Yeah, they are just doing anything they can to keep me from getting business, stooping to trying to scare potential clients. When it comes to me I get tested regularly and as of nov 5th this year Im perfectly clean. Also to my amazement (didnt realize this till close to surgery) the surgery is considered to be cosmetic even tho its up in me. I basically have skin lining the cavity of what would have been my vagina naturally, now I dont know it to be fact but common sense would seem to say there is lil risk of transmitting this way, seems to be essentially the same as a hand job (in risk terms), but regardless I get tested anyway, try to once a month but sometimes I get a lil behind. All they are doing is just trying to keep people away from me, cause they know Im talented and im going to blow this thing up! Let em keep at it cause they are starting to enforce my point now.
Originally Posted by RocKin BraNdy
Really, I think in all the convolutions in this thread and any other related threads the main point is that some of the guys are clearly expressing their feeling that a guy is a guy no matter what if born that way. Others don't care if you were born a guy. Nothing more complicated than that. I don't have a problem with either camp, we're all entitled to our opinions and preferences.
I don't think that anyone's decided their primary objective is to destroy your business - "Hey there's a new girl on here. Let's destroy her business. What can we use? Hey, she's post-op. That'll work!"
I think a precipitating factor in all this was the perception that there was a failure to clearly mention the post-op bit. I've lost track of how that came about, but in the beginning I read your BP ad where you stated it, so I was informed. I think not all guys got that and voila. But that's all been covered already and you're wiser about it now.
I will give you credit: you've kept your cool and responded well. Many girls have gone ballistic and retarded and ruined their own business when confronted with something, be it poor tcb, poor service, bad hygiene, forbidden substances, or forgetting to flush the toilet before taking an aerial photo in the bathroom ( nothing says TARD better'n that ).
I do agree with providers not seeing guys who see a post-op girl. Who wants to see a guy who sees someone who puts guys' dicks in their mouths and, um, like, hmmmm...