Ladies! There is Strength in Numbers. Especially when information needs to be shared. But at times those numbers are used to intimidate as well as harm.

Hmm actually I've never considered myself relevant on Eccie and I hope I never am.
I don't really consider calling Whispers on his shit to be a battle for relevance.
I am a nobody on Eccie and I prefer it that way.

Although I have an alternate more appealing venue for getting my nookie I do miss the days when one could log into Coed and at least see one or two entertaining or useful conversations taking place at any given time.

They should just rename this the Whispers Forum.

In case you didn't notice providers and mongers alike are jumping ship right and left.

The hottest providers have been gone for quite some time and now there are almost no providers left at all.

As far as the few remaining mongers go? It's mostly either those who kiss Whisper's ass, those who defend themselves from Whispers and his crew or those who dare call Whispers on his BS.

It's not about relevance. It's more about getting a board back worth logging into.

Doesn't seem like much of a hobby forum these days to me. Originally Posted by Windinhishair

Great Idea

Hey MODS - can we start a new thread and call it the:

Toyz, Rock1Man1, dante0322, NativeTx78, gleemox, whispers, SL, rocker wreak and gfe goofball Drama Board?

Exclusive to only those members where they can out each other and display PM's to their hearts content. It should be only accessable to those who pay additional membership fees to view. Eccie will not make any revenue (who the hell would pay extra to view that crap) but it would save the rest of us from trying to weed through the junk to find useful information.

The entire Co-Ed Discussion thread is nothing but a dick fencing match it would seem em. Sometimes each of them offer a tidbit of good info, well some of them do, but a separate area for pissing matches would be good.

Now I am sure I will receive a dose of crap for this but really. Look at what all of you have written the last week. Am I really wrong? GO BACK AND LOOK FOR YOURSELVES AND THEN CRAP ON ME.
I gave Toyz top billing on that board but I am not set on that. It can be whatever you guys decide. (this will undoubtably start another argument)
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 04-04-2015, 04:51 PM
Personal outing? I see nothing in Whisper's post stating that he wants real world information and that he is going to share that with the board. I read it several times and RTM'd this thread for the staff area. If he does in the future actually reveal real world information , there will be severe consequences.

If you are not a part of the hobby "offenses" being mentioned below, you should have nothing to worry about. If no one comes forward because there's nothing going on, it's all a mute point anyway.

#5 - Outing or threats of outing are taken seriously. Membership here is anonymous and for the privacy of our members it will remain that way. That means any effort or attempt to connect a person's real world information to their username on this board will be dealt with swiftly and harshly. This includes real names, employment, medical info, addresses past or present, images, criminal or driving record, etc. We expect everyone who participates here to respect and go to great lengths to protect the anonymity and privacy of one another. Reckless disregard or accidental outing will also be taken very seriously.

It's my mod opinion that guideline #5 has not been violated. Originally Posted by sixxbach
OK. So. What you are saying is IF there is any personal outting AFTER the MODERATOR signed off collection of that information (from an external site that is in no way connected to eccie & collected by a board member NOT a Moderator)...then you...Sixxbach...are going to personally levy "severe Consequence's" on Whispers.

Whew. I feel safer now. Thanks .
Mike Vronsky's Avatar
I guess I became popular and trust worthy with everything that has occurred during the last week. I have been contacted by a few providers here to my surprise. A first for me as I'm usually contacting them.

After discussion with a few providers who confided in me that there are issues with some guys. I did ask if it was ok to post our conversation and they were ok with it as long as the handles were left off. So, in a nutshell it seems ztonk's statement is correct. There are guys here who attempt to bareback and it pisses the providers off.

The providers did mention that they read this post and made a couple of points. (1) They would not go to Whispers because one second he is calling them a lady and the next second he is raping then them through the coals (2) It is their problem not his (3) They believe that this thread was to tie OPEC guys to barebacking. Of the OPEC members they know they have not had an issue with this but they do know that there has been an issue with a TBU guy (no name provided, no name asked, and none will be given).

So, that is it in a nutshell.

This is a problem but I don't see what can be done about it. Trying to create an offline e-mail for providers to send personal info when they don't trust you is not going to work. Also, after having this discussion with the providers the way it came across to me is that we don't run their business. I do hope that every provider is safe and they are not stalked and terrorized.

I think that the best solution to the problem is this, for this to be handled in in the Powder Room - "How To Deal with Guys who Act This Type of Behavior."

This will provide anonymity maybe. I don't know but I think it is best for the ladies to figure it out how to deal with the creeps. Why would they believe a guy when a guy has been the problem. Its just my opinion.

I've never been to an outing so I've never met anyone. There is one TBU member they've nicknamed SHREK who they are glad that they see once. I won't go into why. I really would like to know who that is.

In the end guys, we are here to have fun. Respect the ladies.

Thanks to SL and Whispers for making me popular among the ladies.

This is one of those threads that if it had been started by a less controversial poster in a less combative/confrontational manner, it would have generated some much needed discussion in the community.

The ugly truth is that there are men in the hobby who are harming the women here. I use the word "harm" because there are any number of ways this manifests itself:
  • Physically forcing a lady to do something
  • Coercing or intimidating a lady into doing something that she'd prefer not to do to avoid a potential physical confrontation
  • Having unprotected sex without a lady's consent
  • Blackmailing a lady to provide services or discounted services in exchange for not outing them to their family/coworkers/landlord

I was talking to a provider a few weeks ago and she told me that almost every lady she knows in the hobby has been a victim of some kind of aggression. Think about that: almost every lady. That's just wrong. And this from a lady with impeccable reviews and screening.

