Ask A Provider Anything

Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Thanks. That one was posted earlier. I was looking for an update on the actions that were supposed to have taken place today. Originally Posted by ElBombero
Sorry if it was posted in this thread; I just missed it.
Recurve Jones's Avatar
Thanks for your time here Estella, you really provided some good nuggets here and exhibited class throughout. Stay classy lady!
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I believe "Ask me Anything" threads are always fun and I want to open this up to other providers who might want to jump in and answer questions.

Clients: What have you always wanted to ask a provider? What are you curious about? Ask a provider anything! Originally Posted by CompanionEstella

First things first. You're a nice looking woman and I can appreciate that. I will try to keep my questions to one post.

1.) What sort of upbringing did you have and what made you turn to escorting?

2.) Since you're only 24 how long do you plan to be in this "game"?

3.) If you had a chance to do it all over (assuming under better circumstances) would you choose to escort?

4.) A.) What are your monthly expenses like? B. How much do you earn per month / year? C. What are your career escort earnings? (you may consider this TMI and that's fine but I love this thread idea)

5.) Do you see black guys?

6.) What's the race of the guys from Dallas that made you feel unsafe? If White it's ok to say it many of my close friends are white. (and don't write off all Texas for a group of bad apples)

7.) Do you sing in the shower?

8.) What are the international places you've traveled and where would you like to go?

9.) What are your politics? (I'm personally a hardcore Liberal; well I'm conservative on crime but liberal on prostitution

10.) What's your favorite TV show(s)?

11.) Do you believe in God and why?

12.) Which non relative inspired you the most growing up and why?

13.) Minus that time of the month. When would you say you're at your most vulnerable, sensitive, and fragile?

14.) What would you personally require (in terms of a Corporate job to leave the escort profession)

15.) What are some of your long term dreams and goals?

Thnx 4 the thread and answering as many questions as you're comfortable with
TinMan's Avatar
Dang. That's taking the thread title literally.
ElBombero's Avatar
He was just being obnoxious and trying to imply that I was wrong about the arraignment happening today when I posted about it several days ago. That article proves him wrong so he should pipe down now. Originally Posted by CompanionEstella
Thanks for the link. Nothing to prove, as I haven't said you were wrong. Of course, a single article from an independent blogger doesn't prove you're point either. If I implied that, it's likely due to a lack of information on the matter from mainstream sources, which I would assume would be all over this story.

There are many aspects of this story which would indicate that there is much more evidence for the charges available than simple reviews. Otherwise, what sets these 12 people apart from the other thousands that post reviews?

I'm sorry you didn't find success in this market, but blaming the market is not the best approach. If you feel that you're entitled to come here and demand guys pay your prices with no reviews, then I'm sure weren't happy with the results.

So, instead of working within the market, you choose to criticize the way things work here in the name of helping people understand the risk of what they are doing. And, then you bash the men here because they would rather see the the other lovely ladies who charge less for wonderful companionship, are well reviewed, or, in many cases both.

So, call me obnoxious if you'd like. Argue with an attorney with 35 years of experience in this space. I don't imagine he cares, either. Start a threAD to promote yourself. No harm there. But, if things aren't working out for you here, blaming anyone other than yourself is going to just turn more and more people off.

Now, I'll pipe down because my short, fat thumbs are tired and I have some things to do.
Sorry you had a butthead....It must be hard for traveling providers coming here accustomed to 400hr with limited gfe services. I'm not being a smartass either, I have enjoyed reading your answers.
The honest truth is that here in Texas the average hourly rate is 2-300hr with full gfe (bbbj and dfk) ....Reminds me of when Starbucks first appeared here for some reason.....You said it yourself, you're not a Gucci girl so it must come as no surprise that we Texans see no intrinsic value in paying more for....less.

My final question:
What are the last three movies you saw that you loved?
For me..
A Single Man with Colin Firth
Train to Busan...a korean movie
Neighbors 2...I'm easily amused

Live and Let Live!
First things first. You're a nice looking woman and I can appreciate that. I will try to keep my questions to one post.

1.) What sort of upbringing did you have and what made you turn to escorting?

2.) Since you're only 24 how long do you plan to be in this "game"?

