Indys new site

I'm I to understand that the old site is no longer available at all?
RIP Indy's

It was a great site at one time but it always had it's cliques. Originally Posted by sexymaid_69
ASPD was the best site of all time.
bambino's Avatar
ASPD was the best site of all time. Originally Posted by sjomonty
I dunno. It was certainly the first website I used to hobby. Made things easier for sure. It’s shortcoming was they didn’t have galleries. That’s the main reason Indy’s took off.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I considered seeing DG many times, hot body and decent reviews on tos. Never made the plunge due to the holier-than-thou attitude backed up by that “natural beauty” tattoo. Vanity is a huge turnoff imo. I’ve seen plenty of great looking chicks out there, none of them were inclined to stamp it on their tits though.

Thought I remembered galleries on aspd?
Lexxxy's Avatar
I considered seeing DG many times, hot body and decent reviews on tos. Never made the plunge due to the holier-than-thou attitude backed up by that “natural beauty” tattoo. Vanity is a huge turnoff imo. I’ve seen plenty of great looking chicks out there, none of them were inclined to stamp it on their tits though.

Thought I remembered galleries on aspd? Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
*eye roll* you'd rather see Billy Bob Joe or Tyrone across her tits and ass? Pretty low blow buddy. Ladies have the right to do as we wish with our bodies. If you don't like it go kick rocks don't take stabs.
*eye roll* you'd rather see Billy Bob Joe or Tyrone across her tits and ass? Pretty low blow buddy. Ladies have the right to do as we wish with our bodies. If you don't like it go kick rocks don't take stabs. Originally Posted by Lexxxy
Who said he’d rather that? And it’s certainly reasonable to think someone who describes herself that way, be it a tattoo or a damn T-shirt, might be a bit conceited.
Lexxxy's Avatar
Who said he’d rather that? And it’s certainly reasonable to think someone who describes herself that way, be it a tattoo or a damn T-shirt, might be a bit conceited. Originally Posted by himzert
No one is perfect. How do you know it's not like having a prayer, strength, sober, strong, beautiful... Inked on? Pretty bold to assume it's vanity. I have a friend that has "BEAUTIFUL" inked across her chest for inner peace. She wants tons of plastic surgery and was a cutter. When she's depressed she looks at it and says "I am beautiful! I will be okay!". It's the furthest thing from vanity that I can think of. Don't jump to conclusions.
We should end women's suffrage
Jacuzzme's Avatar
*eye roll* you'd rather see Billy Bob Joe or Tyrone across her tits and ass? Pretty low blow buddy. Ladies have the right to do as we wish with our bodies. If you don't like it go kick rocks don't take stabs.
She can tattoo whatever the fuck she wants, wherever the fuck she wants. Some guys might be into it, I’m not, so I’ll spend my money elsewhere. I don’t give a fraction of a fuck if you like my reasoning. It’s my expenditure, and therefore my decision.
Good for your friend, wonderful that it helps her and sounds like a swell tattoo)statement.

However in this case, given what many know about the lady in question, it is more than reasonable to assume that it is vanity in that case.

Heck, I was turned off by the captions she puts on her own photographs, every one of them is some variation of oh my God I am so f****** hot look how hot I am.
No one is perfect. How do you know it's not like having a prayer, strength, sober, strong, beautiful... Inked on? Pretty bold to assume it's vanity. I have a friend that has "BEAUTIFUL" inked across her chest for inner peace. She wants tons of plastic surgery and was a cutter. When she's depressed she looks at it and says "I am beautiful! I will be okay!". It's the furthest thing from vanity that I can think of. Don't jump to conclusions. Originally Posted by Lexxxy
Lexxxy's Avatar
She can tattoo whatever the fuck she wants, wherever the fuck she wants. Some guys might be into it, I’m not, so I’ll spend my money elsewhere. I don’t give a fraction of a fuck if you like my reasoning. It’s my expenditure, and therefore my decision. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
I'm sure no one is losing sleep over your decision sugar britches. The beauty of the hobby is that there's an ass for every seat. There are multiple sites going up and down every day. Girls in and out or dead every day. Guys lined up or exiting every day. It's all just a drop of water in the ocean.
mydixywrecked's Avatar
I've never seen a " fat and proud of it " tattoo or "I conquered my addiction" I'm pretty sure it vanity.
Hematoma's Avatar
I was introduced to hobbying through ASPD and then I discovered Indys. At one point, I loved Indys. I'd check the board everyday and look forward to seeing new girls. I saw most of my providers solely through Indys for many years.

When things started to go downhill I transitioned to this site, eros, amps, and agencies. I was looking through saved pms I had on the old Indys site last week (before it went offline) and it brought back quite a few good memories. Many of the guys I would exchange hofo with have moved on or retired. I'll miss those hobbyist hofo exchanges, but at least many of them have transitioned here.
Site shutdown probably for the best as it had become a shitshow.
Ya you sound pissy I have one goal using this site and tos,find chicks who are cool and not get us n trouble. I was asking the forums opinion on it, no need for all this bashing and nonsense. State your opinion and move on. It leaves less room and confidence for anyone new to post. And from the
Looks from this thread , we need it. Originally Posted by not2badhowbouturself7
Use SA.
Lexxxy's Avatar
I've never seen a " fat and proud of it " tattoo or "I conquered my addiction" I'm pretty sure it vanity. Originally Posted by mydixywrecked
Then you've never been to a bbw convention haha. I've seen thousands of tattoos along those lines. I'm fat and proud, I just don't have it tattooed on myself
I will miss how much easier indys made it to screen. I'll also miss getting all hot and bothered reading the reviews.
I'll always miss the old Indy's, I made a lot of good friends there.

The ladies will go wherever they can get the most attention, some have come here but more have already been here for a while.
They just read and research. Sometimes placing an update of their plans, sometimes not.

The overall " Bro's vs hoes" mentality that pervades this site is a huge turnoff for a number of ladies though.

Oh, and ASPD most certainly had a place for ladies to put up pictures. I had quite a few up back when I first joined it.

As for limiting ladies to update their plans once a week, IMHO it's actually a good thing.
It does eliminate the desperate three times a day ads.. AND
If a girl can't plan out a week in advance she's not doing it right.