid me, has nothing to use against me should he get crazy.

I have incalls that are bigger and better than my home, so no one would ever feel like they are taking a step down. They respect that this is a job, not my I respect their private time and personal space. I would never sleep in a guy's bed who had a wife coming home in a few days, nor would he be in mine.

It's about personal space and discretion. I may as well just tell them my real name and social if that's the case, because if you own your home it's that easy to look up.
Regardless of the *early warning signs* happening first date or after the first year, they are almost always present. Cases of people randomly and suddenly snapping are incredibly rare amongst cases of violence towed a partner. The point is to leave as soon as he takes the first few steps down a slippery slope, regardless of how long it takes him to get there, not make the mistake of thinking it will improve.

Based on the fear that it only takes one - it only takes one car to randomly loose control and take your life as you stroll down the street. It only takes one bad husband, one secretly obsessed personal life friend.

It always takes just one - but will you stop walking down the street? Stop making friends? My personal choice is not to treat good men I've k own a long time because it one day someone might hurt me. Life is short, even whe. You live to a ripe old age, and I personally will not be ruled by fear of random chance. Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
In case of Julissa Brismann it was a random stranger. Not necessary to get obsessed or close. SOme people just plain have disregard for hookers (escorts or whatever) and choose them as an easy target for their disrespect. The ones that got shot in Viennese Brothels also were just random targets by women-haters. Its just easy to treat a minority like crap, because what are we going to do about it? Most of us are scared someone might find out what we are doing (not me that is, even my parents know) and then sue someone oer such things.

so escorts are easy targest as are participants in many minority group. Anyone heard recently about that poor fellow that jumped from GW bridge in manhattan because his friendly peers on this Ivy League University Rutgers in Jersey ( i think) filmed him having sex with his BF (he was gay) and put it on youtube?
I hope they rot in prison for that and ... that the soap is not so slippery ....when they take a shower :-)....
Its easy to make fun of people that are already on the floor. No one puts plain vanilla sex on youtube or a married couple that does "not" have sex. The established people get pity. The not so established one get shot, raped, abused and killed. And people use them to get their agressions on.
Everyone has reasons for what they do, but proposing to those who do open their lives more, a philosophy of fear as a reason that the should not, isn't justifiable in all cases.

I'm not trying to talk anyone out of anything, merely speaking about the perspective that those with similar philosophies have when choosing to embrace someone in their own homes.
London Rayne's Avatar
It's also naive not to consider the obvious, but I digress.
One was called "Aussie Amber" and the other one was a fresh mouthed BDSM provider (she was similarly fresh like me, i do not remember her name anymore- i think it was NETMICHELLE but "saw" her in NYC). Where are they gone? Anyone remember these ones?
Or the blonde Annabelle named "Candy Girl"? All retired? Or busted :-) (ok i googled aussie amber was busted, but then? what happened?) Originally Posted by ninasastri
I met Aussie Amber 4+ years ago (maybe longer). Beautiful girl. I thought she first retired then came back briefly and then really quit. Maybe to return to Austrailia? Don't know. I do remember it wasn't quite GFE. or At the time I seem to have thought she was a bucket list. Afterwards I was sort of "meeh."