What Whispers, in his usual bombastic way, is saying is that there are groups off of this board that share their exploits so that others can victimize these women again. And he theorizes that some of the guys who belong to these groups are also members here. Ladies who have been victims are afraid to come forward since they don't want to be ridiculed, or lose custody of their kids, or get thrown out by their landlord, or lose their job, or have a crazed psycho show up for an appointment and physically harm her, or worse.

How about if we discuss THAT instead of trading barbs?

ztonk Originally Posted by ztonk
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 04-04-2015, 05:50 PM
Whispers's Avatar
This is a problem but I don't see what can be done about it. Trying to create an offline e-mail for providers to send personal info Originally Posted by dante0322

Actually it is working as designed..... Perhaps you and a few ladies cannot read..

I don't think that is the case..... more likely you are simply fabricating as you have proven you will do when the facts do not support you.....

WHERE is there anything suggesting Providers send personal info?

Please refer to the OP...

"You can tell it, anonymously if you like, by emailing us at

In the subject line of your email put “Share” or “Info Only”… You can tell us who you are or you can make up a name…. Use a new address you design for the purpose if you like…. A Yahoo Group will be formed to accumulate all your stories and you will be allowed/encouraged to join… We are seeking a couple of ladies that want to be involved in verifying information as well as discussing what should be shared on the board. Control of the Yahoo Group will be passed to those ladies." Originally Posted by whispers
"TBU"? LOL... A joke that never existed.....

amusing watching you struggle for relevance.
Mike Vronsky's Avatar
I have not fabricated anything. I have stated facts as always. I have referenced my facts with links. You can say otherwise but everyone who goes across this board over the past week will know that you are the one who is always fabricating while I have provided references. Now that your comment has been addressed.

Again, I am stating what was relayed to me. Please read what I posted, it will save us a lot of time so there is no back and forth. I was given an earful.

There is a problem, I will agree with that. However, the opinion is that you want personal info and that is their opinion of the OP. I received an earful but that is all I'm going to say.

So, TBU is a joke that never existed. Well I guess you forgot to tell everyone it was a joke.

Lastly, I want to personally thank you and SL. Your negative attacks on me, this post and everything you do have changed things for the better for me here. It's nice being contacted by providers. Things are pretty awesome!

So again, I THANK YOU AND SL!!!! BRAVO!!!!

Actually it is working as designed..... Perhaps you and a few ladies cannot read..

I don't think that is the case..... more likely you are simply fabricating as you have proven you will do when the facts do not support you.....

WHERE is there anything suggesting Providers send personal info?

Please refer to the OP...

"TBU"? LOL... A joke that never existed.....

amusing watching you struggle for relevance. Originally Posted by Whispers
Whispers's Avatar
I was wondering how you would figure your way out of the hole you were digging.....

ignoring the questions or requests for clarity and shifting sides and thanking us now?....

universalenergy's Avatar
Kettle and pot.
Shake my freaking head.
Miss Valentina's Avatar
I don't know what the hell is going on here. Allz I know is I've been dying Easter Eggs all morning if one of you kinky mofos ever had the fantasy of getting a hand job from Smurfette.

Just saying.
Still Looking's Avatar
Several ladies have contacted me in regard to this thread. Two of them told me an all to familiar tale of MATT MAHON the photographer who scams ladies. here is a thread when it happened to Arabella Dolce:

He has guested his account and I'm sure has another handle now. His last victim was in Houston. Yes he lives here in Austin but travels. Perhaps one of the ladies can post in Infoshare about him. He is super easy to spot he uses his real name.

Same story as before. Starts out by wanting to exchange services for photography. If the provider says no he then negotiates an all night price. After the session both head to bank ATM and he can't get any money. Provider chases after him trying to get paid but he stops responding and the provider just gives up.
I don't know what the hell is going on here. Allz I know is I've been dying Easter Eggs all morning if one of you kinky mofos ever had the fantasy of getting a hand job from Smurfette.

Just saying. Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
I had to go find this....
SofaKingFun's Avatar
I don't know what the hell is going on here. Allz I know is I've been dying Easter Eggs all morning if one of you kinky mofos ever had the fantasy of getting a hand job from Smurfette.

Just saying. Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
What did one Easter Egg say to the other Easter Egg?


Back on-topic.

W/re: SL's photographer allegation...

Seems to me that the ladies should have collected the envelope up-front as opposed to trusting the dude to make good after services have been rendered.

...just sayin.



harkontume's Avatar
I don't know what the hell is going on here. Allz I know is I've been dying Easter Eggs all morning if one of you kinky mofos ever had the fantasy of getting a hand job from Smurfette.

Just saying. Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
Grace Preston's Avatar
All I can say is...

What in the hell happened to Austin? I got my start in the hobby in Austin about 9 years ago. I ADORED the city. Never had a problem with anyone that I encountered. I made a good living and didn't have any issues with drama or bs.

In recent years, I've made a couple of attempts to return to visit Austin. All have failed, which... is fine. I do better in some places than I do in others. But man-- the bickering, the drama, the "cliques", the threats..... how in the hell did it all change so seemingly quick?