Bill Clinton's Worst Nightmare - Monica Is Writing A Book

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
If recall they did go after Monica for a short time when they called her a crazed stalker. That dress and Linda Tripp may have saved her life.

I have seen recent pictures of Monica and given what she is willing to do I would like to meet her sometime. She could probably open her own business in Nevada and do well. Every woman would be personally trained by her.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Bill Clinton has Peyronie's disease; that means a severely bent penis. That came out in Paula Jone's law suit. In an earlier day, Clinton would have spent the rest of his life in hiding, out of sheer embarrassment; instead he becomes a rock star. He's the perfect icon for the modern day Democratic party.

Another interesting fact, that was revealed in the Starr Report, was that Monica didn't just give Clinton blowjobs in the oval office. She also gave him *rimjobs, or as the Starr Report calls it "oral-anal contact".

* Footnote 220. Originally Posted by joe bloe
that gives new meaning to crooked dick (Nixon)
joe bloe's Avatar
If recall they did go after Monica for a short time when they called her a crazed stalker. That dress and Linda Tripp may have saved her life.

I have seen recent pictures of Monica and given what she is willing to do I would like to meet her sometime. She could probably open her own business in Nevada and do well. Every woman would be personally trained by her. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
She could go into business selling knee pads.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
She could go into business selling knee pads. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Or testing them.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Paula Jones filed a suit against Slick Willie the Sexual Predator Perjurer for sexual harassment. Kathleen Willey claimed Slick Willie the Sexual Predator Perjurer groped her which is a form of sexual harassment. Junita Broaddrick claimed Slick Willie the Sexual Predator Perjurer raped her, the worst manifestation of sexual harassment.

Slick Willie the Sexual Predator Perjurer perjured himself in the Paula Jones trial. Slick Willie the Sexual Predator Perjurer obstructed justice in the Paula Jones case. Slick Willie the Sexual Predator Perjurer received a slap on the wrist for transgressions that would have cost others their jobs and their freedom. They only suspended his license to practise law. He can apply for reinstatement at any time. Any questions? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I have 2.

Why did you respond to my request for questions with your lame assed opinionated broken record statements?


What the fuck do those same lame assed opinionated broken record statements have to do with my posts?