3.) If you had a chance to do it all over (assuming under better circumstances) would you choose to escort?

4.) A.) What are your monthly expenses like? B. How much do you earn per month / year? C. What are your career escort earnings? (you may consider this TMI and that's fine but I love this thread idea)

5.) Do you see black guys?

6.) What's the race of the guys from Dallas that made you feel unsafe? If White it's ok to say it many of my close friends are white. (and don't write off all Texas for a group of bad apples)

7.) Do you sing in the shower?

8.) What are the international places you've traveled and where would you like to go?

9.) What are your politics? (I'm personally a hardcore Liberal; well I'm conservative on crime but liberal on prostitution

10.) What's your favorite TV show(s)?

11.) Do you believe in God and why?

12.) Which non relative inspired you the most growing up and why?

13.) Minus that time of the month. When would you say you're at your most vulnerable, sensitive, and fragile?

14.) What would you personally require (in terms of a Corporate job to leave the escort profession)

15.) What are some of your long term dreams and goals?

Thnx 4 the thread and answering as many questions as you're comfortable with Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

Thanks for your questions!

1. I had a pretty idealistic childhood/upbringing and have great relationships with my family. I chose this profession because I am a free spirited person and wanted to have the financial and time freedom to enjoy and make the most of my life.

2. I have a financial goal in mind that I want to have invested before I retire. While I earn quite a bit, it's different than a CEO who can reliably earn his salary into his 60s-70s. I believe the amount of time I have to earn the type of money I earn is finite and will decrease as I age. With that in mind, I'm typically very financially motivated so I will continue working until I have a certain amount invested. I'd expected that to happen by 25 but I am a little behind on my goals so I now expect it to happen within the next 2-3 years.

3. Yes, I would still choose to escort. The only thing I do not like about this profession is the danger. I will keep improving my safety precautions until I feel safe again.

4. Expenses/income vary greatly. I have had several 60k months and I've had rough months/times. I made 60k in August but in September-October I had a minor, annoying health problem that slowed me down and I made much less. September/October I still had a lot of expenses and I was renting a 2k per month incall. So my attitude is to take the feast and the famine as long as it all works out in the end. A typical day in Seattle for me was around 3-5 clients per day.

5. Yes, I see all races of people. I don't discriminate based on race and typically don't ask for a person's race.

6. He was white.

7. I don't sing in the shower and I usually prefer baths.

8. I've only been to Canada and I deliberately avoid getting a passport because I have strong wanderlust and fear that if I had a passport, I wouldn't stop traveling the globe.

9. I am a social liberal (abortion, prostitution, not electing sexual predators as president, minority rights) and an economic Republican (low taxes, not giving lazy people welfare).

10. Shark Tank.

11. I am not a religious person but I'm not exactly a non-believer either. I just don't think much about religion.

12, 13 Interesting questions. I'll have to think more on the answer.

14. I will leave when I have a certain amount invested. I don't think I'd be interested in a corporate job.

15. I am in the process of going back to school for a degree which I will hopefully parlay into a career working with animals.

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Thanks for your questions!

1. I had a pretty idealistic childhood/upbringing and have great relationships with my family. I chose this profession because I am a free spirited person and wanted to have the financial and time freedom to enjoy and make the most of my life.

2. I have a financial goal in mind that I want to have invested before I retire. While I earn quite a bit, it's different than a CEO who can reliably earn his salary into his 60s-70s. I believe the amount of time I have to earn the type of money I earn is finite and will decrease as I age. With that in mind, I'm typically very financially motivated so I will continue working until I have a certain amount invested. I'd expected that to happen by 25 but I am a little behind on my goals so I now expect it to happen within the next 2-3 years.

3. Yes, I would still choose to escort. The only thing I do not like about this profession is the danger. I will keep improving my safety precautions until I feel safe again.

4. Expenses/income vary greatly. I have had several 60k months and I've had rough months/times. I made 60k in August but in September-October I had a minor, annoying health problem that slowed me down and I made much less. September/October I still had a lot of expenses and I was renting a 2k per month incall. So my attitude is to take the feast and the famine as long as it all works out in the end. A typical day in Seattle for me was around 3-5 clients per day.

