The only demographic in America that reliably opposes abortion access is older men

HedonistForever's Avatar
Like I said, when the Baby Boomers are all gone, this country will go down hill faster than a soap box derby winner..... IMHO of course.
texassapper's Avatar
In this case, the responsibility falls upon old white men. Originally Posted by Jackie S
The proverbial white mans burden...
HedonistForever's Avatar
And just in case I haven't made it very clear to VM and others, it isn't Bible Thumpers making this determination of when life begins, it science. Doesn't meant you have to vote that way but facts are facts.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
apparently there are a few gosnells out there.
txdot-guy's Avatar
And just in case I haven't made it very clear to VM and others, it isn't Bible Thumpers making this determination of when life begins, it science. Doesn't meant you have to vote that way but facts are facts. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Who cares when life begins. The real question is rather can the state require a woman to bring said life to viability regardless of their wishes. It's my opinion that the state has no business telling a woman they are required to gestate a human being if they don't want to.

To do otherwise is to deprive women of autonomy over their own bodies.

Next thing you know they'll start requiring blood donations from people with rare blood types because it saves lives. Or perhaps they'll start requiring people to donate their extra kidney to save the life of another. etc etc.

And don't say this kind of thing doesn't happen. It happens to criminals in China all the time.
VitaMan's Avatar
And just in case I haven't made it very clear to VM and others, it isn't Bible Thumpers making this determination of when life begins, it science. Doesn't meant you have to vote that way but facts are facts. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Not really. Science has not determined when life begins.

On the other hand, you can say science has determined there is no God or creator.

That means your life has no meaning.

Everything you have known...everyone you have met...your all an accident of nature.

Think about that the next time you want to tell someone how to run their life.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Not really. Science has not determined when life begins.
Uh, yes they have, you just don't want to accept the answer to your question

On the other hand, you can say science has determined there is no God or creator.
We are discussing the law and science here. You want to bring in God, start your own thread like you are so fond of saying.

That means your life has no meaning.
I never thought that it did and still don't think it has any "meaning". I'm not a religious man so all that crap means nothing to me. And why are you all of a sudden preaching religion?

Everything you have known...everyone you have met...your all an accident of nature.
You want to discuss Creationism vs Evolution, start your own thread.

Think about that the next time you want to tell someone how to run their life.
Originally Posted by VitaMan

I haven't told a single soul how to run their life so as usual, you are barking up the wrong tree. I'm not a State Legislator so I can't tell anybody what to do.

And you might take your own advice next time you want to tell somebody how they should post. And didn't we just go through a couple of years of Democrats telling us all how to run our own lives with vaccine and mask mandates? Do you ever think before you say such ridiculous things? The state and federal government tell us all what we can and can't do and without that, there would be Anarchy if we all decided to do what ever the hell we want.

This is democracy in action, the people telling the government what we will accept and what we won't. If abortion is so important to the people, they will say so but don't be surprised if you find out that people in certain states don't want abortion in their states.
lustylad's Avatar can say science has determined there is no God or creator. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Holy fuck! When did that happen? "Science has determined there is no God"? Yikes!

Theologians have been pondering that question (does God exist?) for centuries - yet here you are telling us it has been definitively answered? Are you saying... all those centuries of painful intellectual soul-searching by religious scholars were wasted?

So sad!

I'm sure you have a link to support your claim that "science has determined there is no God".

Please post it here, VM.

Thanks in advance!
And just in case I haven't made it very clear to VM and others, it isn't Bible Thumpers making this determination of when life begins, it science. Doesn't meant you have to vote that way but facts are facts. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Science hasn’t and can’t make that determination. At least not in terms of human life. That’s why viability Independant of the uterus is the proper standard. Once it’s viable outside the womb I think we’d all agree it’s a “living human”. Prior, not so much. There may be a heartbeat at 6 weeks but no working lungs, kidneys, etc. most other organs have not developed to the point they are capable of getting the embryo alive.

Once we (science hospitals etc) can remove a six week embryo and keep it alive, I say they should do so in lieu of abortion. The state can care feed and raise the little buggers.
If you could figure out a way to implant a chimpanzee embryo into a human female uterus, and it was carried to term, what would come out is a baby chimp, not a human.

And visa versa.
texassapper's Avatar
Who cares when life begins. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
I imagine that it's rather important to the baby.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So melodramatic.
winn dixie's Avatar
I imagine that it's rather important to the baby. Originally Posted by texassapper
baby has no idea whats going on. Not even born yet
VitaMan's Avatar
Holy fuck! When did that happen? "Science has determined there is no God"? Yikes!

Theologians have been pondering that question (does God exist?) for centuries - yet here you are telling us it has been definitively answered? Are you saying... all those centuries of painful intellectual soul-searching by religious scholars were wasted?

So sad!

I'm sure you have a link to support your claim that "science has determined there is no God".

Please post it here, VM.

Thanks in advance! Originally Posted by lustylad

Read it again. You are mistaken.....again.

Always trying to twist statements. Always attacking other members. If that is your style, enjoy it.
That’s why I placed him on ignore. I’ll put up with a lot of things, but intentionally changing statements in order to make himself seem right I just won’t entertain.