Still Looking for an actual ALERT pt 1 of 12

Just my 2 cents::: have known Marco for almost 7 years now. Yup, I'll say it, Im rooting for the underdog. Yeaaarrss ago I did work under him and he took care of me. To this day I hold him in high regards. I personally feel he is a remarkable person and friend. (AND " agency runner" lol) anyway, Im sorry to see all these bad things written about him. Despite any of his mistakes (true or not) I'd have his back one hundred percent and vouch for him regarding girls who'd be interested in working for an agency.
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It's his way of looking out for us. He's keeping an eye out. Scaring away all the evil spirits on this site. Originally Posted by kingorpawn
I'm going to run with that answer! LOL
Still Looking's Avatar
yes i agree Harley guy. many allegations, but from a variety of people here. some former providers and current providers, some formerly associated with M!NT and others not, many prior/current clients of M!INT. if it was just say Still Looking barking up a shit storm all by himself then i would discount it as him having an axe to grind.

Allegations? HuMMMMMM??? No one should worry about what I have to say! I brought information forward. The information is truthful. People can and will find that out for themselves. Do I have an axe to grind? You bet! I did nothing wrong. I called a provider, posted a very positive review. Next thing I know, I'm being contacted by the "AGENCY" to edit my review. (ROS) I do what was requested only to find my Eccie handle, avatar and a description of myself posted under a WARNING page of Marco's site. I have repeatedly requested this information to be removed. It’s still up! The ads that would appear to be INDY providers are NOT! Have I left anything out? That’s it! I will not ever use his site, except as a source to warn me about providers listed are managed. I could care less how many providers he brings forward to say what a wonderful guy he WAS or is!

but we are hearing people piping up all over the place about it. a little here, a little there. i have tried to read them all, but they are spread out over at least 3-4 threads. i don't think anyone is going to admit anything. i think it would be nice for everyone to be truthful and let people decide whether or not to continue using Risque BB/M!INT or not.

What I went through is waiting for anyone else who chooses to go through the same thing. Try for yourself. Try and get an appointment with Pearis or Celesta? Try to speak to the provider without using text!

in short, it is all very confusing and it would be nice to actually get some good truthful responses to the myriad of questions. i doubt i will see it, but if i do, i will be pleasantly surprised. Originally Posted by boobs mcgee

It doesn't take long to realize that Marco contradicts himself repeatedly. He is a liar! He lied about one thing after another. Your right, it gets confusing, especially with his multicolor fruity posts. He claims to be a MOD on his site, but cannot make changes. One minute he is out of the business, yet here he is defending himself, his site and the agency he represents / owns. He claimed he would answer questions, but ran away instead. I for one will not patronize the site and providers that are listed on the site.
Still Looking's Avatar
Since many have stated that the RBB site lists provider ads who have never contacted them, asked to be advertised, or gave permission to post their images and contact info, I think it would be unfair. However, if potential clients are concerned about their security, they may make the choice to avoid anyone listed there.

I think it might be to their best interest for any provider on there to disassociate themselves from that board. Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor
Well Said!
What I went through is waiting for anyone else who chooses to go through the same thing. Try for yourself. Try and get an appointment with Pearis or Celesta? Try to speak to the provider without using text! Originally Posted by Still Looking
It's funny that you mention that, as my appt with Maya was done completely via text, although I never tried to reach her any other way. I don't have any reason to believe that it wasn't her on the other end of the texts, but even if it wasn't, I can't say I really give a shit one way or the other. As long as the girl shows up and is willing to fuck, I could be texting with the pope for all I care.

Now, if the agency (any agency) is PM'ing you and asking you to change up your review, that's a ROS violation, and is a pretty serious offense. I don't think it would take more than a few reports to the mod staff of that kind of thing before the entire agency was banned.
Still Looking's Avatar
It's funny that you mention that, as my appt with Maya was done completely via text, although I never tried to reach her any other way. I don't have any reason to believe that it wasn't her on the other end of the texts, but even if it wasn't, I can't say I really give a shit one way or the other. As long as the girl shows up and is willing to fuck, I could be texting with the pope for all I care.

Now, if the agency (any agency) is PM'ing you and asking you to change up your review, that's a ROS violation, and is a pretty serious offense. I don't think it would take more than a few reports to the mod staff of that kind of thing before the entire agency was banned. Originally Posted by WorknMan
So you do get it! I didn't catch on that I wasn't texting the provider till I was being asked to delete items in the ROS! There is certainly a record that happened!
I didn't catch it wasn't the provider till "she" started texting me with information i never gave her about myself and then signing them "-m"