5. Yes, I see all races of people. I don't discriminate based on race and typically don't ask for a person's race.

6. He was white.

7. I don't sing in the shower and I usually prefer baths.

8. I've only been to Canada and I deliberately avoid getting a passport because I have strong wanderlust and fear that if I had a passport, I wouldn't stop traveling the globe.

9. I am a social liberal (abortion, prostitution, not electing sexual predators as president, minority rights) and an economic Republican (low taxes, not giving lazy people welfare).

10. Shark Tank.

11. I am not a religious person but I'm not exactly a non-believer either. I just don't think much about religion.

12, 13 Interesting questions. I'll have to think more on the answer.

14. I will leave when I have a certain amount invested. I don't think I'd be interested in a corporate job.

15. I am in the process of going back to school for a degree which I will hopefully parlay into a career working with animals.

Thanks! Originally Posted by CompanionEstella

Dam you ROCK!!!! but do me a favor and don't answer #13 publicly or maybe even at all. If you like you can PM the answer but I wouldn't want others trying to manipulate you based on your answer. So drop it and thanks for the general insight. Very well done
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
double post
Sorry you had a butthead....It must be hard for traveling providers coming here accustomed to 400hr with limited gfe services. I'm not being a smartass either, I have enjoyed reading your answers.
The honest truth is that here in Texas the average hourly rate is 2-300hr with full gfe (bbbj and dfk) ....Reminds me of when Starbucks first appeared here for some reason.....You said it yourself, you're not a Gucci girl so it must come as no surprise that we Texans see no intrinsic value in paying more for....less.

My final question:
What are the last three movies you saw that you loved?
For me..
A Single Man with Colin Firth
Train to Busan...a korean movie
Neighbors 2...I'm easily amused

Live and Let Live! Originally Posted by Butch Cassidy
This applies to you and the aptly made "ElBombero", though I am responding to your comment directly because he has lost the right to receive responses from me via poor reading comprehension and argumentative nature.

Please review the thread and learn that my negative experiences were not related to the market or lack of interest. In fact, I received a great deal of interest in Dallas in particular and I believe my income in Dallas would be equal to my income in Seattle. Not more, not less.

My negative experience was not related to finances. My negative experience was related to the more DANGEROUS environment here and the fact that I do not feel safe. I have canceled all of my appointments for the week because I do not feel safe. I don't know if I would be open to taking an appointment at this point but if I were, it would have to be with the strictest of screening procedures.

Perhaps it is more convenient for people to imagine my complaints were finance related as opposed to safety related but that does not make it the truth.
hotrix1's Avatar
However, if I had a boyfriend, I would certainly enjoy Greek. Originally Posted by CompanionEstella
How about if it was a boyfriend-by-the-hour? You did say ask anything. LOL

Passing thru SA in a week. Might be interested in meeting you if it can be arranged.

Yes, I believe the precedent set by the cases in Seattle mean that all those who write reviews on any board are at risk of felony charges. The legal system works on precedents and a precedent has been set.

. Originally Posted by CompanionEstella
Firstly, I am truly sorry you had a bad experience in Texas. Truly.

With that said, precedent isn't set by "12 people in Seattle wrote reviews and were charged with felonies now everyone who has ever written a review will also be charged with felonies."

Being charged with a felony doesn't mean jack until the case is adjucated. There is a big long road that occurs from the time of "charged with felony" to "everyone who writes reviews also will be charged with felonies". The other big caveat here is that in order for there to be precedent, among many things, is that at a minimum all the cases that follow would have to be near similar in circumstances.

I've never met ShysterJon but I read his interpretation of this Seattle case. The way I understand Shyster Jon's take on this Seattle stuff (and this is just my understanding so could be completely wrong) is that these reviews in Seattle weren't just "reviews" there were extensive extra curricular activities that this group of gentleman did on top of the reviews, that led to the federal charges.

Am not lawyer though, just part-time heaux.
Firstly, I am truly sorry you had a bad experience in Texas. Truly.

With that said, precedent isn't set by "12 people in Seattle wrote reviews and were charged with felonies now everyone who has ever written a review will also be charged with felonies."