That said i really like marco when i saw girls through mint, i never had an issue there. I'm sure he had the best of intentions, but this happened and still really hasn't been addressed
boobs mcgee's Avatar
im still waiting for all these questions to be answered. i think many are too.
Still Looking's Avatar
Perhaps we should review. This all started when a hobbyist tried to secure a session with a provider named Pearis. I had been sending PM’S requesting an appointment. I had forwarded references via PM. I received a text s from “Pearis” asking me to once again PM her via ECCIE to verify my identity. On this day, the texting went back and forth then suddenly stopped. I figured she was screening at this point. Four days later the texting started again. My schedule was totally open but “Pearis” was busy and would get back to me. Five days later the texting started again. “Pearis” was with friends and was uncertain when she would be able to meet. But she recommended I see a friend of hers “Celesta” I called and also PM’D “Celesta” and once again forwarded references. The texting started again. I requested a phone call. Never happened. An appointment was set. I was instructed to go to the Domain in call and park at the office. At this point I realized something was going on. I received a call from a restricted number. It was Celesta, who was asking me where I was parked and wanted to offer instructions how to get to the apartment. What “Celesta” didn’t realize is I had been to this in call three times before. Most recently, while meeting up with V1olet another Agency provider. So I was already just outside her door. This caused “Celesta” to be concerned. We talked about the fact that I had been to the in call several times before. I talked to her about her friend “Pearis” and it was obvious she had no idea who “Pearis” was. This was RED FLAG number two. After a wonderful meeting, “Celesta” walked down with me to my car. I had forgotten a gift I had for her. I always give providers a personal gift the first time I see them. I asked “Celesta” if I could write a review? She said that would be wonderful. While she is UTR because of her work she told me a review would be no problem. I asked if I could mention her tattoos. She laughed and said sure. Now in the review I mentioned how many tattoos she had. Nothing specific about placement or description of each tattoo. Here is where the fun starts. I receive a text from “Celesta” telling me to remove the information about her tattoos in the review. Within 1 hour I had sent a PM to a mod requesting this removed. This was promptly done. Within about an hour. I then get more text telling me the tattoo information was not removed from the ROS. I then questioned how she was able to read the ROS? No answer? Then I started getting text messages stating they “Celesta” would contact the mods themselves. At this point I asked what gift did I give you? No answer! Three hours later, everything started all over. I received text messages requesting I have the information removed from the ROS. Now I had already made this request, but I still wanted to know about how “celesta” could read the ROS and about the gift I gave her! Whoever was at the other end of the text, contacted “Celesta” and found out about the gift. But they refused to answer about seeing the intel in the ROS! This is when I received text messages telling me I was outing “Celesta” and that it was life or death I have it removed because of a boyfriend! You know the boyfriend “Celesta” didn’t have! Her concern was her employment not a boyfriend. I made 7 requested to talk to “Celesta” they were all ignored. The next day I received a PM telling me my avatar, ECCIE handle and description was posted on the web site. I immediately started calling, PM’ing and texting requesting this be removed. I was totally ignored. This brings us to my posts and interaction with Reya Sunshine and the Alert thread. Out of hiding comes Marco to address my posts. Marco wanted to make this a 12 part miniseries and the mods had said to keep it in one thread. So here we are. Marco really never addressed the issue at hand. And he won’t! That’s because it’s simple. He is behind this agency. The agency places ads in the Welcome Wagon as INDY providers. Then they field the calls and set the appointments. All for a cut of the money. Marco’s site is in place to make him money. Marco operates an agency to make money. Marco creates a persona that is dedicated to helping the providers. He could care less about the providers! He cares about one person and one person only! That’s Marco and lining his pockets. Now there will be hobbyist who will continue to see his providers. And there is nothing wrong with that! But for me and many others, were tired of being lied too. We don’t appreciate Marco’s piss poor business practices and his deceit. Now this in itself probably won’t be the end of Marco or his agency. But collecting information and posting it on a site that anyone one can see? Creating profiles on people without them knowing about it? That my fellow hobbyists and providers will be a BIG issue that you’re all going to need to think about.
i think Marco or whatever his name is, is not going to reply to this anymore. anything else he says will further discredit him. anyone who reads this thread will know his practices.

im amazed the girls are still getting business.
i think Marco or whatever his name is, is not going to reply to this anymore. anything else he says will further discredit him. anyone who reads this thread will know his practices. Originally Posted by fredloveshead
Exactly, like I said before, Marco's biggest blunder was actually responding to the accusations which showed me he was a very egotistical individual, but so am I, but unlike him, I only pick fights I know I will win.
Marco seems like an intelligent and educated individual, but 'Pride comes before the fall'. It doesn't matter how many of the accusations are true or false. He dropped the ball by not realizing that by responding he was actually validating the accusations and making everyone suspicious of him.
He needs to learn to say, "No comment".
Still Looking's Avatar
Exactly, like I said before, Marco's biggest blunder was actually responding to the accusations which showed me he was a very egotistical individual, but so am I, but unlike him, I only pick fights I know I will win.
Marco seems like an intelligent and educated individual, but 'Pride comes before the fall'. It doesn't matter how many of the accusations are true or false. He dropped the ball by not realizing that by responding he was actually validating the accusations and making everyone suspicious of him.
He needs to learn to say, "No comment". Originally Posted by kingorpawn
EXACTLY! How stupid must someone be to jump on a thread and state he would address each and every issue brought up and then confront none of them? If Marco is NOT behind the agency / site in question, then why is he responding? Agencies are agencies! How this one does business remains the issue! While some might not care, but rest assure many will. It doesn't take long to verify and substantiate that what happened to me, can and will happen to others. To date my profile, ECCIE handle and description is still on his sight. And you don't need a membership to see it!
Thank you for your response.

Asian Ann
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I'm simply amazed at the amount of people that have stepped forward and have rallied around this situation. Both hobbyists and providers alike. While there is no way to determine how much business Marco has lost, I'm certain based on PM'S, emails and contact from two providers it has been significant. Marco continues to leave my profile along with others like Austin Girls up on his site. Giving credibility and substantiating everything that has been said about him and his business practices.
There's definitely been an impact since they picked KLOVVE to be the moderator for their site. It's called damage control, but they are sinking faster than the titanic.