Being charged with a felony doesn't mean jack until the case is adjucated. There is a big long road that occurs from the time of "charged with felony" to "everyone who writes reviews also will be charged with felonies". The other big caveat here is that in order for there to be precedent, among many things, is that at a minimum all the cases that follow would have to be near similar in circumstances.

I've never met ShysterJon but I read his interpretation of this Seattle case. The way I understand Shyster Jon's take on this Seattle stuff (and this is just my understanding so could be completely wrong) is that these reviews in Seattle weren't just "reviews" there were extensive extra curricular activities that this group of gentleman did on top of the reviews, that led to the federal charges.

Am not lawyer though, just part-time heaux. Originally Posted by BBW Jane Smith

Sorry, but you just haven't learned enough about the cases to talk about it. I know people actually involved in the cases (which is how I knew this would happen today before it did) so I have a better understanding of what has gone on.

First of all, the 12 people who were arraigned today are just the latest in a string of people who were also charged with felonies for review writing. They were arraigned because of the precedent sent by the earlier cases where LE got away with distorting the law by bullying and scaring most of defendants into felony plea deals. Many cases have already been adjudicated with the prosecutors winning every one by offering very little wiggle room in their plea deals.

Second of all, I never said that all people who wrote reviews will be charged with felonies. I said that people DESERVE to be aware that they could potentially be charged with a felony for writing a review so they understand what the risk is before they take it.

Third of all, I realize that Shyster John has said that but he is simply incorrect. A few of the defendants did more than just write reviews but many of the defendants were guilty of nothing other than writing 2-3 reviews 3-5 years ago. One defendant was guilty of writing a review on his computer but never posted it. He was charged with a felony and plead to a misdemeanor. He is one of the only defendants who was allowed to escape with a misdemeanor and that was only because he didn't actually post the review.

One of the newly arraigned is a client of mine. He is guilty only of writing 3 reviews, 3 years ago. He didn't attend any meetings or join the League. The reviews were not of Asian providers and were not explicit. Just because he wrote some non-explicit, kindly worded reviews of 3 ladies he visited, he has been charged with a felony. Of course, he is not the only one.
TheEccie214's Avatar
Sorry, but you just haven't learned enough about the cases to talk about it. I know people actually involved in the cases (which is how I knew this would happen today before it did) so I have a better understanding of what has gone on.

First of all, the 12 people who were arraigned today are just the latest in a string of people who were also charged with felonies for review writing. They were arraigned because of the precedent sent by the earlier cases where LE got away with distorting the law by bullying and scaring most of defendants into felony plea deals. Many cases have already been adjudicated with the prosecutors winning every one by offering very little wiggle room in their plea deals.

Second of all, I never said that all people who wrote reviews will be charged with felonies. I said that people DESERVE to be aware that they could potentially be charged with a felony for writing a review so they understand what the risk is before they take it.

Third of all, I realize that Shyster John has said that but he is simply incorrect. A few of the defendants did more than just write reviews but many of the defendants were guilty of nothing other than writing 2-3 reviews 3-5 years ago. One defendant was guilty of writing a review on his computer but never posted it. He was charged with a felony and plead to a misdemeanor. He is one of the only defendants who was allowed to escape with a misdemeanor and that was only because he didn't actually post the review.

One of the newly arraigned is a client of mine. He is guilty only of writing 3 reviews, 3 years ago. He didn't attend any meetings or join the League. The reviews were not of Asian providers and were not explicit. Just because he wrote some non-explicit, kindly worded reviews of 3 ladies he visited, he has been charged with a felony. Of course, he is not the only one. Originally Posted by CompanionEstella
Be prepared for his "I do this for a living" reply...he can't handle being wrong.
terrier16973479's Avatar
I just wanted to say I really appreciate your thread! I have mentioned this in other threads, but this is an opportunity to find out what goes on in the intelligent mind of a beautiful woman (more beautiful than Selma Hyek, in my opinion), and furthermore, a provider.
I always look for opportunities like this, because like most guys, I don't understand women at all, yet I am fascinated with them.
And gentlemen, how many providers on here are opening themselves up like this? Forgive the pun, it was not intentional.
Thank you, CompanionEstella! Safe travels! I get back to Seattle to visit family from time to time, and when I do, I will definitely look you up!